From The Dark (PalletShipping)

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(Requested by @TacoNightFury)

It was Halloween night and two Pallet Town friends had decided to get ready for the night at the professors house.

Upstairs, Gary Oak and Ash Ketchum had gotten dressed. The latter was dressed as a vampire with black wings. He claimed the costume brought out his eyes and made him look cool. Although, Ash had his own thoughts as to why the Oak dressed that way.

As for the ravenette, he was dressed as a character named Danny from the movie Grease.

That is, he was dressed and ready to go until something strange happened.

Just as the two males were about to leave for the night, Gary slammed the door shut. He locked the door and turned to face Ash with his arms folded over his chest.

"G-gary... What're you d-doing? Why a-are you staring at m-me like t-that?" The ravenette awkwardly questioned his friend. The sudden change in the way the latter looked at him dazzled him. For some reason the Ketchum liked it.

Licking his lips, Gary pounced onto his shorter friend, nockung him onto the king sized bed behind them.

"Hey!" Ash flailed his arms out in an attempt to shove the young Oak off but failed.

The ravenette was about to protest something, but was silenced when the Oak pressed his lips to Ash's.

This action froze the ravenette long enough for the Oak to begin his work. Quickly he removed the ravenette's leather jacket and shirt than proceeded to tieing down his wrists to the bed.

After regaining his movement, Ash struggled to undo the ties on his wrists.

"Why are you d-doing this!"

The latter ognored his friend. He placed both hands on the sides of Ash's restrained wrists, brunging his right leg between Ash's.

Ash's eyes opened wide at Gary's actions. He stared fearfully into green eyes, averting his own gaze and eyes away.

Moving his head to the side was a fatal move, this allowed the Oak access to get a good view of perfectly unmarked tanned skin.

Licking his lips, Gary lowered his head to the Ketchum's neck. He licked the skin gently before biting down hard, drawing up some blood.

The ravenette held in his scream of pain of being bitten on his neck. It hurt, making his vision blur a bit.


With half lided eyes, Ash stared at his friend, a light blush on the z's of his face. The way the Oak looked sent his heart aflutter.

The latter had the ravenette's blood dripping down his chin, green eyes glowing, his forming smirk.


The Oak closed his eyes, shoving himself off the Ketchum. He held his head in his hands. A low groan sounded from the latter as he rubbed his eyes.

The glow that was once there was now gone and replaced with shame.

"I'm so sorry, Ash, I don't know what came over me."

The Ketchum blinked his eyes rapidly as he watched his friend undo the ties to his wrists and move off the bed, wiping the blood off his chin with one of the sleeves of the costume.

Just as Gary was about to unlock the door to leave, Ash pounced onto his back.


The latter looked back, a blush on each of their faces.

"Don't go without me, we always trick-or-treat together."

The Oak's brows knotted into confusion. Why would Ash want to go trick-or-treating with him after what just happened?

"But, Ash, I can't go with you now. Not after what happened."

The ravenette scratched the back of his head - a thought popped found it's way to him.

"Sure you can! It's probably just the costume that made you act that way. Come to think of it... didn't you by it from the ghost girl in Kalos?"

Face palming, Gary lowered his head. Leave it Ash to bring up that supernatural was the cause of his sudden outburst.

"Fine, but I'm changing this costume. And one more thing, don't you dare bring this up while we're out in the streets."

Smiling, Ash nodded. The two males seperated in the room; Ash retrieving his discareded shirt and leather jacket. Gary rummaging through his dresser to find something diffrent to wear.

Both males redressed themselves, Ash still as Danny from Grease and Gary as... Ash...

"Are those my Kalos Region clothes?" Ash questioned once Gary gave the okay for Ash to tirn and look at him.

"Yeah, your mom made me a copy of yours since I liked them so much."

The Ketchum laughed before walking over to the door, to unlock it.

"Ready to hit the Region for free candy!" Chirped an excited ravenette.

"You bet! Whoever gets the least amount of candy by the end of the night has to sleep on the floor!" Gary challenged.

The two nodded with determination as they charged out the professors house and out into the cool Pallet Town night.

Laying on the young Oak's bed was the vampire costume. It glowed with the moonlight touching it before vanishing into thin air.

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