Chapter 24 : Birthday Boy's Wish !!!!

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 24 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tobias's POV

Currently we're going to hit the dance floor.Because......It's the birthday boys wish !!

We have like this mini everyone fits in it and it's really cool.

Will drives and Uriah sits in the passenger seat next to Will.

"Seriously want to spend your birthday like this ?",Zeke asks.

"Yeah...why ?",I ask.He just shrugs.

"I thought you know maybe we could *cough* spend *cough* time alone *cough*",Zeke says winking.

My eyes widen in horror as I realize what he's trying to say.

"Ewwww !!!! Zeke !!!!!! Shut up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!",I scream and smack him playfully.Everyone laughs.

Well everyone but Tris.

Tris is well......dying.

No....not literally.

She's laughing so hard that she has tears in her eyes.And she's clutching her stomach while she's doing so.

She looks adorable.

She's....breathtakingly beautiful.

She catches me looking at her and stops laughing.Her face turns a deep shade of red.

She's embarrassed.

I just smile at her letting her know that there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

She smiles back.

That sweet smile that I love.

"Four,my bro....focus on me",Zeke says.I can tell he's trying not to laugh.

He's a great friend.Always manages to bring a smile on my face.

And he's always......flirting with me.

Well not always.

But....most of the time.

"Zeke....shut up ! I am not gay.I'm not interested in you",I say laughing.

"Four come on....don't lie.I see the way you look at Zeke.You can proclaim your love for Zeke in front of us.Don't be shy",Tris says laughing.

"Tris....we don't want to die.Do we ?",I ask trying to give my best evil smirk.

Somehow my question carries her off guard.Her expression immediately turns from smiley to unreadable to grave.

Did it trigger some memory ? 

I shouldn't have said that.

But was I supposed to know that Tris would react that way to my question ? 

"Aww....My two bros together",Uriah says.

"Uriah....if you don't shut up....I'll make sure you don't live to see tomorrow",I say.

"So intimidating",Uriah teases laughing.

I laugh as well.

No matter how crazy my friends are....I love them.

Even Tris.

Wait !! I didn't have to mention her separately.

She was already included in friends.

Right ? 

Then why did I mention her again ? 

"We're here",Will says interrupting my thoughts.

All of us get out of the van.

Time to hit the dance floor !!!!

A/N : So that was the end of the Chapter 24 !!! How was it ? What do you guys think will happen next ?  Anyways...Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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