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"Some people are worth melting for." – Olaf, Frozen


Even though the loud music was blasting through, making me consider the idea of buy hearing aide in the near future; there was deafening and extremely uncomfortable silence that was being shared among the three of us. I was alternatively stealing glances at the two idiots who assumed themselves to be one of those invincible wrestlers of WWE, whilst they glared at each other.

Tyler tightened his grip on my hand as glared down at Derek, who too, was openly glowering at him.

"Tyler, what are you doing here?" I asked, smiling tightly at him. He didn't spare me a single glance as his eyes were yet concentrated on my best friend who previously kissed me. "Tyler?" I pressed further, but he wouldn't budge from his stance of glowering, so did Derek.

Why are men just designed to be annoying dipshits?

"You didn't answer my question, man." Tyler deadpanned. On the spur of the moment, I was yanked up from my position as Tyler settled on my stool. He then pulled me down, making me sit on his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist. My eyes widened in surprise and disgust as his touch hovered over me. As I tried squirming out of his grip, his hold on me became tighter, making any further movements from my side static.

I felt my vexation levels rise slowly yet gradually up as Derek's piercing gaze made me feel uncomfortable; and Tyler's grip on me annoyed. The icy silence between us was broken when Derek spoke up, "I was trying to win back what belongs to me."

I gulped inaudibly, realizing the motive of his sudden visit. Tyler chuckled lightly as he rested his chin on my shoulder, his hot breath fanning on my neck. "That's funny because you don't win things back that belong to you, in the first place." Tyler said. Even though my back was towards him, I knew he was smirking from the way victory laced his voice.

Derek's jaw tightened, balling his fists up in anger. "So all the news and rumors are true after all, huh?" Derek asked me rhetorically, betrayal and hurt floating in his eyes, as looked at me impatiently for an answer. I was not at a liberty to reveal any details about our little act, not even to family since there were chances of about this being tittle-tattle spread.

Danielle, however is very familiar with the sweet moments shared by Tyler and I, hence she is the only person other than the management and Paige to know about the skit. "Tell me it's all hoax, Cass. Please tell me it's not true." Derek pleaded, a queer kind of urgency reflecting in his eyes.

I bit hard on my lip, as the guilt for keeping something from my best friend bottled within me, but again, I had no option than to play by the act. Even if that meant that I had deceive my best friend, "Yes, it is." I muttered. I turned my gaze away from him, the culpability becoming too overwhelming.

"You heard my girlfriend, pretty boy. Do you still want to veto and continue with your crap?" Tyler asked, placing a quick kiss on my cheek in an attempt to piss Derek off, which he obviously succeeded at. Derek let out a sigh as quickly got up from the stool and turned over his heels. I slapped Tyler's hand away, getting up from his lap to go after Derek but it seemed like he caught hold of my wrist and pulled me behind. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me like nothing happened a few seconds ago.

Like my best friend didn't just walk out on me.

I kicked him into the groin, making him wince in pain as he fell down on his knees. Seeing this is as my only opportunity, I sprinted towards the exit in hopes of catching hold of Derek before he drives out. And I was in time, seeing Derek was standing right outside the exit, rubbing his temples. I took a deep breath in and took long strides towards him. He must've heard my footsteps as he quickly turned around to face me, blankness plastered on his face as his lips pursed into a thin line.

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