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"If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead." – Gusteau, Ratatouille


"Come on ladies, faster!" Coach hollered at us. We had been doing the steppers since the last fifteen minutes and as our heavy breathing would slower down our pace, coach would whistle into our ears to hurry our asses up. He blew his whistle again and put his hand up in the air, signaling us to stop. All the girls were panting and breathing slowly but overall, it felt amazing and refreshing.

Sundays was the cardio day. Coach would train us for four hours in the morning, after running laps on the field and the rest of the afternoon, the team would hang out any one of the teammate's place for a movie or two. That's how we usually spend the Sunday, soccer-free. I would be lying if I say Sunday wasn't my favorite day. Everybody loves Sundays because this is the one day we get a break from our regular and monotonous routine.

"Man, I am so tired." Danielle groaned, as she grabbed her hand-towel and wiped the rivulets of sweat that were rolling down past her face and neck. I imitated her actions, followed by quenching my thirst and stretched my sides a couple of times before Danielle's squeal interrupted me. "Woah, what is the hot-stuff doing here?" She exclaimed, as she pointed towards the last person on the earth I wanted to see.

Tyler was standing by the bleachers with Paige by his side; Paige was busy talking to someone on the phone. He stood in some casual clothes, unlike the ones I've seen him wearing in some stupid magazines (obviously) with Ray-Ban on his face, giving him the charming and ovary wrecking look. Since I couldn't see his eyes behind the tinted glasses, I didn't realize where they were, until a smirk grew on his face and he waved at me.


"God." I mumbled under my breath as I turned my face away from the stupid nincompoop and covered my face with my left hand, trying to avoid a conversation with him in front of everyone.

Who knows I end up pouring my Gatorade all over him?

"Oh, fuck! He's looking over here! He's looking over here!" Danielle clapped her hands excitedly like a fucking six year old girl who was about to get her presents on a Christmas morning. The girls turned towards Danielle as she was hysterically gaping at the handsome chipmunk. I'm not kidding but I could also see the drool threatening to roll down her lips. Why am I even friends with this lunatic female?

Jenny, one of the girls on the team, turned Danielle by her shoulder towards herself as she excitedly queried, "Who is here? Who are you talking about?"

"Girls, can we get back to the.." Coach sighed, but the girls blatantly ignored him and circled around Danielle and Jenny. I stood by coach's side, unbelievingly gaping at the girls' stupidity about some shit actor with narcissism issues.

"It's Tyler Hall!" Danielle exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air dramatically in delirium while the girls took a sharp breath in. They snapped their heads towards the bleachers where Tyler and Paige were currently standing.

They looked kind of amused by the stupid and immature behavior of the girls who averted their eyes away from the so called sex-god and giggled to themselves.

"Oh, my god, he is so hot!"

"Totally, do you think it is okay to hook-up with the ambassador?" Lydia, a short blonde hushed to the girls.

"Even if it's not, I'm going to ride him soon." Lindsay commented as she licked lips like a fucking rabid rapist and lecherously glanced towards the subject of the conversation.

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