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"Giving up is for the rookies." – Philoctetes, Hercules


"What is with you and your punches?" Tyler groaned in pain, as he massaged his jaw that I hit two seconds ago. Newton's third law of motion, 'to every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction', played in my mind involuntarily as my knuckles hurt due to the hard jaw.

"What is with you and your big mouth?" I countered back, as I rubbed my bruised knuckles. The last punch on his nose didn't affect my fist as this one did props to his chiseled jaw line. "Look, I don't want to end up in any more trouble than I already am. So, you do your part and I do mine, by keeping your thoughts to yourself." I said, pointing my finger right in his face. I rubbed my idle hand over my bruised knuckles and then tightened my grip on the belt of my duffel bag.

I grabbed him by his wrist and began trotting towards the exit speedily while Tyler jogged to keep with the pace. "What's the hurry for?" He asked, bemusing to my impatience.

"Don't want to give them wrong ideas now, do you?" I asked breathlessly.

"What wrong ideas?" He asked, seeming incongruous to my words. I rolled my eyes at his dubiousness and continued taking long and quick strides ahead. I stole a glance at him and seeing the sly smile on his face, I pretty much understood that he kind of got an idea about what I was talking about.

"And-" He drawled with a glint of tease in his voice, "-why do you think would they would get the wrong idea?" He wiggled his eyebrows which only quadrupled my lust for his blood.

I face-palmed myself but continued in my trail as I opened the glass door and stepped out of the gym. A little away stood Paige and an unknown man who would pass for an FBI agent, as he spoke to someone on his wireless ear worn micro-phone and black sunglasses covered his eyes. "Shut up and keep walking; and dare you tell anyone about what-um, happened in there." I warned him in a hushed tone to which he simply chuckled. I let go his hand as we neared the two and put on a fake smile on my face. "Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked her, as she wrapped her hands around in a friendly hug.

She pulled back quickly and grinned up at me, "Just to wish you luck for today." She grinned as she raised her hand up for a high-five.

I unenthusiastically gave her a clap as we walked towards someone's car, presumably Tyler's. My eyes zeroed down on the bulky dude who was looking at us blankly. I pointed my finger towards him, "Who's the bloke by the car?" I asked Paige bewilderingly.

"That fine man there-" She giggled, "-is Mr. Hall's bodyguard, Jordan Hale. Cute, isn't he?"

"Very cute and extremely reliable." Tyler chimed in, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him like his remaining brain cells got destroyed and slapped his hand away from mine. "You sure you'd be able to put up an act?" Tyler asked teasingly. Jordan, Tyler's bodyguard nodded at him in acknowledgment; opened the door of the rear, then helped Paige get into the front seat.

I huffed out in annoyance as I sat next to the scum and crossed my arms across my chest, like an obstinate bitch that I always am. "I'm sure there are no cameras lingering around here for me to start with my act, so why not let me enjoy the last few moments of my freedom before the stupid spectacle begins." I gritted. The car was pulled out of the parking and it was being driven by Jordon, I legit don't know.

"Last few moments of your freedom? You're not going on a fucking war, babe." Tyler laughed, slumping down in his seat. He stretched his legs forward as he pulled his phone out, only to play some game that I had no idea about.

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