Chapter Ten:Quidditch tryouts

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I woke up this morning to the sound of birds chirping happily and the sun warming my face. It was a beautiful morning...until I realized Quidditch tryouts were today. I was so nervous. I got up and did my usual morning routine (shower, the spell etc.) I dressed in in some sporty gear ready for tryouts which was right after breakfast (outfit above)
I made my way down to the Great Hall and sat with the trio who were already there.
"Hey guys" I said.
"Hey Ang" Harry and Ron said together.
"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked.
"Honestly, terrified" I said. They laughed.
"Well you better eat something, you don't have long" Harry said.
"Here have some bacon" Ron said waving bacon in my face.
"No thanks Ron. I'll just have some toast" I said grabbing a piece of toast.
"But it's a good energy booster" He said.
"She's a vegetarian, Ron" Harry said.
"Oh" He said. I nodded. "How can you not eat meat? It tastes so good!" Ron said with a mouthful of bacon making me scrunch up my nose in disgust.
"You know how I can communicate with animals, yeah, well, apparently they don't like to be eaten" I said.
"Yeah no kidding" Jonny said from the table. I smiled and gave him some flies.
"Oh come on who's going to eat a spider?" I asked. Ron shuddered.
"I heard they eat locusts and crickets" Jonny said.
"Yeah, that's just disturbing" I said, shuddering. I saw Oliver walking this way.
"Hey Evangeline, good luck today" He said patting my back.
"Thanks" I said smiling, He nodded and walked out of the Great Hall. I sighed "I'm gonna need it"
"Nonsense Vee, you'll do amazing I'm sure of it" Hermione said. I smiled at her. I finished my toast and went out to the Quidditch pitch, followed by Harry, Ron and Hermione. Fred and George saw me and ran over.
"Eva, you didn't tell us-" Fred started.
"-That you were trying out" George finished. I laughed.
"Surprise" I said. Then I heard that annoying voice again.
"What are you doing here. I heard you don't even have a broom" Malfoy sneered. Well it's seems he's back to normal.
"Actually I do" I said holding my Nimbus 2000 that Oliver gave me proudly.
"HA! A Nimbus 2000! You do realise they are 2 years out-dated right!" Malfoy and his goons laughed. I just rolled my eyes and walked passed them. Harry went over to the team and Ron and Hermione went to watch in the stands. I saw McGonagall in the stands too. She takes her Quidditch very seriously. That thought made me laugh. There were a lot of people here to tryout. That didn't help my nerves at all. I was shaking.
"It's alright Ang, you'll do amazing I'm sure of it!" Harry said. He gave me a quick hug and walked back over to the team. They had practice after this. It was finally my turn. I took a deep breath. First they made me do a time trial and fly around the field as fast as I could. Next they bewitched quaffles that went in all different directions. Again I caught every one. Then they had me throw the quaffle into the hoop from all kinds of angles and distances with Oliver defending. He only stopped one. Everyone clapped and cheered for me making me smile and blush. I flew down to the ground.
"Okay" Oliver said to all the tryoutees (its a word now) "We will just take a few minutes to decide. Everyone wait here and I will announce shortly" He said. Harry shot me a 'I'm voting for you' look. I smiled. Hermione and Ron ran down to me. Hermione hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe.
"Oh Merlin you were sooo good!!! I know you're gonna be on the team I can feel it!!!" Hermione screamed in my ear.
"Thanks 'Mione but I do need my ears too" I said.
"Sorry" She said. Jonny jumped onto my shoulder.
"That was incredible!!! I didn't know you could move that quick!" Jonny said. I laughed.
"Thanks Jonny" I said.
"You were wicked!" Ron said. I smiled
"Thanks Ron" I said, then the team came out looking very serious. I suddenly felt sick. I was so nervous. I really want to be on that team! Hermione must have noticed my hands shaking coz she grabbed them.
"It was very tough decision but we managed to come to an agreement. The new Gryffindor chaser is........." Oliver started. His eyes travelled over everyone who tried out.

"EVANGELINE BLACKBOURN!!!" The whole team said. Well done Evangeline I thought clapping. Wait a second. I'm Evangeline!!!
"OH MY GOSH, THAT'S ME!!!" I screamed.
"No, it's my pet monkey" Hermione said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes as everyone cheered for me. Many of the tryoutees walked away, slightly pissed, a few congratulated me.
"Well done Evangeline" Oliver said. "You showed some real skill out there. Now here is our training timetable" He said handing me a piece of parchment with training times on it. "Welcome to the team. We start training right now" He said. Harry walked over to me.
"Hey Harry, was it close?" I asked.
"oh yeah, if you call everyone in the team voting for you close then, it was super close" Harry said casually.
"What! Everyone voted for me?!" I asked.
"Yep" Harry said popping the 'p'. "We went around in a circle and everyone said who they thought should be in and everyone said you" He said. I blushed then squealed.
"I can't believe I'm in the Quidditch team!" I squealed. I saw McGonagall walking this way.
"Congratulations on making the team Miss Blackbourn. I just know we're gonna win the cup now" She said excitedly. She walked back up to the castle. We started training and by the end of it I was exhausted. I walked slowly up to the Gryffindor tower. Once I got into the common room I collapsed on the couch, face down.
"Don't get too comfy, we have potions next" Harry said glumly.
"I don't wanna go to potions!" I whined but it was muffled by the couch since my face was smushed on it.
"We have DADA after" Hermione said. I perked straight up. D.A.D.A was my favourite class other than C.O.M.C. I went and had a quick shower since I was so sweaty from training. I changed into my robes and walked back down to the common room.
"Let's go to potions" I said with fake enthusiasm. Everyone laughed. We walked into class and sat in our seats. Somehow Jonny must have jumped onto Ron's shoulder when we were walking here.
"Um Ron I don't mean to scare you but Jonny is on your shoulder" Hermione whispered. Ron went pail and slowly turned around to see Jonny sitting on his shoulder. Jonny waved and Ron screamed. I quickly jumped up and ran over to Ron and grabbed Jonny. Snape walked into the room.
"Everyone sit!" He said, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and sat back down. "We will be making an awakening potion. Instructions are on the board. You have until the end of the lesson. Begin" He said in his bored voice.

~Snape's P.O.V~
I watched as all these dunderheads attempted to make the potion. One student, however, stood out among them all. Miss Blackbourn. She was exceptional at potions. She reminds me so much of Nicole. She looks exactly like her. That's why I dislike her. The Dark Lord murdered Nicole. Nicole loved potions. That's how we met. I was partnered with her all the time. I was marking essays, most students either just passing or failing but Miss Blackbourn always got top marks. Her work was well above standard and her potion skills were outstanding. I watched as she made little alterations to the instructions, just like I used too. Her potions were always perfect. She was my best student in the whole school and this was her first year at a magical school. She is just another Know-it-all like Granger.

~Evangeline's P.O.V~
I was finished my potion with tons of time to spare as usual. I suddenly got a great idea for a prank to get back at Snape. He doesn't seem to like me very much, always deducting points and giving me detentions. Although the detentions are quite fun, they are usually with Hagrid. I whispered my plan to Jonny and he grinned evilly. He ran across the floor up to Snape's desk. Snape was busy yelling at Seamus because his potion blew up. Jonny climbed onto the desk and waited for Snape to come back. He slowly made his way back to his desk muttering something under his breath when he noticed Jonny and raised his eyebrow. Then Jonny stood up on four legs and started dancing the Macarena. Snape looked very confused. While he was watching Jonny dance I ran around the room and placed little bomb things, that Hermione got me from Zonko's Jokeshop in Hogsmeade, down along the walls and a few in the middle of the room. Everyone was too preoccupied with their potions to notice me. By this time Jonny was doing the can-can. I sneezed. That was the signal for him to stop but to make it less obvious he waited a minute. He bowed and ran out the door. Snape sat back down. I was biting my lip to try and stop myself from laughing at Snapes face. It was hilarious. It was almost the end of class and they were going to blow soon.
"Bring your finished potions up the front so I can mark them" Snape said. I was still trying not to laugh. I put some of my potion into a vile and lined up the front. I handed it over to Professor Snape. He studied it for ages trying to find any flaws. He finally gave up. "O" he said, glaring at me.
"Thankyou Professor" I said as I walked back to my desk to pack up my books. I had to try and get out of here as quick as I could. The bombs went off and the whole room was filled with smoke so thick you couldn't see. Once it cleared everyone started laughing. Everything was pink. The walls, the floor, the desks, the roof. Even Snape's robes were pink. I started laughing too. Harry looked over at me and I smiled and winked at him. He smiled knowing it was me. I was about to walk out when-
"Miss Blackbourn!" Snape called. Does he know it was me?? I thought. I slowly turned around.
"Y-Yes Professor?" I asked, cautiously.
"Detention!" He said.
"For what?" I asked. Surely he can't know it was me. He had his back to the class when I did it.
"You know perfectly well what" He spat. I sighed "After supper tonight" He added.
"But I'm going down to Ha-" I started but he interrupted me.
"Well I guess you'll have to change your plans then, won't you" Snape said coldly. I just glared at him, span around on my heel and stormed off picking Jonny off the wall as I went past. I was heading to the D.A.D.A rooms.
"so how'd it go?" Jonny asked.
"great, but I got a detention" I said.
"How did he know it was you?" He asked.
"No idea. His back was to the class when I did it. Unless he has the inner eye or something" I joked. Jonny laughed.

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