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"Don't just fly, soar." – Dumbo, Dumbo


I tapped my fingers impatiently against the glass of the coffee table as the doc was cleaning Tyler's bleeding nose. Tyler cringed, a couple of times like a wimp that he is, as his wounds were being cleaned by a gauze pad with saline water and the wound was then bandaged up.

I couldn't help but smirk as he weakly nodded his head to whatever the doc was saying. His gaze flickered towards me, glowering menacingly before returning his attention back to the doc. I giggled to myself as I was thoroughly enjoying all of this.

I felt Paige nudge me into my sides, "You shouldn't have done that." She frowned as she glanced towards a Tyler in agony.

"Right, I should've just let him mock me and be a shame to the female population." I laughed satirically, which didn't amuse her one bit; too bad for her. "You saw what he did, the things he said and you are telling me that I shouldn't have done what I did?" I asked her incredulously and let out humorless laugh.

"Cassie. What am I going to do with you?" She sighed and shook her head in disapproval. I slung my hand around her shoulder and rested my head on it but before I retort with a nasty comeback, doc's voice stopped me, "Ms. Lee, how did all of this happen?" The doc asked, as he was placing his stuffs into bag. "His nose isn't in a good shape."

Paige stiffened in her position as she fiddled with her fingers nervously, "Oh you know, um it was er, an accident." She stuttered, putting up a nervous smile to cover up the apprehension that surrounded her.

"An accident, in spite of the place well guarded? That's bizarre." He commented thoughtfully, throwing each of us a quick glance. "Mr. Hall, you should file charges against whoever that was." He suggested which made me choke a bit. "Do you remember the face of the attacker?" He queried further, settling down on the nearest chair possible to him.

"I can never forget that horrendous face, never ever." He muttered and smirked teasingly in my direction. My fists balled up in fury but Paige placed her hand on my thigh, beckoning me to not move my ass from the sofa.

In spite of what happened earlier due to his uncontrollable tongue, he continued, "This crazy bitch was in the elevator with me and when she recognized who I was, you cannot imagine what she did." He narrated in suspense, making the three of us beyond curious.

"What happened?" We asked together like the three green aliens from Toy Story.

"She asked me for a blowjob." He whispered the last word, making us gasp in horror.

"What?" I shrieked, my cheeks turned a dark shade of red while Tyler clearly enjoyed my mortification as he quickly winked at me. "The fuc..fudge! I mean, seriously?" I asked, composing myself before doc could sense anything fishy. "It's a shame what our world has become, isn't it Dr. Williams?" I commented rhetorically and settled down in my seat. God, I don't know if I can resist myself from killing the cunt.

"Absolutely, I am so saddened by the fact today's generation is looking forward to those fatuous hookups than finding their true love."  Dr. Williams sighed disapprovingly, tapping his foot in a rhythm upon the marble flooring. "And she gave you a bloody nose?" He queried further to which Tyler nodded in affirmation. "My, my young man, that is sad. But it is a good thing you are loyal to your woman to have rejected her advances, even if it cost you a broken nose."

My eyebrows twitched up in curiosity as I leaned forward to hear their conversation a little more clearly, "Wait, your woman? You have a girlfriend?" I asked in a concoction of surprise and disgust.

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