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"You control your destiny; you do not need magic to do it. And there are no magical shortcuts to solving your problems." - Merida, Brave.


"That stupid son of a bitch!" I growled at my reflection in the washroom as Danielle helped me clean myself up. She handed me another set of tissue papers while I tried to dry the champagne off my suit.

It was my favorite suit for god sake!

"You mean the sexy son of a bitch." Danielle smirked teasingly. I scrunched up my nose in disgust at her absurd comment and returned to my work. "You know," She drawled, "I wonder what is a hollywood star doing at this party. Not that I mind his presence; actually I'm glad for his presence but Women's Football is not popular enough for stars to come to the club parties and stuff." Danielle said thoughtfully.

She was right, there was no reason for the asswipe star to be here. Making a mental note to ask Paige about it later, I took one final look in the mirror. I couldn't help but huff since the stain was yet visible.

You are so dead, Tyler Hall.

"Alright, I'm done. Let's get back to business, deal with our crap and head back home. I'm so not in a mood right now." I mumbled. I walked out of the washroom with Danielle by my side. Upon sensing my presence, the guests eyed me skeptically. I smiled back politely, trying to hide my exasperation about the whole situation.

We walked back towards Paige while Coach, Alexander and that narcissistic dick laughed over something. I grabbed a glass of champagne from the waitress who smiled sympathetically at me before she walked over to the other guests. "What did I miss?" I materialized behind Paige, startling her in the process. Her eyes widened for a moment, she but she composed herself.

She looked at me with uncertainty as she whispered, "Are you all right?"

"Never been better." I said rather loudly, throwing a glance towards Tyler. He smirked notoriously while I balled my fists up in rage, trying not to give him a bleeding nose. "Coach, I was wondering what is an actor doing at a football event?" I asked coach and looked back at Tyler like he was a piece of dirt that lies under my feet.

"A hollywood star." Tyler corrected me. I rolled my eyes and turned back towards coach, patiently waiting for him to respond. "Mr. Harrison, she doesn't know?" Tyler asked Mr. Harrison bewilderingly while all he could do was shrug. I feel so lost right now and from the looks of it, Danielle seems to be confused by all of this, too.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly at coach and Paige. "We are signing him as the brand ambassador for the club. Hence, he is invited so that we can him introduce tonight, along with the announcement of our new sponsor." She said, throwing a glance back at Mr. Harrison. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink but she cleared her throat uncomfortably and stepped a little closer towards me.

Great, the man who ruined my night and suit is going to be the ambassador for this team. I wouldn't be surprised if I get fired tonight because I cannot possible envisage how this night could get any worse.

"Mr. Hall," Coach spoke up, "Albeit you met our captain a few moments ago, I'd formally like to introduce you to Cassidy Johnson and one of our finest players, Danielle Ross." Coach said, smiling grimly at us.

The frown was yet plastered on my face as Tyler brought his hand forward. I reluctantly shook hands with him, trying not to give him a nasty sprain. "Cassidy Johnson. Pleasure to meet you." I muttered, not meaning any word that left my mouth.

"Cassidy? What kind of a name is that?" He smirked and let out a chuckle. Coach gulped uncomfortably while Danielle gripped onto my wrist, stopping me from doing something that I would later regret. "But then, it suits your eccentric temperament." He commented. He was definitely trying to touch a nerve with the way he smirked, or the way his voice floated with amusement upon seeing me getting all riled up.

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