Confession (CuteBoneShipping)

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"And then Raichu and I got t these Big Malasada's for free! That lady was so kind to us." A young man with forest green hair exclaimed to his slightly taller friend.

"So when she handed me them I noticed that there were 3 of them. And I instantly thought of sharing one with you, Gladion!"

Gladion, who was a former enforcer to Team Skull smiled slighlty to his short friend. Usually he was left out of friendly gatherings or gift givings, but not with Hau.

Ever since the blonde's mother and sister had left to Kanto, Hau had been his closest friend. The two often hung out at Iki Town where the grenette usually stayed but for the time being they were in Malie City. Or to be more specific, they were sitting under an umbrella at a table in Malie Garden.

They had chosen Malie Garden for two reasons. One the music and culture of the garden filled the two with warmness. And two... Gladion had suggested it was a calm place to tell something important to Hau.

"Here's yours!" Hau smiled. He held out a Big Malasada across the table to the blonde. "Did I mention it's chocolate flavored!"

Gladion gladly accepted the Big Malasada. His fingers barely touched the tips of the shorter males as he took the offering.

Hau smiled a big toothy grin as he took a large bite of his own Malasada. His mouth formed into an ever growing smile, eyes closeing, as he savored the taste.

Gladion watched as his friend ate the Big Maladada with such eagerness. The sight made him smile. Seeing Hau so happy filled his heart with a warm feeling.

"Mmmm! It's soooo good!" Hau spoke between bites. He opened his eyes to see how Gladion was liking the Big Malasada himself. Only to find the blonde staring at him with a smile, which Hau found quiet cute.

The latter averted his eyes from the greenette. A tinge of blush dusted his cheeks and he hoped that his bangs would hide it. Ignoring the embarrassment he felt, Gladion took a bite out of his Big Malasada. The moment he tasted it his eyes shot open with a sparkle in them.

"Woah... These are actually really good..."

Hau chuckled as he himself watched the blonde eat the Big Malasada vigorously. His eyes never breaking away from his watch, even when he continued to eat his own Malasada.

"That was really good!" Gladion said. He sported an awkward smile as he looked up to see Hau staring at him.

"...Yeah... Oh I just remembered! Didn't you say you had something to tell me?"

Gladion nodded his head almost robotically. His nerves were starting to get the best of him. Butterfree danced around in his stomach as he stood up from his seat. He smoothed his bangs with his left hand as he walked over to Hau's seat across the round table, closing his eyes in embaressment for what he was about to do.

"About that... I need you to follow me somewhere really quick." Holding out his right hand to Hau, Gladion did his best to hide a blush that was beginning to form.

"Sure!" Hau smiled. He gladly took the blondes hand. The two walked together to a much more private area of Malie Garden where Gladion was sure no one would find them.

Looking around, Gladion let go of Hau's hand. His own was sweating and he wondered if the shorter had noticed.

"So..." Gladion turned to face the greenette. His blush grew when he noticed how the shorter was looking at him. Hau's face gave a look of pure innocence. His lips formed in the sweetest smile he'd ever seen, his eyes seemed to sparkle in the sun, and just everything was right about him in that moment.

"Why do you make this so much harder for me to say!" The blonde mumbled to himself as he tried his best to stay calm.

"Hau..." Gladion began. He couldn't help but bring his hands up, cupping the greenette's face. "I... like you... like, like you like you."

Hau's jaw dropped a bit, but not very much since his cheeks were being dquished by the blonde. His heart pounded at what was just said and all he could do was stare.

A few awkward moments passed by and Gladion could feel himself dieing with embarrassment. His face burned and was almost positive that Hau didn't feel the same way since he hadn't said anything. Slowly he began to pull his hands away only to have them placed back where they were with a pair of smaller hands on his own.

"You mean it?" Hau asked in almost a whisper. A soft smile was forming on both the trainers faces as they realized that they both had feelings for each other.


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