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"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem." – Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean


"Lost your way?" I asked him, eyeing him warily as he was all dressed up like a gentleman, which in reality he is far from. But all he could do was irritatingly smile at my confusion, which infuriated me even further. "You can keep grinning and I'm gonna shut the door right in your fa.." I stated, as I was about to yank the door shut, but a slim hand prevented me from doing so.

"What is wrong with you?" Paige hissed, shoving me out of the way and opening the door. "I'm so sorry for this, Mr. Hall. Let me get your coat." She said, as she tried grabbing his coat that clung onto his arm and hung it over the hanger that was just near the door.

"No problem. I'm not exactly new to Ms. Johnson's chivalry." He said with his boyish grin, attractive enough to make Paige swoon as she escorted him in, before he smirked at me victoriously.

I bit hard on my lip to prevent the adjectives for his dick personality to slip out, since Paige narrowed her eyes up at me as she welcomed him to the drawing room. Tyler looked around the house impressively, "You've got a beautiful house, Ms. Lee." He commented thoughtfully, analyzing the interiors of the room.

"Thank you. Why don't you and Cassie settle down? I'll be back with some wine." She said smiling at Tyler as she turned around. She stopped in her tracks and beckoned me to strike a conversation to which I simply grunted and settled on the sofa that was in front of the one that he was seated on.

"Do you always have that sour look on your face?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Nah," I said, dismissively waving my hand at him, "It's just an after effect of your annoying face being in my vision and your sharp voice damaging my sensitive eardrums." I commented, a blank look on my face.

I tapped my foot in an unknown and random rhythm as I kept my gaze on anything but his face. I tried acting unaffected by his intense gaze that was fixated on me but it was unnerving me with every passing second. I couldn't hold it back, "What?" I scowled.

His eyes were fixed on my bare legs which made me pull my dress a little lower, but not enough to expose my bust. "Yo, eyes up here." I said, clicking my fingers in front of his face to break his gaping stance.

Ugh, boys.

"You look hot, for a change." He smirked, as his eyes raked my body from top to bottom, making me infuriated and redder than a ripe tomato in the process. I balled my fists up but kept them on my sides as I bit my lip hard from the anger that was bubbling within me.

"I always look hot, perks of playing soccer, you see." I said, casting my fakest and meanest smile at him. I pulled out my phone from my handbag that lied nearby and decided to text Danielle, since I doubt Paige would've informed.

Me: I'm having dinner at P's; might as well stay the night.

A couple of moments passed by when my phone suddenly pinged, indicating a new text message.

Danielle: Yeah, I know, Paige texted earlier. Also, a certain hottie's gonna be there, make the most of it ;)

I rolled my eyes as I could envisage Danielle smirking evilly as my eyes wandered over the words written in her little text. God, I wonder when she would grow up. I tore my gaze away from the screen of my phone and looked over at Tyler only to find him lost in his own thoughts.

There was a bandage wrapped over his crooked and broken nose; his eyebrows were knotted together into thoughtfulness, presumably, while his head was rested on the surface of his palms. His eyes were directed out towards the dark, outside the window, as if he was searching for something priceless that he lost. The charm of his eyes seemed to have disappeared into oblivion, as his irises looked so..empty, devoid of any emotion.

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