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"Life's not a spectator sport. If watchin' is all you're gonna do, then you're gonna watch your life go by without ya." – Laverne, The Hunchback of Notre Dame

"I might never be your knight in shining armour

I might never be the one you take home to mother

And I might never be the one who brings you flowers

But I can be the one, be the one tonight."

"Can you shut the fuck up? Your voice is pesky." I mumbled. I searched for some earplugs in my purse but unfortunately, they couldn't be found.

Tyler stopped from his horrendous and ear-damaging singing and glanced towards me, with the normal whimsical smirk. He stuck his tongue out and returned back to the 'Let's torture Cassidy' part of his plan, or so I think.

"When I first saw you

From across the room

I could tell that you were curious

Oh, yeah

What you're looking for

'Cause I'm not good at making promises."

"God damn, Tyler. You sound like a dying crocodile. Shut the fuck up." I groaned, rubbing the side of temples as he looked at me amusingly.

"You're just jealous that I take awesomeness to a whole new level, trouble." He said with a shrug, as he pulled the earphones out and scrolled through his iPod. I looked at him implausibly wondering how a person can be blessed with such immense powers of annoying the crap out of someone.

I heaved out a sigh and slumped down in the seat of his Mercedes and gazed out of the window, looking at nothing in particular. The car was dead silent, only our breathing could be heard. It was peaceful that Tyler had given up his irrational ambition of being the next Zayn Malik but it was also a bit freaky. I subtly tried glancing at Tyler in order to see what he was up to now, only to find him looking at me with a look that I couldn't decipher.

Involuntarily, my eyebrows knitted together in confusion and my lips twitched down in a small frown. "What?" I asked him.

His gaze was yet fixated on me and a blank look plastered on his face. A minute passed by as we intently gazed into each other's eyes questioningly before he finally decided to voice his crap thoughts, "Something's off about you, today. What is it?" He asked, his gaze not leaving mine.

My body tensed up apprehensively upon his blatant query. I tore my gaze away from him and concentrated on playing with the hem of my dress. But Tyler was yet expectantly looking at me, probably for a response which I had no intentions to give.

"It's nothing. Don't bother." I however replied, keeping my gaze lower and serenading myself by twisting the hem, even if it was the most imbecile thing to do right now.

"It's clearly not nothing, trouble." He retorted immediately. I lifted my gaze and curiously squinted my eyes at him as he continued, "What crawled up in your ass and died, huh?" He queried further.

I rolled my eyes at his persistence but I was surely not going talk to him about my dilemma only for him to mock me for being a cry baby. My fucking ego was at stake. "You." I jeered. I crossed my arms across my chest grumpily, my glower yet rested on him.

What surprised me was the fact that instead of mocking me back, a small smile cracked on his face which then went on to become his usual annoying smirk. He roamed his fingers through his messy hair as amusement swam in his blue eyes, "Except the dying part, the remaining fragment sounds fun." Tyler remarked crudely, a wink following the same.

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