Chapter 2 : The Next Step....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 2 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

I reach the FBI room.I knock on the door and enter.

"Hello Tris",Grace greets.

Grace is one of the executives of the FBI.I have met her before.

The last time I met her....I asked her to...scratch that,I pleaded her to find the killer.

"Hi Grace",I say.

"Sit down",She says pointing to the chair in front her.A table is separating her chair and the one she's pointing to.

I sit down.


"Uh....we have found the killer of your parents and brother",She says.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes.You can't cry Tris.No you can't.

4 months of searching,investigation,trauma & determination have led to this.Finally !

" ?",Is all I'm able to say.

"We did a finger print match.The killer wasn't very smart enough and left finger prints on the weapon he used to kill.The finger prints match to that of a man named Tobias Eaton",Grace says. (A/N : "What the hell just happened ??????",I know that's what you guys are thinking right now.But it gets better !!)

So its a "he".A he killed my parents and not a her. (A/N : This is with respect to the Prologue where she uses he/she,Him/her.Get it ? No ? Then its okay.You can just ignore this A/N :))

"Why ?",I ask.

"According to what we've collected...the events that unfolded that day were...Tobias wanted something from your house.Marcus has come to visit your parents.Your parents denied him what he wanted and in a fit of anger....he killed everyone in the house.He locked the door when he entered and exited the door through the window",Grace says and I shiver.

Who could be so heartless ?? Who ??

"Grace....are you sure ?",I ask.

The last thing I want is to find out that he's not actually the killer.

"Tris....we didn't spend 4 months doing nothing.We calculated,recalculated,imagined,reimagined the events that unfolded that day",Grace says and I just nod unsure.

"The FBI never makes a mistake Tris",She says and I nod.That is definitely true.

With that assurance...all my doubts fade away.

"So...what's next ?",I ask.

"We'll contact him and then try him in the court",She says.

"So you know where he is ?",I ask.

"Yes.Chicago.He fled.And he adopted the name 'Four' so as to avoid discovery.So we will send our agents to escort him here and try him",She says.

He doesn't deserve that.He deserves worse.

"But Grace....he killed 4 people and by FBI standards...that is definitely high",I point out.

"I know.Its just a formality.We will kill him after trying him of course.Because he's a threat to the society",Grace says.

"I want to do it Grace",I say.My voice firm.

"What ?",She asks.

"I'm going to find him and then kill him",I tell her.

"Tris....we can't let you do that",She says.

" know I deserve to kill him more than anyone else.He killed my family.He snatched my happiness away from me",I say trying hard not to let my tears fall.

But deep inside my heart I know why I want to kill him.Its because....unless I don't do it myself....I'm not going to be sure if he actually died or not.I will keep wondering if my family really got justice ? Or if there was an unlikely mistake.

"Tris we can't-",She begins but I cut her off.

"Please Grace.Let me do it",I insist.She sighs.

"Okay.....we're not allowed to do this.But I'm bending the rule just this one time",She says and I nod.

"Thanks Grace",I say meaning it.

"But we can't let you go alone.You need one more member of the WPP to go with you.And since Christina is who you're the closest to....we are sending her with you",She says.

"No !! I can't risk her life",I say.

"You're not.I chose to go with you",A voice says behind me.Christina.

"Chris-",I begin and she cuts me off.

"I'm coming Tris.Whether you like it or not",She says and I sigh.

"So it's done.You both will be going",She says and we nod.

Grace types something on her laptop and shows it to us.

It's a picture of him !!!!

A/N : So that was the end of the Second Chapter !!! How was it ?? The first time Tris lays her eyes on Tobias !! Aww !!! ;) Anyways....Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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