Happy 10th Anniversary (PearlShipping)

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The sun had barely risen in the Ketchum household. All was quiet, except for the light shuffling of Ash Ketchum. The now 20 year old male had never been an early riser, but today was special. Today was his 10th Anniversary of being with Dawn!

The male Ketchum wanted everything to be just... perfect for his lover today! After all he had risen at dawn to prepare for the day.

Quickly the brown eyed male scurried off his side of the bed. In the process he managed to wake up Piplup. The water type rubbed his eyes as he watched Ash get out of bed to grab something from his side of the dresser.

The ravenette noticed that the water type had woken up after hearing a small "lup" come his way. Quickly the ravenette put a finger to his lips to keep the Pokemon quiet.

In a low whisper the male Ketchum spoke to the Piplup.

"Shhh! I want to surprise Dawn with a gift I got her." Pausing for a moment Ash looked back to make sure that Dawn was still asleep, which she was, before continuing. "You remember how 10 years ago I gave her a promise ring? Well, I've finally scrapped up enough money to have bought her a real wedding ring! Today is the day that I'll finally propose to her!"

Piplup squealed in delight! He even gave a satisfied smirk as he walked with Ash on the side of the bed to get to Dawn.

Together the two looked down at their sleeping friend. A smile found its way to the male Ketchum as he watched his soon to be wife wake up.

The girl smiled up to Ash as soon as she realised how close he was to her. Before she got a chance to speak, she was lifted out of bed in a bridal style motion to be spun around in place.

"H-hey! Good morning to you too sunshine." Dawn giggled. She nuzzed under Ash's chin with the top of her head. Her arms klinging onto Ash's shoulders.

"Morning! I have a surprise for you, but you have to get ready first! Than I'll show you what it is."


Several hours had passed by since the morning. The couple had spent the day at Twinleaf's town annual carnival near Lake Verity. While there they played many games and went on several rides. One ride in particular was one they were on at the very moment, the Ferris Wheel. The Ferris Wheel carts were inclosed, meaning there was a small walk way to get in and seated.

As they neared the top, Ash decided this was now or never. He stood down in front of Dawn's seat on the Ferris Wheel. His heart was pounding as he grabbed Dawn's hands.

"Dawn, you make me the happiest person in this crazy world. Your smile is all I ever want to see for the rest of my life." Now the Ketchum was kneeling down, holding his box open, that held a shiny pearl ring. He looked closely into his lovers eyes, which were close to tears. "Will you make the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"

Ash didn't even get a second to breath for Dawn had tackled him in a hug. Rears streamed down her flushed face. She planted several butterfly kiss on the ravenettes face before kissing his soft tanned lips.

Several moments of their sweet innocent kiss passed by. Their cart made it to the bottom once again, where the soon to be married couple got out.

The two held hands as they walked towards the Berzilt household to tell Johanna the great news!

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