Not A Game (PreciousMetalShipping)

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Silver trudged towards Crystal's house with the enthusiasm of a tired Snorlax, which was pleasant. The red haired boy had little to no interest this afternoon to go anywhere, but Gold had invited him. Besides the golden eyed boy promised a special surprise. Gold was his real friend after all - not to mention his crush

"It's about time you got here!" Exclaimed Crystal once Silver arrived. The girl was holding a brush in her right hand in her left was a blue ribbon. With the hand holding a brush, Crystal motioned for the red haired boy to follow.

Rolling his eyes, Silver followed the girl inside. The trainer's climbed up the stairs to Crystal's room. The room itself was the same as the past, organized.

Silver took notice of a few new posters hanging on the walls. One poster in particular caught his eye; it was a poster of the Kanto Region. Maybe one day he would travel to Kanto hand-in-hand with Gold.

Slowly Crystal walked over to her open closet. Without a word she grabbed a school girl's uniform. The skirt looked dangerously too short for comfort.

"Crystal, if you're planning on doing a fashion show, I'm leaving. Where's Gold anyway, I thought he was going to be here?" Silver said with arms folded over his chest.

In one fast motion Crystal had thrown her brush in Silver's direction while closing her closet door. Her face flourished into a sly expression.

"Actually, I won't be the one doing this 'fashion show', you will."

A look of fear flashed in the red haired boys eyes before fading. He began to walk towards the open door. "There's no way that I'd ever wear that! If you think I'd ever participate in this, than you're sadly mistaken."

"You asked for it, Silver. You know how you asked where Gold was right? Crystal said smugly. She snapped her fingers and waited.

Silver slid a half glance towards Crystal, who pointed to something behind him. Silver gulped as he turned to find who he wished wasn't blocking the door.

"Nice to see you again Silv!" Gold smiled, setting aside a key he used to lock the door behind him. "Don't mind me one bit, but if you won't get dressed into that than I'll be helping you."

Silver stared frozen at Gold's comment. He released a breath of annoyance to the ground. Just who did these people take him for? A dress up doll or something in that category?

Without giving Silver a chance to protest, Gold approached his friend. A gentle hand was placed on the red head's shoulder, the other pulling on his jacket zipper. Once the jacket was unzipped it was thrown aside, leaving only a gray long sleeved shirt. Than the golden eyed boy brought both his hands down. One placed on a zipper, the other on the him of the pants, a few fingers sliding underneath the fabric.

Automatically Silver grabbed Gold's hands to stop him. Both of their faces wore a light blush. There was no way this was going to happen, especially infront of a girl!

"S-stop! I'll change myself, j-just get out!"

With a satisfied smile, Gold looked to Silver than to Crystal, who had the left the room before the two had stareted their little undressing.

"Thank you... um... you can let go of my hands now, Silver."

Suddenly realizing he was still holding Gold's hands, Silver let go. His blush growing as he shoved his best friend and crush out of the room, closing the door. The key was gone so there wouldn't be a chance to lock himself in the room.

Sighing, Silver began to undress out of his own clothes, folding them onto Crystal's bed. Than changed into the school girls uniform. He fixed the ribbon into his hair before exiting the room.

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