Chapter Seven: What Do I fear most?

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~Evangeline's P.O.V~

The last few days were quite eventful. Sirius Black has apparently been sighted in Hogsmeade. I was really worried for Harry. He surely wouldn't be able to get into Hogwarts though right? I hope not. We were currently in DADA with Professor Lupin. There was a wardrobe up the front of the class, shaking. I'd read about these. It's a boggart. Takes shape of whatever it is the person it's facing fears the most. I wonder what I fear most. I no longer fear Vicki so it can't be her? I was brought out of my thoughts when Hermione suddenly spoke, answering Lupins question of what was in front of us What is with her? She just pops up out of nowhere.
"A very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practise it now. Without wands please" Lupin said. "After me... Riddikulus" Lupin said.
"Riddikulus" The class repeated.
"Very good. A little louder this time and very clear, listen" Lupin said. "Riddikulus!"
"Riddikulus!" The class said louder.
"Very good. Well so much for the easy part but you see the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a Boggart is laughter. You need to force it to a shape that you find truly amusing. Let me explain" He said scanning through the crowd "Ah Neville will you join me up here please, come on don't be shy" Lupin said. Neville slowly walked up the front.
"Neville, what frightens you most of all?" Lupin asked Neville. Neville mumbled something that I couldn't make out. "Sorry? What was that?" He asked.
"P-Professor Snape" Neville said a little louder. The class laughed a little.
"Professor Snape, well, he frightens all" Lupin said, chuckling slightly. "and I believe you live with your grandmother?" Lupin said.
"Yes, but I don't want that Boggart to turn into her either" Neville said quickly. The class chuckled again.
"Oh no, it won't. I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind" Lupin said. Neville started describing her outfit aloud.
"We don't need to hear. As long as you see it, we'll see it" Lupin said. "Now when I open this wardrobe, here's what I want you to do" Lupin said walking over to Neville. He whispered something in his ear. "Can you do that?" Lupin asked out loud again. Neville nodded. "Wand at the ready. 1...2...3" and with a wave of his wand the wardrobe opened and out stepped a man with a hooked nose and greasy, black, shoulder-length hair. He somehow looked oddly familiar. I dismissed that thought as soon as Neville said Riddikulus. The man was now wearing old lady clothes and a vulture hat. The whole class erupted with laughter.
"Wonderful Neville, incredible. Alright everybody, form a line" Lupin said and everybody pushed to get a good spot I was in front of Harry. Ron was up the front. "I want everybody to picture the thing they fear the most and turn it into something funny"
"What do you fear most?" Jonny asked and I just shrugged. I honestly didn't know. Ron walked up and Snape turned into a giant spider. Ron went pail. "Interesting" Jonny said grinning cheekily and stroking is chin
"No, don't you dare" I warned Jonny, he chuckled. Ron took out his wand and cast 'Riddikulus'. The spider was now sliding around wearing roller skates. A few more people went and then it was my turn. The boggart changed into Vicki first. But I didn't fear her anymore. I was confused. Then it changed into everything that I have feared in my life that I no longer feared. then it changed into a dementor. I thought of that night on the Hogwarts express then it swooped me and it changed once more into another cloaked figure. It was hunched over and floating. It's face covered by the shadow of the hood. I didn't know who or what it was but it was a vaguely familiar, like a memory from a dream. Harry jumped in front of me as if he knew exactly what it was, and it was obviously not good, then the Boggart changed into a dementor. It slowly made its way towards Harry but Lupin jumped into the way and it changed into the full moon, peering out from behind clouds.
"Riddikulus" Lupin shouted and the Boggart turned into a white balloon and flew back into the wardrobe. "Sorry about that. I think that's enough for today. If you'd all like to collect your books at the back of the class, that's the end of the lesson thankyou" Lupin said sort of rushed. I stood next to Harry. We looked at each other, confused at what just happened.
We were walking back to the common room when Harry spoke to me.
"Hey Ang, I didn't know you have seen Volde-"Harry started but Hermione interjected.
"Harry!" She hissed.
"Sorry, you-know-who before?" Harry asked.
"Is that who that last thing was? The creepy hunched figure?" I asked and he nodded. "I didn't know, But why did the Boggart change into so many things for me?" I asked. They all shrugged.
"What were you thinking about?" Ron asked.
"I wasn't really. But it changed into all the things Ive feared throughout my whole life" I explained. Everyone was silent for a while.
"Hey are you guys going to Hogsmeade tomorrow? I heard they have the best sweets at Honeydukes" Ron asked changing the subject. Harry looked sad and I bet I looked confused.
"Ron, Harry hasn't got a signed permission slip and I doubt Vee has one either judging by the look on her face" Hermione said. She is the only one who calls me Vee. Everyone else calls me Eva or Ang.
"Oh, sorry. I could stay if you want" Ron said.
"No you go, just make sure to buy me some candy" Harry said smiling again.
"And you too 'Mione" I said and she smiled. Our next class was potions. Don't tell anyone but I'm really excited to see if it lives up to my expectations. We walked through the dungeons and it was cold and dark, like the twins described. We finally made it to the classroom and we found a seat. The only seats left were next to Malfoy, Parkinson, Crabbe and Blaise. I was about to sit next to Blaise but Harry beat me there. I went to sit near Parkinson but Hermione sat there and Ron, Crabbe. Ugh! Why does it have to be that git! I sat down in the seat next to Malfoy as far as possible in the seat and Professor Snape walked in. He started a little speech.
"God, hasn't he ever heard of a shower. I swear you could deep fry chips with all the grease in his hair" Jonny said making me burst out laughing. Everyone in the class turned to me with worried looks.
"Something I say funny was it?" Snape asked coldly walking towards me. I stopped laughing but I was still snickering quietly. I couldn't get over the fact that he looked so familiar yet we had never met.
"No, sir" I said, straightening up in my seat an looking him the eyes. His eyes widened slightly.
"Ah you're the new student. It is in my knowledge that you have never attended a magical school before, am I correct?" He said in a monotone voice.
"Yes sir" I said.
"So do you really think you are in the position to not pay attention in class?" He asked.
"Try me?" I challenged.
"Very well, stand up Miss..." Snape said.
"Blackbourn" I said standing up. His eyes widened again at the mention of my surname but he continued.
"Ms Blackbourn, What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? Where would you look if I told you to find me a Bezoar? And lastly, what is the difference between monkshood and Wolfsbane?" He quizzed. He was smirking, thinking I didn't know the answer. Thank god I had studied before I came here. I put on a face like I didn't know the answer making his smirk grow...until I opened my mouth.
"Well, Professor, Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draught of living death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and can save you from most poisons. And monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. Am I correct?" I said, smiling innocently. Everyone was awestruck at my answer, including Professor Snape. He looked furious.
"I do not take kindly to insufferable know-it-all's like yourself" Snape hissed walking back to his desk.
"And I don't take kindly to insufferable, greasy gits like yourself " I mumbled to myself mocking him, sitting back down. Jonny heard and laughed.
"Detention, Miss Blackbourn!" Snape sneered.
"For what! For knowing the answer. I thought Professors were supposed to praise good work not punish them for it" I said standing back up. He looked even more furious. I saw my hair start to glow out of the corner of my eye.
"Sit down! A week's detention! Don't make it a month" Snape yelled. I felt someone tugging on my robes and pulled me back down so I was sitting again. It was Malfoy. I huffed and crossed my arms. "Directions are on the board. Start now!" Snape hissed. We were brewing invisibility potion. This I knew all too well. I didn't even need to look at the board once. I had modified the recipe a little though. Added more of this and less of that, and it turned out perfectly each time. Potions would be great if it had a different teacher. Fred and George were right. He is a major git.
"Your hair on fire?" Malfoy said pointing at my hair.
"It will stop when I calm down" I said, not taking my eye off my potion. I had finished with ages to spare. I just sat there doodling on a spare piece of parchment.
"Since you're finished, would you mind helping me cut ingredients? My arm is-" Malfoy started but I interrupted.
"Oh your arm is fine!" I snapped. He looked taken aback. I sighed. "Sorry, I'm just in a bad mood" He nodded. I heard him mutter something like 'I can tell'.
"Please? Your potion looks perfect and I really need to raise my grades" Malfoy asked. That took me by surprise. Did Malfoy just say please?
" I could show you a thing or two" I said stilled shocked. I moved closer to him and cut up the ingredients. I told him my little secrets about how much more or less of what I put in. I helped him finish his potion before the class finished.
"Hey, um, I just, well" Malfoy stuttered.
"Just spit it out" I said.
"IwanttothankyouforsavinginCareofMagicalCreaturestheotherday" He mumbled quickly so I couldn't understand.
"What?" I asked. He took a deep breath.
"I said thankyou, for saving me the other day. In Care of Magical Creatures." He repeated and looked as if heavy weight had been lifted of his shoulders.
"No problem?" I said. Why is he being so nice to me all of a sudden. "Are you ill? Do you have a temperature or something? Do you need to go see Madam Pomfrey?" I asked him. "Professor, I think Malfoy's-" I started but Malfoy covered my mouth.
"What's wrong Mr Malfoy?" Snape asked, clearly not amused.
"Oh nothing sir. She just helped me with my potion since my arm is injured. Perhaps you should...lift her detention?" Malfoy said. My eyes widened and my mouth would have dropped open if Malfoy's hand hadn't been holding it.
"Very well then. Ms Blackbourn, no detention" Snape said in a bored tone. I cannot believe Malfoy just got rid of my detention. I cleared my throat awkwardly since he still had his hand over my mouth.
"Oh sorry" Malfoy said as he let go.
"Umm, thanks for lifting my detention" I said awkwardly.
"No-no problem" He said with his eyebrows furrowed, thinking.

~Malfoy's P.O.V~
What is wrong with me? I said please...thankyou? That's not me! I also got rid of Evang-*clears throat* Blackbourn's detention? Maybe I am sick. I should go to the hospital wing after class. Maybe the wound is infected and its gotten into my bloodstream and now it's affecting my brain! Yeah, let's go with that...

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