Battling Team Flare (KalosShipping)

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(Requested by @HiragaKaito)

A fierce battle was taling place on Route 8. The battle was between Team Flare and several young trainers. Two of the trainer stood in the way of the head of Team Flare, Lysander.

With a flick of his wrist, Lysander commanded his Pyroar to attack.

"Yvonne! Watch out!"

A Fire Blast from Pyroar came charging towards Yvonne Gabena. The girl was defenseless to do anything to block the attack when it her. The sky trainer was thrown back by the attack. She didn't stop until her back hit a rocky wall before falling limp on the ground below.

Anger washed over the usually depressed child prodigy named Xavier. His watched as his best friend lay on the rocky ground in an moving state.

"YVONNE!" Xavier yelled once he found his voice. The male trainer ran over to his best friend's side, kneeling over to examine her wonds.

There were several bruises along the female trainers arms and legs. Her short honey hair hide scratches along her forehead and neck.

A low growl rose the male trainers throat. He stood up and faced Lysander with his hat hiding his eyes.

"How could you do such a thing to her! This battle was between you and me... I will make you regret hurting her!"

Unfazed by the speech, Lysander commanded another attack. This time however was diffrent. Instead of Pyroar attacking the trainers or Pokémon, he shot fire at the ground. The fire spread like a wildfire around Xavier and Yvonne.

Through the fire the head of Team Flare could be heard.

"Listen well boy. There is nothing you could possibly do to stop Team Flare from achieving it's goal."

Narrowing his eyes, Xavier coughed at the fire. Any signs of oxygen were beginning to fade, the smoke was making it hard to breath and see.

"Hold on Yvonne." The male trainer whispered. He gathered as much energy that he could as he lifted his friend into his arms.

Scanning the area, Xavier located the safest way out before running through the fire. He held Yvonne close and away from any fires that threatened to touch her.

"Just a little further." Xavier huffed. With a finally sprint the two had made it through the fire to land in a heaf several feet away from the fire.

From the landing a Pokéball fell out from the pocket of Yvonne's red skirt.

Not wasting a moment, Xavier sent out Yvonne's Croaky and ordered it to putt out the fire.

As the frog Pokémon worked on putting out the fire, Xavier tended to Yvonne.

Checking for a pulse on the girl's wrist, the male trainer did his best to keep his cool. Anger, worry, and fright ran through the trainer's veins. What would happen if he lost his best friend? No, it was more than that... Sweat started to roll down the sides of Xavier's face at these thoughts.

A ragged breath was taken in by the female trainer. This caught the male trainer off guard and nearly jumped back.


Letting go of the girl's wrist Xavier took his hat off. He slowly fanned the girl with his hat as she began to open her eyes.

"X... X-xavier..."

Xavier stared in shock as his friend sat up. There was no possible way she could just sit up like that without feeling pain in her back.

"Be careful! You got pretty banged up on your back, you should just lay down and res-"

The male's words were cut short when gentle hands cupped his face. A thumb pressed to his lips to silence anything that he was about to say.

"I'm fine, I've been through worse. Now where's Lysander?" Yvonne asked as she glanced around the now fire free area.

Blushing, Xavier brought his hands to cup Yvonne's face. He looked away when she looked back to him.

Whispering, Xavier removed his hands. "I'm glad you're alright."

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