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"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun." – Mary Poppins, Mary Poppins


Tyler chuckled to my sass which most of the people find annoying and took a deep breath in. "Oh, trouble, you have no idea what one hell of a night it was, last night." He stated going into the narrative mode.

But before he could even begin, the door bell was being rung incessantly. Tyler called out to one of his housekeepers and ordered him to open the door.

I twisted behind in my seat, as I curiously looked over at the door that swung open, revealing a nine or possibly ten year old boy standing with a huge backpack strapped onto his shoulders. The lady, one of the housekeepers stepped aside and asked the boy to hand over his bag but he quickly dismissed her off; he looked around the living room until his eyes landed on Tyler.

"Aww, there you are, you stinky butthole." The boy hollered; he threw his backpack on the sofa and sprinted towards the kitchen, where we currently were. Tyler looked bewilderingly at the boy but then hurriedly got out of his chair and took the boy in his arms.

He ruffled his hair before the boy took a step behind, "Game's over. It's time to die, bitch." The boy said, pulling out his little black revolver from his pocket and pointed it towards Tyler.

What the fuck.

"Jay, not now." Tyler groaned at the kid, whose name I presume is Jay. I alternatively looked between the two in confusion because I had no freaking idea about who the kid was and where he came from. However, the kid impatiently tapped his foot against the marble flooring, standing in his previous shooting position.

Tyler rolled his eyes at him with a bored look before he changed his expressions into one of trepidation and took a defensive stance, "No, Master Jayden. Forgive me for my foolish sin." Tyler fake pleaded, falling onto his knees in front of him.

A victorious smirk formed on Jay's face as he pointed the revolver in the center of Tyler's forehead as he barked out an evil laughter, "Your sins are unforgivable, I believe. Hence you die, donkey poop." He pulled the trigger and Tyler let out a painful howl before dropping back on the floor, his eyes bulging out of his sockets and tongue flying out of his mouth.

And I thought my migraine was a bitch.

A few seconds passed by and Tyler got up from his position as he did some weird handshake with Jay and turned towards me. "Cassie, meet my brother, Jayden." Tyler said pointing towards Jay, who stood besides Tyler.

"Hi, Jay." I waved with a small smile. Jay, on the other hand, looked at me unbelievingly as trotted towards me. Without uttering a word he took my hand in his and placed a kiss on the back of my hand followed by a wink.

"Hola, Senorita. The name's Jayden Alexander Hall but you can call me daddy." Jayden said smoothly, as he suggestively wiggled his eyebrows at me. His statement took me by surprise, making me choke a couple of times. Tyler let out a laugh but quickly stifled it upon noticing my noxious glare. "You got some fine legs there, sweet cheeks." He flirted further with a whistle.

I looked helplessly at Tyler who pulled Jayden away from me. Jayden frowned at him but before he could continue, Tyler interjected in, "Back off, little man." He said, pulling him away from me to which I heaved out a sigh of relief. Jayden frowned at his brother but when his gaze met mine, he winked flirtatiously, making me groan internally.

I could already envisage the future heart breaker of millions of girls.

"Thank you, but I prefer calling you little Jay." I smiled down at him and playfully ruffled his hair. Jayden let out a huff and rolled his eyes at me, only to make Tyler chuckle to himself.

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