Chapter 46 : Please....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !!! Here is Chapter 46 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

Tears flood down my cheek and there's nothing I can do to stop them.

I lost him.Just like I lost everyone else.

I love you so much Tris.

I always thought I'd bring someone really,really special to me here.Of course I never thought I'd find that person.But I did.It's you.

You're special to me in every way and I love you Tris.I love you so much.

Fresh tears make their way to my face.I don't bother wiping them away.It's no use.

I hear a buzz and reach for my phone.Hoping it's something from him.

It's not my phone.I look around and see another phone on my bedside table.


Just then my eyes fall on his mobile screensaver.

It's the picture we took the water fight day.The one with donkey on both our heads.

No ! I can't lose him.

When I lost everyone else....I didn't have a choice.I couldn't make it alright.But now I can.

I can't lose Tobias.He's my everything now.

I run outside my room praying that Tobiasis somewhere near.Praying that he didn't take the car and go somewhere far.

Once outside the house....I look for Tobias's car.It's here.

Thanks God !

I look around for him.

Where could he be ??

Our thing

I think I know where he might be.I run to the walking track praying that he's there.

Please be there.Please.

I'm sorry I hurt you.I promise I won't eve do it again.


He's walking in front of me.Oblivious to the fact that I'm here.

"Tobias !",I call out.

I think he heard me because he stops dead in his tracks.

But start walking again.This time faster.

I understand.

Who would want to talk to someone who hurt them a great deal ?

"Tobias.Please just listen to me.I'm sorry I hurt you.When I first met you I had no idea you'd be so important to me.And now that I know how important you are to me....I can't lose you.I already lost everyone else",I say.

He stops walking but he doesn't turn to me.

I decide to tell him.

It's now or never.

"I love you,Tobias.It kills me that I hurt you.I never wanted toJust give me a chance.Please",I say biting my lip to stop my tears from falling.

He turns to me but there is distance between us.

"I was lost.I had forgotten how to smile.You taught me how to smile.How to live.With you I found myself again Tobias and if I lose you today....I'll lose myself forever",I say as tears make their way onto my face.

20 seconds.

20 seconds is all Tobias takes to react.

When they're up....

"Why are you standing so far idiot ? Your place is here.Close to my heart",He says pointing to his heart.Smiling.

I smile through the tears and run to him and I capture his lips with mine.He lifts me up and kisses me with so much passion,so much intensity that it instantly sets everything right.

We break the kiss after sometime since we need air.He puts me down.

"I'm sorry,Tobias.I'm so sorry I hurt you and-",I begin but Tobias cuts me off with his lips on mine.

"I didn't think of it from your point of view.I'm sorry too.I should've understood",He says after we break the kiss.

"It's not your fault.It's mine.I'm sorry",I say.

"Let's forget this.It's no ones fault",He says.

"But-",I begin.

"Nope.Not listening.We're done with that.I love you",He says cutting me off.

"Okay.I love you too,Tobias.I love you so much",I say.He grins and kisses me.

I didn't lose him after all !!!!

A/N : I know you guys wanted drama but...I wanted to finish this story ASAP.Cuz my school starts next week and CH was my summer holiday thing.FOURTRIS are back !! 😀😀😀 So,that was the end of Chapter 45.How was it ?? Anyways...Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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