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"Always let your conscience be your guide" - The Blue Fairy, Pinocchio


There was dead silence in the conference room. Paige was busy answering the business emails from her iPhone, coach was conversing with the jackass who occasionally threw wary glances at me while all I could do was to bite my nails and wonder why the universe functions in such a dysfunctional and fucked up manner. I nibbled onto my lower lip and tapped my fingers against the wooden surface of the table as I hummed to 'I took a pill in Ibiza.'

I couldn't fathom the fact about the urgency of my presence for today's meet. Sure I'm the captain and practically an important person of the club but that doesn't drag me into the management of it. My job is to perform on the field, not sit in an office to discuss the activities of the club. Plus, seeing that the handsome moron sitting less than ten feet away from me doesn't make things any better.

Ugh, I need a relaxing spa.

I let out a yawn and hummed onto any random tunes that would pop into my head. That is exactly the moment when the door fluttered open, tearing my attention from my non sensible self-serenading to a man in his late forties or possibly early fifties standing at the door with a curt smile. Everyone got up from their seat as he walked in, followed by Alexander Harrison.

"Please have a seat." The man said politely. Alexander smiled politely at everyone but his grin became a little wider than needed, when his eyes met mine. Trying not to act brusque, I shot him a demure smile before tearing my gaze away from him.

Paige gave my hand a small squeeze, sensing the apprehension that surrounded me. God, what if it's about kicking me out for my crude behavior for which I most definitely have a valid reason? Just the thought about the same sends shivers of terror down my spine, making me stiffer than an iron rod.

Damn, even my analogy is being affected due to my stupid anxiety issues.

The posh man turned out to be John Harrison, the sponsor and the owner of the multinational company. Being Alexander's father, there were hardly a couple of similarities between the father-son duo, which came out as surprise for me. Senior Harrison was a little shorter than his son with short blonde almost grey hair, striking honey eyes and a medium built.

I scribbled the important points that he focused on, on my notepad and intently listened to the future stratagems and schemes that he had in mind for us. My eyes, involuntarily and unfortunately landed onto the jerk who was intently listening to Senior Harrison, or maybe pretending to. I mean come on, he acts for a living. My gaze was yet lingered on him and for some odd reason; I took the moment to take in his look.

His hair, a shade darker than mine was messy, spiked out in different directions. The blue eyes that were fixated on Senior Harrison were so oceanic; I could literally drown into them. There was an eccentric charm about his sharp features; he may look as a normal American man but on observing closely, they're very attractive and eerily handsome. He was an inch shorter than Junior Harrison but his boyish charisma atoned for it.

I didn't realize I was gaping at him until his eyes turned towards me, causing my eyeballs to widen in flabbergast and opprobrium and making me cheeks warm.

Stupid Cassidy.

I instantly averted my gaze away from him, back to Senior Harrison but I could feel his eyes on me. Never in my life have I felt so uncomfortable. I cannot wait to get home.

Letting out a sigh, I scribbled the last point as Senior Harrison took a sip of water from the glass that was placed next to him. "There is one more thing that I need to discuss, especially with Ms. Johnson and Mr. Hall. Ms. Lee is acquainted with it but I wanted you'll to be notified about the same in my presence." Senior Harrison said, attracting my full attention towards him.

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