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"No matter how much your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true." – Cinderella, Cinderella.

The sun was out, shining brightly in the clear sky, the rays dispersing in the room through the windows. The melody of the chirping birds rang in my ears, making me hum to their tune as I prepared the batter for pancakes. I flipped over my sister's old recipe book, to read the remaining steps. I danced my way to the refrigerator and pulled out some hazelnuts and chocolates for my share of pancakes and some blueberry syrup for Danielle.

"You making pancakes?"

My head snapped behind upon hearing the morning voice of Danielle, whose hair was spiked in different directions as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her fist and let out a lazy yawn, making me yawn too.

"Yep." I answered, turning back and removing the pan from the cabinet.

"Blueberry for me, please." Danielle squeaked, as she made her way towards me and rested her head on the side of my upper arm, as I poured some batter on the pan. "You always try but never succeed, huh." Danielle laughed, as noticed the inconsistent batter on the pan. I glared at her for mocking and muttered profanities under my breath. She hummed to the tune of her favorite band as she observed my failed attempts.

"Ugh, I followed every step and have put every ingredient as mentioned in the recipe, yet it's not happening." I mumbled grumpily, as I removed the broken pancake from the pan and quickly placed it on a plate and proceeded to make or at least attempt to make another one. Danielle laughed at my sick attempts while all I could do was glower at her. "This is annoying! Why can I never make the perfect pancakes?" I whined, as I broke the pancake while trying to flip it.

Danielle guffawed and kissed my cheek, pulling me away from the gas-stove. She untied my apron and shoved me away from the gas stove. I huffed at her and crossed my arms across my chest as I watched her prepare the dish that I have been failing to, since forever. Her driving and my cooking skills were the ones that had slim to zero chances of improving, ever. I watched in awe and amazement as Danielle professionally flipped the pancake before tossing it over on a plate.

After she prepared the number of pancakes that would suffice for extremely active females, we settled down at the dining table. We poured our preferred syrups over our pancakes and we began munching onto them. "Why do you think coach gave us an off in the middle of the week, don't you think it's kind of uncanny?" Danielle asked with confusion. She stuffed the piece of pancake in her mouth as she poured out some orange juice in our glasses.

"Yeah, it is bizarre. Do you think we should maybe ask him or Paul?" I asked, referring to coach's husband of three years.

"I think we should just wait until he comes around." Danielle suggested. I nodded my head in agreement and diverted my attention back to my breakfast. Suddenly, my phone pinged and I trotted over to the counter where I had previously kept it. It was a text from an unknown number which quadrupled my curiosity.   

Dinner at Alma de Cuba at 7. Dress warm. –Tyler

Danielle's gaze snapped towards me upon my un-lady like grunt and curiously observed me as I indignantly typed him a reply.

How about a no? And where on earth did you get my number from?

"Lover boy?" Danielle asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I wasn't exactly taken aback back by her question since I had grown used to her senseless and nerve-wrecking teasing. Danielle was just designed this way; quirky, outgoing and extremely amicable, aka the complete opposite of me.

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