Chapter Sixteen: My Prediction

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"BROADEN YOUR MINDS!!" Professor Trelawny yelled causing my eyes to fly back open. We were in Divination and I could barely stay awake this class was so boring. She droned on and on then came to the table Hermione, Harry, Ron and I were sitting at.
"Now what do we have here?" She asked. She looked at me as if waiting for an answer.
"Oh um...let's see" I said looking into the crystal ball in the middle of the table. The smoke continued to slowly swirl around in the ball "Well, It looks as though it will be rather foggy tonight" I said. The class snickered. Trelawny looked a little annoyed at my answer then the smoke in the ball started to swirl faster.
"Anyone else?" She asked.
"Wait, it's...moving?" I said. She let out a little gasp.
"What is it my dear, tell me what you see" She said hunching over the table and staring at me.
"It's a...bird, no, baby birds. In a nest. It's a family of Golden Snidgets! Here comes the mother. She's teaching them to fly" I said, watching the ball. The mother was darting around the tree, showing them what to do. Everyone was now sitting up straight listening to what I was saying. "It's the chicks' turn now. The first baby flew off, then the next one, and the next one with no trouble at all. They're all flying around their mother, lightly pecking her. They look like they're itching to go explore. But it's the last baby Snidgets turn. It's the littlest, like the runt. It's flapping like the rest but its mother, she flew off with the others. She left it all alone. It's gonna try and fly after her, but it can't stay in the air. No!! it's gonna fall!! It's...It''s gone" I said. I looked up and saw Trelawny watching me with interest. I looked back at the ball and saw the little bird fly up and off into the distance. "The just flew off. It's ok" I said with relief even though it was only made of smoke.
"When I first saw you in this class I knew you were special, I could sense your spirit. I could see and feel your aura!" She said.
"But Professor, what does it mean?" I asked.
"You will be abandoned by your friends and family during a difficult challenge in your life...but will overcome it and learn new skills because of it" She said. Every one gave me weird looks. Hermione spoke.
"Do you mind me trying?" Hermione asked then took a look at the crystal ball for only a moment. "The Grim, possibly" She said.
"My dear, The first moment you stepped foot in my class I sensed you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of divination. You may be young in years but the heart that beats beneath your bosoms is as shrivelled as an old maid. Your soul as dry as the pages of the books of which you so desperately cleave" Trelawny said, studying Hermione's hand. Hermione yanked her hand back, grabbed her books and hit the crystal ball off its little stand thing before storming out of the classroom. Trelawny turned to me.
"Have I said something?" She asked.
"No, Hermione just can't take it that someone is better at a class then her" Ron said looking at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Class dismissed" Trelawny spoke. Everyone piled out of the classroom.
"So did you really see those birds or were you just making it up?" Ron asked. I laughed awkwardly.
"Of course I made it up! This whole class is about making things up right?" I lied. "And besides, You guys would never abandon me...right?" I asked, nervously. It was real and it made me feel a little uneasy.
"Of course not Ang" Harry and Ron said at the same time. We were walking down the staircase when Harry spotted the crystal ball that Hermione had knocked over.
"We better take this back" Harry said.
"I'm not going back" Ron said. I sighed.
"I'll come" I said.
"See ya later" Harry said and I gave a small wave. We made it back to the classroom but when we walked in Trelawny wasn't in there. I waited outside the classroom for Harry. He had been in there for a while. I was about to go inside to look for him when he came running out looking a little pale.
"Harry!" I yelled running after him. "Harry whats wrong?" I asked but he just kept jogging down the stairs. "HARRY!"
"I, um, I just realized I have homework that's overdue. I'll see you later" He said then ran off again.
"Harry wait!" I yelled but he was gone. I wonder what happened in there? I slowly made my way back to the common room. Suddenly I got an insane idea. I grabbed a bit of spare parchment and a quill and wrote:

Meet me near Hagrid's hut. Come alone.

I whistled for Hedwig and she flew in the window not long after.
"Hedwig, take this to Draco Malfoy please" I said. She tilted her head at me.
"Why in merlins beard would you want me to go there?" She asked.
"Please just do it. I'll give you extra treats" I bribed. She thought about it.
"Alright" She said. I grabbed 2 treats and held them out for her. She just stared at me. I laughed and grabbed another one for her.
"Thankyou" I said as she flew off. I made my way down to Hagrid's hut and knocked on his door.
"Evangeline? Wha' are yeh doin' down 'ere? Yer're not s'pose ter be out at this time o' night" Hagrid said.
"I know but, I was just wondering if I could maybe spend some time with Buckbeak and Midnight before they're...before it happens" I said. He looked at the castle then back at me.
"I guess a few minutes'll be alrigh'" He said and he walked around to where they were tied up.
"Now, I'm goin' ter untie yeh but don' run away" He said to them. As soon as he untied them they both ran over to me and tackled me to the ground in hugs. I laughed.

~Draco Malfoy's P.O.V~

I was walking around with Goyle and Pansy picking on first years. They were dangling one upside down and I was just leaning against a wall watching and laughing when a snowy, white owl flew by and dropped a letter next to me. I opened it and read the neat cursive writing:

Meet me near Hagrid's hut. Come alone.

It didn't have a name. Where had I seen that handwriting before. It was very familiar but I just couldn't place it. A look of confusion must have crossed my face coz Pansy noticed.
"What's that Drakie-poo?" She asked. I folded the paper and put it in my pocket.
"Nothing. Professor Snape just wanted to see me" I lied.
"What about?" She asked. Why must she need to know everything.
"My potions work" I lied. "I have to go now. He said not to keep him waiting"
"But Drakie-poo, there is a group of Mud-bloods over the-" Pansy started saying but I just walked off.
"I'll meet you later in the common room" I said then set off towards the great oaf's house. I wanted to know who sent that letter. Once I got down there I saw a girl with bright orange hair on the ground and the bloody chicken thing looked like it was attacking her. I started to jog towards them. When I got closer I noticed she was laughing. It looked up and squawked defensively at me. The girl on the ground looked over my direction. She quickly stood up and brushed of the dirt from her clothes and her hair out of her face. It was Evangeline. She sent the letter?
"Whoa Buckbeak, calm down" She said and he instantly calmed down. She was really good with animals.
"Well I'm here" I said. She glared at me. "Is that what you wanted? To glare at me?" I laughed.
"Shut it Malfoy" She snapped. "I wanted to show you what you're missing out on. And the innocence of this gentle creature" She explained stroking its beak.
"Innocence! That monster tried to kill me!" I exclaimed pointing my finger at it. It snapped at my hand.
"Only because you offended him!" She yelled. "Treat him the way you want to be treated" She said, smiling back at it.
"Is there a point to this or can I leave?" I asked. She sighed angrily.
"You can leave once you learn how to handle them" She said. I groaned but reluctantly agreed. "Okay. First you bow" She said.
"I'm not bowing to THAT!" I exclaimed.
"BOW!" She yelled as her hair flared. I rolled my eyes and bowed. The bird thing made a weird squawking noise like it was talking to her and she was listening. "Please, do it for me?" She asked but the bird thing just squawked again and turned around and sat there with its nose in the air. She let out a defeated sigh. Then turned to me.
"Well since Buckbeak is being stubborn-!" She said directed at Buckbeak and he squawked at her again. I smirked. "-pretend I'm Buckbeak. Look directly into my eyes-" She said. I looked into her eyes. They were the most beautiful, warm chocolate brown. I was lost in them.
"-now take a nice, low bow" She said and I did. "Great! Now ready to try on Buckbeak?" She asked. I nodded still lost in her eyes. She whistled and he got up and walked over. "Ready?" She asked us both. I nodded but the chicken glared me down and began squawking at her again.
"Why? Don't you trust me?" She asked it.
"Squawkity squawk, squawk squawk" ( Buckbeak: I trust you. It's him I don't trust!)
"Well, I trust him" She said glancing back at me. She trusts me? I don't know why but I felt quite elated after hearing those words. The giant chicken looked at me then rolled its eyes and stood up.
"Go on" She said to me. I took a deep breath. I really wanted to get this right, to impress Evangeline. I bowed slowly, not breaking eye contact. Buckbeak reluctantly bowed back. Evangeline smiled, it made me smile. "Great, now you can pat him" She said and I slowly made my way over and started patting him on the head. 
"Do you want to ride him?" She asked excitedly. I laughed at her enthusiasm.
"I suppose" I said. She smiled excitedly and grabbed my hand and pulled me over to Buckbeak. It made my whole arm tingle. She helped me up and then climbed up herself sitting in front of me. "Alright Buckbeak, show him what you can do" She said then Buckbeak took off into the sky. I grabbed hold of her waist tightly so I didn't fall off. I think I saw pink flush across her cheeks. It was really cute. Cut it out Draco! She's a filthy Gryffindor for Merlin's sake. We were soaring high above the castle and the sight made me smile. Not smirk, smile. I had never seen anything so beautiful, except perhaps Evangeline. I will admit, she is not as vile as the other Gryffindors, especially Mud-blood, potty and weasel. I don't know how she can stand them. She should have been in Slytherin. We flew around a while longer over the treetops of the forbidden forest.
"Let go of my waist!" She yelled over the wind.
"What! You're mental!" I yelled. She let her arms go and spread them out. Her hair was glowing a yellow-orange and flickering like a candle in the wind. I guess that means she's happy? I slowly let go and did exactly what she was doing.
"Isn't it amazing?" She asked.
"Yeah...It is" I answered truthfully. I wonder if I could convince father to just kick him out of the school. That might work. After a little while longer we landed. I jumped off Buckbeak's back and grabbed Evangeline's hand and helped her down, causing the tingles to return.
"That was fun" I said. I was still holding her hand. We stood for about a minute just staring into each other's eyes. I tucked a stray piece of Evangeline's hair behind her ear and my hand lingered. Before I knew it I started leaning in and she did to. We were centimetres apart when Buckbeak squawked and ruined the moment. We both pulled back and I felt a blush crawl across my cheeks. She was blushing too but turned and glared at Buckbeak.
"Well, I should probably get going. It almost curfew" I said although I really didn't want to leave. I turned around to leave.
"Wait!" She called. I turned back. "Um...I..." She trailed off. She sighed. "Can you please promise me that you won't joke about or taunt Buckbeak's...thing tomorrow?" She asked. I thought about it.
"Um..." I said.
"Please?" She asked giving me puppy dog eyes. I couldn't resit them.
"Okay, I promise" I said. She smiled. "I'll see you around...Evangeline" I said then turned to walk back to the castle.
"What did you just call me?" She asked. I laughed.
"Evangeline. It is your name afterall" I said smirking.
"Well then goodnight...Draco" She said. The way she said my name sent shivers down my spine.
As soon as I walked in the common room Pansy threw herself on me.
"Oh Drakie-poo I missed you! Where have you been! We went by Snape's office looking for you" Pansy said. I pushed her off.
"I went for a walk and I...ran into Blackbourn" I lied.
"Oh, what did you do?" Pansy asked.
"What else? I cast a boil jinx at her" I lied. "She still looked a right side better than normal though" I said. Pansy laughed.
"I know she's so ugly. She's like, the ugliest person in the world" Pansy said.
"Hey!" I yelled.
"What? Sticking up for BlackTURD are you? Think she is pretty, do you?" Pansy questioned.
"What no I just...think that is an insult to the ugly people. She is clearly beyond, beyond ugly" I lied. Pansy studied me for a moment so I thought I should add something else "I bet her mother took one look at her after she was born and died" Pansy snorted.
"So true" Pansy laughed and I forced a laugh. "Goodnight Draco" Pansy said. It wasn't anywhere near as charming as when Evangeline said it. In fact it made me shudder rather than give me shivers "I'll be dreaming of you" She added as she walked up the stairs to the girls dorms. She stopped and the door and blew me a kiss. I caught it in my hand and forced a smile then when she closed the door I threw the air kiss in the fire.

~Evangeline's P.O.V~
After that I tied Midnight and Buckbeak back up I was patting Midnight and thinking about what just happened.
"I almost kissed Draco Malfoy" I stated.
"I know I saw" she said. I blushed. "Do you like him?" She asked.
"No! of course I don't!" I protested. If she had eyebrows, she'd be raising one right now. I just rolled my eyes.
"Goodnight Midnight" I said. "Night Buckbeak"
"Goodnight Evangeline" They replied in unison. I was so confused right now. I was walking around the castle thinking about what Midnight asked me. "Do you like him?"... Do I like him??? No! I can't. He's vile and cruel and...absolutely gorgeous. Oh Merlin please tell me I did not just think that!! I'm gonna need therapy or something. I walked around the deserted corridors of the castle until about 1:00am. I decided it was about time to head back to the common room and try and get some sleep. Once I got back I opened the door to my dorm and found Hermione pacing back and forth in front of her bed. She looked up at me and stormed towards me.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!" She yelled.
"Shhh! You're going to wake everyone up!" I whispered.
"What like the Grim?" I asked smirking. She glared back at me.
"Just go to bed!" She ordered. I dressed in my pj's and climbed into bed but couldn't sleep. I
looked at the clock and it was 2:30am.
"Hey 'Mione! Mione!" I whisper/yelled. She was fast asleep. I looked for something I could throw at her. I found a bertie botts every flavour bean on my beside table and threw at her face. It bounced off and she just groaned and rolled over. I just sighed, rolled onto my back and stared at the roof. I couldn't get him out of my head. His stormy grey eyes and icy blond hair. I shook him from my thoughts the best I could and forced myself to sleep.

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