In Good Hands (OriginalShipping)

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It had been about seven years since Green had last seen his red eyed friend and rival. The green eyed male knew that the ravenette lived up in Mt. Silver after talking to a boy named Gold, who was carrying around a boy named Silver in a school girl uniform...

"Gah! Why doesn't that freak show ever come down from that damn mountain! I understand how he feels about coming down now, but would it kill him to drop by every now and than to tell me 'hey guess who's still alive'. But, no he just loves that unbearable cold more than he could ever love me!" Declared a tired out Green. He had just come home from his gym in Veridian City, in complete and utter stress. Every opponent he had seen all day remined him of Red.

Rethinking his little speech, Green blushed a bit. He couldn't get over the fact that he declared his 'love' for Red to his T.V.

Almost as if the Viridian Gym Leader's stress couldn't get any worse, a knock was heard at his front door.

"What is it now? Can't anyone see that I'm not in the mood to converse today?"

Slightly agitated, Green yanked open his door, eyes closed with a hand on his hips and an arm on the doors side. "What do you want?"

Silence, was the brunette's answer. Calming his voice down, Green opened an eye to look at his visitor. "Ye- RED!"

Before him was none other than Red! His old friend and rival!

"What in the name of Mew are you doing here?! How did you get here?"

Once more Green was greeted by silence.

Typical Red... Gold did say Red talked a bit now though, right? Green thought to himself.

"Not talking, huh? Well you might as well come in. If your hungry I got some- wah?" Green began, but was interrupted as Red began to snuggle his face into the black jacket of Green's.

"Red! Cut it out, j-just get inside before my neighbor's see you!"

Quickly Green grabbed the ravenette by his shoulders, and shoved him inside.

Flustered, Green turned around to face his for-sure-alive friend/rival.

"What was that about? First you take everything from me, then you left me for seven years, and now you show up and hug me like nothing ever happened? I swear, Red, it's like your trying to drive me insane!"

Looking away from the glaring green gaze, Red tilted his signature hat forward. A slight chuckle could be heard as he feel to his knees.

"Red!" Green called out as he caught the ravenette. "What's wrong?"

The red eyed trainer laughed into his friends shoulder.

"I missed you..."

Green blushed a bit as he heard the voice he had missed so much after so long.

"I missed you too, Red."

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