Chapter 25 : Dance Floor....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 25 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

Great ! Just great !!

There are like 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 people here.

Well....not that much.

I might've exaggerated a little.

But you get the point.

I didn't want to come actually.But Four forced me to.

"Birthday boy's wish",He said.

"I see you're admiring the view",Four says smirking.I groan making him laugh.

"I want to be anywhere but here",I say.Four just grins.

Everyone has already begun dancing.Except me and Four.

Uriah with Marlene,Zeke with Shauna and Christina with Will.

Des felt a little sick so she didn't come.

I sit on a Bar stool and Four sits next to me.

"Aren't you dancing ?",I ask.

"You see....I don't have a partner.I'll just wait for this romantic song to get over and hit the dance floor",Four says.

"Or you could dance with your love",I say smiling.

"My love ?",He asks confused.

"Zeke",I say laughing.He looks at me with 'anger' for a while and then joins in the laughter.

"Who's your love ?",Four asks.

"I don't have a boyfriend",I say.

"You know....your love doesn't have to be your boyfriend",He says.I roll my eyes at him.

"Thanks,genius",I say making him grin with pride.

"I've never...had one",I admit.

"Never ?",He asks shocked.

"Yeah....why ?",I ask.

"How old are you ?",He asks.I roll my eyes at him.

"Too personal.Don't you think ?",I joke.

"Yeah.Very personal",He replies sarcastically.

"I'm 21",I say.

"I refuse to believe that in this 21 years of existence....a beautiful lady like you hasn't ever had a boyfriend",He says.Over dramatically,I might add.

"Gee Thanks !",I reply making him laugh.I laugh too.

"What about you ? Ever had one",I ask.

"Boyfriend ? Yeah...Zeke",He replies making me laugh.

"You know that's not what I meant",I say.

"Nope.No girlfriend.I just never let anyone in because....never mind",He finishes.

"What were you going to say ?",I ask.

"Never mind.Let that off the hook.Okay ?",He says.I want to say no.

I want to tell him...I want to know.

But I see that look in his eyes.

The pleading look.He's begging me to let it go.

As much as I want to know why he never let anyone in....

I say,"Okay".

He smiles and I feel my heart melt.

That smile !

I love that smile of his.

The romantic song gets over and another one begins.

Four groans.

"I guess I have to wait some more",He says.

Why didn't he ask me to dance with him ?

I mean....not that I want to but.....

Who are you fooling,Tris ?

You want to !

No you don't !

Yes you do !

No you don't !

While I sit there mentally debating with myself....

"Well maybe...we ? Umm....together.Because....we both....don't have a partner and uhh.....",Four asks scratching the back of his neck.

He looks so adorable when he's uncomfy !!!!

It makes me want to kiss him.

Wait Tris !

Did you just- ?

Shut up !!!

Do not think of him like that !

Just DON'T !!

"What a way to ask",I joke.He just gives a half hearted smile.He's nervous every about my answer.

"Sure I will.You're lucky you're the birthday boy....or I would've declined",I say grinning.

But would I have ?

"Guess I'm lucky then.Let's go",Four says smiling and then offering his hand.

I take it and he leads me to the dance floor.

I can't help but think of how our hands are intertwined.

His hand is a bit rough.Perfect against my soft hands.

It's like....we're meant to be.

Except we're not.

And will never.

A/N : That's what you think Tris.That's what you think 😏😏.So that was the end of the 25th chapter.How was it ? Don't forget to leave your comments for me.





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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