Chapter TRIS : Bowling....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 6 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

"So...where are you guys from ?",T-Four asks.

"We're from New Orleans.Tris and I came here for...a change",Chris lies.

We decided on the New Orleans part.We didn't want to say Connecticut because...if Tobias somehow figures out that someone from the FBI is here...he won't suspect us.

"And you guys ?",I ask.

"All of us are friends from Middle School.We're from Connecticut.After High School we moved here.Well everyone except To-Four",Uriah says.

So they do know.Did he ask them to call them Four then ? Despite them knowing his real name ?

"Since when are you here,in Chicago....Four ?",I ask.

"4 months",He says.

Till now....he hasn't lied about anything.

I judge him as...trusting.

"What are you guys doing after this ?",Zeke asks.

"Sight seeing ?",Chris says unsure.

"We are going bowling after guys wanna come ?",Marlene asks.

I look at Chris and she nods.

We have to strike a friendship with them anyways,so they don't suspect us.

"Sure",Chris and I say and I see them smile.

Four is smiling the most.Will too.

Too what I change my initial judgement of Tobias to.Ughhh !! Four.Not Tobias.

------/////:::::TIME SKIP TO BOWLING CENTER::::::\\\\\------

Tobias's POV

I'm so glad Tris agreed to come with us bowling.She is legit....the most beautiful woman I've seen.There is a certain beauty in her.That is different from others.

I have seen her before.

I know it !! 

I just don't remember...When and Where ?

Tris's POV

There are 10 lanes in the bowling center.And there is practically no one here except one person and the people who work at the center of course.

"Everyone choose a lane",Uriah screams.

I just choose the one in front of me.Christina chooses the one next to me and on the other side of me is.......Four !!

I sigh.I hate him so much.I just want to kill him already. 

"Guys !! Grab your ball and bowl",Four instructs.

I want to annoy him.

"I don't know how to bowl",I lie.

Chris doesn't know I'm lying.And I let it be that way.

"You don't ?",Everyone asks shocked.

"No I don't.Why does that shock everyone ?",I ask.

"Because you agreed to come here",Des says.

Oh my god ! I'm such an idiot.

"Four can teach you",Shauna says.

"What ? Why me ?",Four asks.

"Because you are the best outta all of us",She replies.

Four sighs.He then grabs a ball to show me how to bowl.

"Hold the ball with your fingers.Swing your arm behind with the ball and release when it comes to its former position",Four says and then shows me.

The ball hits all pins."STRIKE !!",The machine that records the points says.

"You do it now",He says.I grab a ball.

I hit it weakly.On purpose.Because I want to annoy him.

The ball doesn't even hit one pin and I mentally smile.

"Try again.This time with more force",He says.

I do it again.It doesn't hit any pin.

"Do it again",He says.I can tell he's a bit annoyed.

I keep doing this.I guess for six times.

"Guys I told you.She can't do it.She's a poor learner.She'll take years to learn this stuff ",I hear Four say.I look at Four.

So is that what you think ? 

I grab the next ball and hit it with full force.

It hits all pins.

"STRIKE !!",The machine that records the points says.

I smirk at Four after I hit the pins.

He's smirking too.

That was supposed to annoy him.

I don't get it.

I look at him confused.

"Reverse Psychology",Marlene says.

Oh my god !! I can't believe I fell for it ! 

"He uses that every time",Zeke says.

" did you know ?",I ask.

I don't even know what I wanted to ask.

"I can identify potential",Four says.

That means he understood what I wanted to ask.

I guess I meant,"How did you know I could do it ?"

I mean...if you're bad at can't just become good at it when someone uses reverse psychology on you.

Maybe I wanted to ask him..."How did you know your words would work on me ?".

Too trusting.Intelligent.

One more quality added to Four's list of them.

I think I shouldn't rush.

Rush with killing him.

I need to observe him.

Every move of his.

And I will....

A/N : So that was the end of the SIXth Chapter !!! How was it ?? Anyways....Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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