Chapter 39 : Five Facts....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 39 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

-----/////::::NEXT MORNING::::\\\\\-----

Tobias's POV

I wake up and then brush,wash my face and throw on my track pants,shirt and trainers.

Then I head to the walking track.I need to think.

How am I going to tell Tris everything ? 

Like this....once upon a time.....Ughh ! Tobias you're screwing it ! 

Just let it happen !! 

I start walking.Making speeches inside my head.Of how I'm going to tell Tris the thing.

What will Tris think of me after I tell her everything ? 

Will she think I'm a coward for becoming Four ?

"Four !!",I hear someone call out.

I turn around and find the most beautiful woman on earth.

Someone I could die for.


And boy I do love her !!

"Hey Tris",I say waving at her.

"So you couldn't resist not meeting this irresistible guy",I joke.

"Yeah.That guy is really irresistible",Tris says pointing to a middle aged man.

"Hey !! I'm talking about myself",I say laughing.

"Oh ! I thought you weren't're not irresistible",She says.

"Really ?",I ask moving closer to her.She moves back as I move closer.

"Yeah",Tris says.I can see her breath hitch.

"Really ?",I ask moving even closer.If that's possible.

"Geez I'm just lying !!",She finally says and pushes me away from her laughing.I laugh too.

"Let's walk then",I say.

We begin walking together.I think of telling it now.Here.

This place,the walking track is actually special for us.

And when I said 'Our thing' that day.....I meant it.

But it's just....not right.

"What are you thinking ?",Tris asks.

"Nothing",I lie.

"Oh common.You have to be thinking something.It's kind of impossible to not think anything",She says.

"I was thinking we don't know much about each other",I lie.

"We do know each other",She points out.

"Okay tell me five facts you know about me then",I say smiling.

"Okay.You scratch your neck when you're lying,nervous or uncomfy.You're a software engineer.You sing like a Greek god.You have a tattoo but I don't know what it's about.You fall asleep if the movie doesn't interest you.Like actually fall asleep.You like blue I guess because you wear blue most of the time.And the last one I can never're allergic to peanuts because I almost killed you....I think five facts are done",Tris says grinning.

I stand dumbfounded for a moment.

So while I was observing her all this time....she was doing the same.

"You actually told me seven !",I say grinding wide.

"And yes I do love blue.It's my favorite color.Wait ! How did you know I have a tattoo ?",I ask.

"It's peeking out genius",She says grinning.

"Maybe one day I'll show it to you",I say smiling.

"Yeah",She says.

"Your turn",She says.

"I uh...don't know much about you",I say scratching the back of my neck.

"You're lying",She says smiling.I give her a 'how do you know ?' look.

She responds by scratching the back of her neck.

Oh ! Goddamn this stupid habit of mine.

Once I go home...I'll google how to get rid of the habit.

I doubt they'll be any results.But I can try right ?? 

I sound so ridiculous.If anyone could hear my thoughts I'd be in a mental asylum by now. 

"Okay so you're an accountant.You came here for a change.You're very stubborn.You can bowl and ice skate like a boss.You sing like a Greek goddess.You.....either don't like talking about your family or it causes you pain so you don't.You love romantic comedies.You're not the one to give up.My reverse psychology works on you.And you've never had a boyfriend",I say.

She just stares at me.

Tris's POV

After Four finishes the facts I just stare at him.

How did he notice the thing about my family ?? Is it that obvious ? 

"Earth to Tris",Four says waving a hand in front of my face.

"Yeah.See we do know a lot about each other",I say.

"What's your most favorite place on this earth ?",He asks.

I think of it.But I can't find an answer.

"I....I don't know....yet",I say kind of embarrassed.

"Hey.You don't have to be embarrassed it's okay.You can still find out",He says softly.

I smile at him.

"What's yours ?",I ask.

"Wanna go there with me tonight ?",He asks.

"Umm....okay",I say.

"Great !! Be ready at 9",He says smiling.

"I'm going for a run.You coming ?",He asks.

"I'm just going to walk.No thanks",I say.

"Okay.Meet you at home",He says.

"Okay",I say and turn to begin walking.

"And Tris ?",Four says.

"Yeah ?",I ask.

He comes close to me.

"It's a date",He whispers in my ear and then waves goodbye and goes the other way.

I find myself smiling stupidly at what he said.

Last time he didn't have the courage to say 'date' so he said 'outing'.

But now he asked me out....on a date !!

So I know now that something is different from the last time.

But what is it ?? 

A/N : So that was the end of the Chapter 39 !!! How was it ?? What do you guys think is Tobias's most favorite place on earth ?? If you guess it right you get a shout out in the next chap !! Anyways....Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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