Chapter One: The Letters

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"Evangeline, it's breakfast time" Vicki called(picture above). "SO COOK ME SOME BREAKFAST!!" She added. I groaned and got out of bed, if you could even call it a bed. The thin blanket was ragged and moldy and the mattress was tattered and broken. The pillow is just a holey pillowcase filled with straw. It's extremely uncomfortable but it's the best I got. My room is very small. Well it's not really a room, it's actually a hole in the wall that has just enough room for a bed.
"EVANGELINE!!! NOW!!" Vicki yelled.
"IT'S COOKING NOW!!" I lied. I had become very good at that. Lying. Not that it's a good thing. I hate lying to people. I made my way down to the kitchen and started cooking some bacon. Vicki likes her breakfast in bed so I take this opportunity to eat for myself, since she practically starves us. I cracked some eggs into the pan and once they were done I scooped one into my mouth. Just then I heard footsteps behind me. Crap! I thought. I panicked but quickly swallowed what was in my mouth and turned around.
"EVANGEWINE!!" Violet yelled as she ran up and hugged me.
"Violet, you scared me. I thought you were Vicki!" I said placing my hand over my heart. She giggled.
"RAWR! I IZ VICIOUS VICKI! FEAR ME!!!" Violet said putting her arms out like a Zombie. Violet and the rest of the kids call her Vicious Vicki, behind her back of course. I laughed and gave her an egg, she gobbled it up. I got a plate full of eggs and gave them to Violet.
"Take these and share them with everyone ok. Oh and make sure you hide the plate" I said. Violet nodded her head and ran off making me giggle. I plated up the eggs and Bacon with toast on the side for Vicki and made my way to her room. I placed the tray on the side table and suddenly felt a hard force against my cheek followed by a stinging sensation. She hit me.
"Next time speed it up! I could have starved to death!" Vicki exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm surprised none of us have starved to death" I mumbled to myself.
"Have something you'd like to share?" Vicki asked coldly.
"N-no ma'am" I stuttered.
"Well get cleaning then! I need this place spotless!" She yelled. "And also tame those little ferrets would ya" She added.
"You're the ferret!" I snapped instantly regretting it. She stood up and started walking over to me.
"What did you just say?!?" She asked. I walked backwards until I could go no further. I was trapped in the corner of the room. "Oh look, nowhere to go" Vicki stated, an evil smirk growing on her face. Oh great! Curse me and my big mouth! I thought. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and raised her hand. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact. Then the strangest thing happened. The window blew open and in flew an owl carrying what looked like a letter of some sort. Odd. It flew over to me and dropped the letter right at my feet. I picked it up and read the envelope.

Miss E. Blackbourn
The hole in the Wall
12 Privet Drive
Little Whinging

It was written in emerald ink. was addressed right to my room, 'the hole in the wall'.
"Give me that!" Vicki said as she snatched the letter out of my hands. She read it, her face filled with rage. "Is this another one of your pranks?!?" she yelled furiously.
"N-no ma'am, I-I swear I d-didn't" I stuttered.
"Guess you didn't learn from last time" Vicki said, the evil smirk reappearing on her face once more. She grabbed my hair and through me across the room. She punched, kicked, threw me against the wall, until I could hardly breathe. There were bruises on my bruises. I held back the screams because it would only make her hurt me more. Blood was dripping, tears were falling. I was so weak I could hardly keep my eyes open. Fortunately she wasn't quite strong enough to break anything.
"Get up you weak, useless little mutt! I want this house spotless by 7 o'clock...Sharp!" She yelled and slammed the door. I stayed in there for a few minutes trying to regain my strength. I was lying in a pool of my own blood. I slowly hobbled over towards the door but when I opened it and saw the owl just sitting there, looking at me with what almost looked like guilt.
"It's alright, it wasn't your fault. She would have done that regardless" I said patting it on the head as I walked past. I went outside to the garden and rinsed myself off with the garden hose. I changed into some 'cleaner' clothes. A pair of destroyed denim shorts and an old oversized, button up cardigan.
I tied my hair up in a messy ponytail and then got to work. I grabbed the garbage bags and went outside to find that the boy who lives across the street doing the same thing. He has emerald green eyes hiding behind wire-rimmed glasses and messy, jet black hair. He was the only friend I had outside that orphanage. I had known him since I got here when I was 4.
"Hello Evangeline" He said.
"Hello Harry, how are you?" I asked politely.
"Better than you apparently. What happened to you?" He asked, concern in his voice.
"Oh, I, um fell down the stairs" I lied. He sent me a disbelieving look but didn't argue. I wonder if Harry knows anything about those strange letters. "Hey Harry, I know you'll probably think I'm crazy but did you happen to ge-" I started but was cut off by Vernon Dursley, Harry's Uncle, opening and yelling out the door at Harry whilst Vicki did the same to me. We both let out a frustrated sigh.
"And that's my cue" We said in unison. We laughed and went our separate ways. Once I got in the door, Vicki slapped me and pushed me inside.
"We do NOT associate ourselves with freaks like that" Vicki said. I thought it best if I didn't argue as I was in enough pain already. I finished cleaning and started cooking for the feast for Vicki's 'Meeting' tonight. I made black forest cake for dessert. The doorbell rang and Vicki said to us, well more like threatened us, to go upstairs and not make a sound if we know what's good for us. She made sure we were all out of sight then put on her 'warm, kind and friendly' act and opened the door. I took the kids to their room. They all share a room together.
"Hey everybody" I whispered. "If you all promise to stay inside this room and be quiet, I will go to the orchard and get some fruit" I said quietly. Everyone's face lit up. I opened the window and started climbing out. I turned back to everyone "Remember, no leaving this room" I said then jumped on the tree branch and climbed down. I morphed into a Snow leopard and ran off. Don't ask me how I did it. I've been able to for a while. Nobody knows, not even Violet. It's not a normal thing so I thought it best if I just let it be.
I was picking apples when I spotted a really good looking one near the top. I climbed to the top and grabbed the apple but on my way down I slipped. I was waiting to collide into the ground but instead a tree branch grabbed around my waist and let me down gently. That was really...strange? Did I do that? I morphed into a snow leopard again and ran home with the bag full of fruit and changed back before climbing back up and though the window.
"Shhhhhhh!" I hissed. I put the bag down and everyone ate their heart out. After everyone had had their fill there were 2 apples left, one being the one I was getting when the tree saved me. Surely I didn't do that. I couldn't, could I??? I ate one and put the other one in my bag. The good looking one was shinier and redder than the other. It almost looked...magical. Anyway I tucked everyone in bed and I was about to leave the room when I heard screaming. Everyone jumped out of bed and rushed downstairs, including me. Those letters were everywhere. Spitting out of the toaster, the fireplace, the mail slot. Owls flew in the windows and dropped letters everywhere. The cake was destroyed and all up the walls and all over the floor. Vicki looked furious. Her face was almost as red as the apple.
"EVANGELINE CLARISSA BLACKBOURN!!!" Vicki yelled then suddenly everything went quiet. The letters stopped flowing in and the owls perched themselves and didn't make any noise. It was almost like they were watching me. It was kinda creepy and unnerving.
"DON'T SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU...FREAK!!!" Was all she could come up with.
"YOU KNOW WHAT VICKI?!? YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A SELFISH, MANIPULATIVE, CONCIETED, CRAZY, PSYCHOPATHIC OLD BITCH!!!!!" I screamed all my anger finally getting out. "And you know what else? I'm not scared of you anymore!!" I said getting up in her face. She slapped me so hard I fell to the ground and before I had time to get up she pulled me up by hair so I was looking into her cold, evil eyes. She had ripped the hair tie out.
"I want you and your pathetic little ass out of this orphanage right now!!" She whisper-yelled right in my ear, pulling my hair tighter with every word. She threw me outside and slammed the door in my face.
"THIS ISN'T AN ORPHANAGE, IT'S A BLOODY PRISON!!" I screamed at the door. A little girl walked up to me.
"Excuse me miss, your hair is on fire" She said then ran away quickly. I quickly grabbed the broken mirror out of my bag and looked in it. My hair wasn't on fire, but it looked like fire. It was a darker shade of orange that had red and yellow tips and it was glowing. It was also flickering ferociously like a wild fire. Once I calmed down it was back to normal. No words could describe how weird that was. I went back to the orchard and got some fruit to give to the kids at the 'Orphanage' and also some for me since I don't know how long I will be on the street. Once I got there I snuck inside the window into their room.
"Hey guys, are you awake?" I asked. Suddenly I heard whispers and the light flicked on.
"Evangeline!" everyone whisper-yelled.
"I can't stay long but I wanted to sing you guys' one last song before I go" I whispered. "Any suggestions?" I asked.
"Your lullaby!!" Violet suggested. I giggled and everyone agreed.
"Ok everyone in bed" I said then I opened my locket and started singing along with it.

(From the movie 'Anastasia')
on the wind, cross the seas
hear this song and remember
soon you'll be, home with me
Once upon a December
I kept singing until everyone was asleep. Inside the locket is a picture of my mother. On the other side there another picture but it's faded so I can't make out the face. I assume it's my father. As I sang I hugged everyone one last time then tucked them in bed. I put the fruit in a little trap door in the floor we always used to keep it in, so Vicki doesn't find it.

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