Chapter 35 : Our Thing !!!!

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 35 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Oh btw....I'm putting this story off hold.Because I'm back from my vacation ! Two days early :)

Lucky you guys ! Or so I think ;)


Continue reading !

Enjoy :D

Tris's POV

Sun rays hit my eyes and I groan.Ughh ! I have to face this day.I don't leave my bed for a while.Thinking about my life.

I realize it's been so long since I went walking.I brush,wash my face and throw on my track pants,shirt and trainers.

Then I head to the walking track.I don't remember why I stopped going.Maybe because I knew that going for walking,talking to Four.....would only make me fall in love with him.

Not that I love him though.Yesterday night crushed my feelings for him.

I start walking.Enjoying the silence.Its not very crowded like the usual.

I'm not sure if I can face Four after yesterday.I don't even know how to start.

I can maybe say....Yo Four.I know you are not innocent.This is all an act.I never wanted to be your friend.Or date you.You killed my parents.And now I'm going to kill you.

Jeez ! Too blunt.

What the hell am I doing ?

Stupid,stupid me.

Tris just chill out.Think.Chose your words carefully.

"Yo Tris",I hear someone say.

Ahhhhhhh !!!!! My life is one big,sick joke !!!

"Hello Four.Didn't expect you to be here",I say meaning it to come out rude.But it comes out,anything but rude.

"Ahh.Forgot so easily now did we ? This was like...our thing",He says.I look at him shocked.

Our thing

Those two words make my heart melt.

"Uhh...I'm...I umm didn't mean it that way",Four says awkwardly,scratching the back of his neck.Realizing his mistake.

"Yeah...I get it",I say.The disappointment in my tone shocks me.

What is wrong with me ?

It's like my brain and heart are having a battle.I'm not sure what's winning.

I might maybe bet on the latter.

"So.......",He begins but trails off.

We just keep walking in silence after that.

Comfortable silence.I'm not sure why all silences with Four are comfy.

"Tris.....You've been distant since yesterday.I don't know what's wrong.Can you please tell me what is ? It's like...uhh....remember when we weren't friends in the beginning and you were so...distant and aloof.You're being the same now.Maybe it's something related to that ? Maybe not.But I don't know what it is...and its.....",He says but doesn't finish it.

My eyes find his blue ones and I see a wave of emotions in them.

Confusion,sadness,hurt and maybe...anger ?

I did this to him.

That makes me want to hate myself.

"It's what ?",I dare to ask.

"It's killing me",He says slowly.Like he's not afraid to admit it.Maybe he isn't.

I open my mouth to say something.Except words don't come out and I close my mouth.

God....Why do you have to always target Beatrice Prior ? Someone whose life you already destroyed ?

Silence fills the air again.

I have to break it.

"Nothing's wrong.We're good",I say.Maybe I lied.But that's what's best for now.

"You sure ?",He asks.

"Yeah",I say.

"Sure ?",He asks again.

"Yes !",I scream.

"Sure ?",He asks.I can see the mischievous glint in his eyes.I smile.

"Yes",I say and pull him into a hug.Instinctively.

Oh my heart....please don't make things more difficult than they already are.

We break the hug and walk for a while.Four seems happy now.

A pang of guilt fills my chest.

For lying to him.About everything.I ignore it and focus on walking.

"You know we met before we met ?",Four asks.I just stare blankly.

He laughs at my reaction.

"I forgot you're not as smart as me.Oops ! Sorry",Four jokes.I playfully punch his arm.He sticks his tongue out at me and I do the same with mine.

"You bumped into me.The day before we officially met.It was dark.I didn't see you clearly.But when I saw you the next day....I knew I'd seen you before.I realized it later.That it was you",He says.

I smile and nod at him.

The way he said 'you' is making my heart go crazy.My brain is asking my heart to shut up.

"It was destined",Four says and laughs.I know he's joking.

But it makes me think....Was it ??

Chris said the same thing.

"Let's go home.I'm tired",I lie.

I need to think stuff.

"Sure.Let's do that",Four says.

We then walk home.

Just as we're about to get inside the house....something hits me.

And I find my self drifting into unconsciousness.

A/N : So that was the end of the Chapter 35 !!! How was it ?? What just happened ??? Tell me what you guys think ! Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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