Chapter Four: The Hogwarts Express

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I spent the next few weeks reading through all my new books. I got the hang of the monster book of Monsters now. I found a book about Quidditch called 'Quidditch: Through the Ages' So I had some idea about Quidditch and the rules. It sounds really cool, too bad I don't have a broom or I could have maybe tried out for the team. Maybe. I also practiced growing little plants, create little fires, freeze little insects like flies, and create wind (Not that kind of wind 😂) all in my hands without my wand. I then realised that I had no idea how to get to Kings Cross station. Greeat! I thought. (Note the sarcasm) and I didn't have long to get there. I had a quick shower and dressed

then packed all my things double checking to make sure I had my ticket

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then packed all my things double checking to make sure I had my ticket. Jonny climbed into the pocket of my shirt. I made my way out of the Leaky Cauldron. I made sure there were no muggles around and pulled my wand out of my boot and cast the spell Mr Ollivander taught me to hide my scars. A fly kept flying past my face and I tried to wave it away with my hand the wand was in. I froze the fly and put it in a jar for Jonny later then suddenly a bright purple bus zoomed around the corner and stopped right in front of me.
"Welcome to the knight bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for this morning" A man on the bus read from a piece of paper. I just stood frozen. "Well are you coming or not. You did waved your wand right? Let's not wait for the grass to grow" Stan said impatiently.
"That won't take long aye Evangeline" Jonny said from my pocket. I giggled. Stan grabbed my suitcase and I climbed inside. There were no seats, but beds. I sat down and the bus took off.
"Wha' you say your name was?"  Stan asked.
"I didn't. It's Evangeline Blackbourn" I said.
"Where you headin'?" He asked.
"King's cross station" I said. He nodded and started reading the paper. The Headline read 'Escape from Azkaban' "Excuse me, who is that man on the front page?" I asked. He turned the paper over and looked from the page to me.
"Who is that! Who is-" He said. "That is Sirius Black tha' is. Don't tell me you've never been hearin' o' Sirius Black" He said. I just shook my head. "He's a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for i'"
"But how did he escape?" I asked.
"Well that the question isn't i'. He's the first one that done i'" He said. "He was a big supporter know who" He said in a whisper. "Reckon you heard o' him" He said. I nodded slowly. Hagrid had told me about him at Diagon Ally and how he was destroyed by a little baby but he never did mention the baby's name. He didn't really linger on that subject for long. The rest of the ride was rather quiet. We finally made it to Kings cross station. The bus stopped quite suddenly making me hit my head on the window.
"Ow" I mumbled rubbing my head while Jonny laughed at me. "Oh shut up" I said but he still sniggered quietly.
"Here we are. King's Cross Station" Stan said.
"Thankyou" I said as I took my suitcase and hopped off the bus. As soon as I got off it took off again. I made my way inside and grabbed a trolley to put my things on. "Stay in my pocket. I don't need anyone seeing you or you getting lost" I whispered to Jonny. I came to platform 9 and platform 10 but I couldn't see a platform 9 and ¾. I got out the ticket again and checked that I read it right. Yep, but how the hell do I get there??? It was 10:30 and the train leaves at 11 sharp. I decided to wait a while to see if anyone else came along. After 20 minutes of waiting I was tempted to leave but then I saw a plump, red haired lady with a lot of children trailing behind her, also with red hair, pushing trolleys with things similar to mine on them. I watched closely.
"Come on, come on! Through to platform 9 and ¾. Don't want to be late." She yelled at her kids. Did she say platform 9 and ¾ ??? I watched once more as two identical boys ran towards the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Oh god they're going to crash! I thought but when they reached it, they went straight through it. What the! I watch as the whole family went through the barrier. I checked the time. I only had 5 minutes. I pushed my trolley over towards the barrier.
"I can't believe I am about to do this" I mumbled to myself. I tightened my grip on the handle then sprinted towards the barrier. I closed my eyes waiting for a collision but when I opened them, I saw tons of people crowded around and large scarlet train that had written on it 'Hogwarts Express' . I watched as many parents hugged their kids and fussed over them like they would never see them again. I envied them, not having parents is tough. I let a single tear roll down my cheek.
"Come on we have 3 minutes!!" Jonny yelled. I wiped away the tear and walked towards the train.
"Excuse me, pardon me, forgive me, 'scusie" I said pushing passed weeping parents waving their children goodbye. I just got on the train when it started moving.
"Well that was close" Jonny said. I took a deep breath.
"come on, let's go find a free compartment" I said. I walked around the train trying to find an empty compartment but had no luck. I opened the next one I walked to.
"Excuse me, can I plea-" I started but the boy in the compartment cut me off.
"Well, well, what do we have here? Another Weasley? How can they afford to send you to Hogwarts?" the boy asked. He had platinum blonde hair and a pointed face.
"A what?" I asked.
"Oh, you're not a Weasley?" He said. I shook my head, slightly confused. He went back to looking out the window.
"Do you mind if I sit here? All the other compartments are full" I asked politely.
"Fine, as long as you stay quiet" He said.
"Alright I'll be quiet" I said putting my luggage away and sitting on the seat across from him
"Fine" I said. We stayed quiet for a few seconds. "So are you going to miss it?" I asked.
"What? your talking?" He asked.
"No! England" I said.
"Oh, nope" He replied.
"But isn't it your home?" I asked.
"It's a place that I live" He answered putting his legs up on my seat.
"Then that must mean that Hogwarts is your true home" I said, trying to be polite and make conversation.
"What is it with you and home?" He asked.
"Well first of all it's something every normal person wants" I said standing up about to walk out but his legs were blocking the way. "And seconds it's's" I said trying to push past him but he kept blocking the way.
"It's what?" He asked clearly amused.
"Just forget it!!" I said, climbing over the seat and grabbing my luggage. Just then Blaise walked into the compartment. "Oh thank goodness it's you Blaise. Will you please remove him from my sight!!" I yelled pointing at the blonde haired boy.
"Whoa Evangeline your hairs..." He trailed off. I felt my hair get hot "What have you done this time Draco?" Blaise asked.
"Me!? It's her!!" The blonde-haired boy yelled.
"Ugh!" I grunted. "You're so annoying!" I said as I grabbed my suitcase and stormed out of the
compartment. Great now I don't have anywhere to sit. I searched for another seat when I glanced into
a compartment while I passed and saw a messy black haired boy wearing glasses who reminded me a lot of Harry. In fact it looked exactly like Harry. I opened the compartment door.
"Harry?!?" I said. He looked up at me.
"Evangeline!!" Harry yelled as he jumped up from his seat and hugged which I must say wasn't expecting at all. "Are you ok? I saw you get kicked out." He asked.
"Oh you saw that huh?" I said awkwardly.
"Yeah, I was about to see if you would like to stay with me but uncle Vernon forbid it" He said sympathetically. I smiled then I realized that him being here means...
"Wait! You're a wizard and you didn't tell me!" I said smacking him on the arm. He laughed.
"Well you didn't mention you were a witch" He said.
"Because I didn't know until about a month ago after I got kicked out of the orphanage" I said. He hugged me again.
"Well I'm glad you're safe" He said then some brown, bushy haired girl cleared her throat awkwardly. "Oh, Ron, Hermione, This is Evangeline. She lived across from me in Little Whinging" Harry introduced me. I gave a little wave.
"Oh and don't forget Jon-" I said then realised Jonny wasn't in my pocket anymore. "Where is he?!?" I said panicking.
"Who?" All three of them asked then I heard screaming. I ran out of the compartment to find Jonny crawling all over Blonde boy's face. He was freaking out. Jonny was laughing and I did too until another larger boy pulled out his wand and aimed it at Jonny. I ran and grabbed Jonny off the boys' face and ran back into the compartment Harry was in.
"Did you see his face???" Jonny laughed.
"It was pretty priceless" I laughed and we laughed together "Just don't run off again, you had me worried" I scolded. I never thought I'd say that to a spider.
"Sorry" He mumbled. I noticed Harry, Ron and Hermione looking at me strangely.
"Oh yeah. Guys this is Jonny. Jonny, meet Harry, Hermione and Ron" I introduced but when I got to Ron he went pale in the face.
"I-Is that a-a *gulp* Spider" He stuttered.
"Yep. I met him the night I found out I was a witch" I said patting Jonny on the head. Ron looked scared. "Don't worry, he's harmless. But he does like to prank and scare people. I guess that's why we're such good friends" I said but Ron still looked absolutely terrified.
"So can you actually talk to him?" Hermione asked. I nodded. "That's so cool" She said and I giggled. I looked around the compartment to see if there was a spare seat but I saw some man sleeping on the seat.
"Who's that?" I asked but then saw the suitcase. "Oh Professor R.J.Lupin. Hey do you guys mind if I sit with you. All the other compartments are full" I asked.
"Not at all" Harry answered. "Here let me take this" He said grabbing my suitcase and putting it away. I sat next to Harry. They told me about Hogwarts and it sounded absolutely amazing. I have to admit I'm a little scared. After ages of talking I took out my potions book. Potions seemed really interesting. I read for a while when suddenly the train stopped.
"Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet" Hermione said. I stood and tried to look out the window. Suddenly there was a jolt and I fell over onto Harry. I stumbled to get up.
"Sorry" I mumbled, blushing.
"It's alright" Harry said. "Do you think maybe we've broken down?" Harry asked and we all shrugged. Then the lights went out.
"There's something moving out there" Ron said looking out the window. The train shook once more then ice started covering the windows and doors. It got so cold I could see my breath. I felt Jonny bury himself into my neck. Then a shadowy cloaked creature opened the compartment door. Its hands look like they were decaying underwater. It looked towards me and Harry. I felt like all the happiness in my life was being sucked away and visions of Vicki abusing me kept flashing into my head. Then a woman's voice rang through my ears. "Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye my love" it sang. It was getting very hard to breathe. The last thing I saw was a bright light then I blacked out.

"Evangeline!! Evangeline!!" Someone yelled in my ear. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Jonny right up in my face. "Who's scaring who now?" He asked smirking. I poked my tongue out at him. I sat up and saw Harry eating some chocolate.
"What happened?" I asked holding my head.
"Here eat this. It'll help" the man that was asleep on the seat said. "It's alright its chocolate" I reluctantly took it. I looked over towards the door remembering that creepy, shadowy creature.
"What was that thing?" I asked as I took a small bite of chocolate.
"Fill her in. If you'll excuse me I have to have a little word with the driver" Lupin said then left the compartment. No-one spoke. I sighed.
"Jonny? Fill me in?" I asked. He sighed.
"He said it was a dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban. It was searching the train for Sirius Black" He explained.
"Why would Sirius Black be on this train?" I asked Jonny and he shrugged. Hermione was watching me with interest. "What?" I asked.
"I just find it so...fascinating that you can actually understand him" She said
"You and me both Hermione" I said. "Hey did any of you hear a women-" I started but Harry cut me off.
"Screaming?" He said quickly.
"No, singing?" I said.
"Oh, no" Harry said. Harry looked very uneasy.
"Harry, are you alright?" I asked.
"I think you should tell her Harry" Hermione said. Harry looked hesitant.
"Tell me what?" I asked. He sighed then launched into an explanation of why Black broke out of Azkaban. Apparently it was to KILL him. "Oh my gosh Harry. I'm never letting you leave my sight" I said. He chuckled and also told that it was him that had defeated Voldemort all those years ago. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet and I was mostly back to reading. I changed into my robes just before we got to Hogwarts.

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