Chapter Thirteen: The Marauders Map

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I was with Harry watching all the kids walking off to Hogsmeade. Then I got an idea.
"Wait Harry, don't you have an invisibility cloak???" I asked. His frown flipped into a smile. We raced back to the common room and Harry ran to his dorm to get the cloak while I went to mine and grabbed the invisibility potion and the counter potion to turn me visible again that I made back at the leaky cauldron. We met each other back in the common room.
"Let's go" Harry said as he grabbed my hand, so we didn't lose each other, and put the cloak over him and I drank some potion. Once we were invisible we made our way to the courtyard where I saw Fred and George making a snowman. We were walking past them when I felt a pair of hands grab me and start pulling me backwards towards the castle. Damn, they must have seen our footprints in the snow.
"Clever Harry and Eva-" Fred said.
"-but not clever enough" George finished.
"Besides, we've got a better way" Fred said.
"Come on guys, let us go" I said.
"Were trying to get to Hogsmeade" Harry said.
"We know" The boys said in unison.
"Don't worry we'll show you a quicker way" George said. They pulled us back inside and sat us on the steps. They pulled the cloak off Harry but couldn't turn me visible. I laughed. I drank some counter potion and turned visible again.
"Oh, of course a potion" Fred said. George laughed.
"From the potion mistress herself" George said. They all picked on me for liking potions. They even joked that I fancied the professor and that was the reason I liked it. Of course it wasn't. That is wrong on so many levels. One, he is my professor, two, he was old and three, HE'S SNAPE!! They handed Harry a piece of folded parchment. Harry looked at it confused, as did I.
"What's this rubbish?" Harry asked.
"What's this rubbish he says" Fred said. "That here is the secret to our success"
"It's a wrench giving it to you two believe me" George said.
"But we've decide your need greater than ours" Fred said "George. If you will" Fred said and George pulled out his wand.
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" George said and tapped his wand on the parchment. Suddenly words began to appear.
"Messrs Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, are proud to present the Marauders map?" I read aloud. Harry opened the map.
"We owe them so much" George said.
"Hang on, this is Hogwarts" Harry said. "So, this map shows..." Harry said
"Everyone" George said
"Everyone?" I asked.
"Everyone" George repeated
"Where they are-" Fred said
"-What they're doing-" George said
"-Every minute-" Fred said
"-Of every day" George finished.
"Brilliant!" Harry and I said together.
"But where did you get it?" I asked.
"Nicked it from Filch's office of course. First year" Fred said like it was obvious.
"Should have known" I said rolling my eyes. They were pointing out the best passage way to use. The one eyed witch one leads straight to Honeydukes cellar.
"Oh and don't forget when you're done just give a tap and say-" George started.
"'Mischief managed' or anyone could read it" They said in unison as George tapped the parchment once again and the words disappeared.
"See you in Honeydukes" They said then left us with the map. We walked over to the One eyed witch statue.
"What do we do now?" I asked. Harry pulled out the map and spoke the chant. We studied the map for a while.
"How do we get through?" Harry asked. I shrugged but then I noticed small writing next to mine and Harry's name.
"Dissendium?" I said and the statue began to move.
"How did you do that?" Harry asked. I pointed to where it said that word. He nodded. We looked to make sure no one was in sight and went through the hole. The statue moved back and we were engulfed by darkness. I took out my wand and cast "Lumos" and Harry did the same. we walked for what felt like hours until came to stairs. I was walking in front of Harry. Suddenly I hit my head on something hard.
"OUCH!" I exclaimed.
"What is it?" Harry asked. I held my wand up to see what I hit my head on.
"I found the trap door" I said holding my head. Harry laughed. He took out the map.
"Mischief managed" he said tapping the map with his wand. I pushed the stone up and saw a man, exiting the cellar.
"Come on" I said, pushing the stone across fully so we could get out. I climbed out and helped Harry. He put the cloak back on and I drank some more potion. Jonny was still with Harry. We walked out of the cellar and into the magnificent shop. Shelf after shelf filled with all kinds of sweets. The kids at the orphanage would freak if they were in my position. I have to remember to come back and buy some more for them before I leave. Harry and I walked around the shop for a minute then I spotted Fred and George. George had just bought two lollipops and was about to open one before I snatched it out of his hands. He looked confused but then he must have realised it was either me or Harry.
"Thankyou Georgie" I said. He laughed. I walked out of the shop and saw another floating lollipop. It must have been Harry. I walked up beside him. We were walking towards the shrieking shack when I noticed Malfoy and his goons harassing Hermione and Ron. I picked up some snow and shaped it into a snowball then threw it at him. It hit him in the shoulder. He turned looking scared.
"Who was that?" Malfoy shouted. Harry threw the next snowball. It hit Malfoy square in the face and they all started to run. We tormented them more. Harry grabbed the other slytherin by his scarf and spun him around. I pulled Goyle's pants down and kicked him over. Harry tripped Malfoy and I grabbed his feet and dragged him through the gate and towards the shrieking shack. His face was priceless. He looked like he was going to wet himself. I let go and he scrambled to his feet and sprinted off, pushing the slytherin and Goyle over when he ran past them. Hermione was laughing. Harry was tugging on Ron's hat and Hermione's hair.
"Harry!" She shouted. Harry uncovered himself, he was laughing too. I ran up to Ron and took his hat. He spun around to see nothing I drank the counter potion and became visible, laughing along with the other two.
"Bloody hell Evangeline" Ron said.
"Come on, let's go to the Three Broomstixs" Harry said. We made it to the three broomstix when we spotted McGonagall with the minister of magic. They were talking with Madam Rosmerta about Sirius Black. They entered and Harry's footsteps in the snow followed. He was under the cloak. He went into the bar and we went to follow but shrunken heads started yelling at us.
"No underage wizards allowed in today!!" One yelled.
"Shut the damn door!!" Another yelled. I took out the potion and drank some more. Lucky I had lots. I pushed through Ron and Hermione.
"Vee, no!!" Hermione yelled but I was already in.
"Didn't you hear us? SHUT THE DOOR!!" They yelled at them again. Hermione was glaring at them. I followed McGonagall, the Minister and Madam Rosmerta into a room. I hid in a corner. I assume Harry was doing the same. I listened to the whole conversation.
"Years ago when Harry Potter's parents realized they were marked for death, they went into hiding. No one knew where they were, one who did was Sirius Black and he told you-know-who!" McGonagall said. I held in a gasp.
"Not only did Black lead you-know-who to the Potter's that night, he also killed one of their friends Peter Pettigrew" The Minister, Cornelius Fudge, added. They went on talking about horrid things that Black had done for a while.
"Black was vicious, He didn't kill Pettigrew. He destroyed him! A finger. That was all that was left, a finger!! Nothing else" Fudge said.
"Black may not have put his hands to the Potter's but he's the reason there dead" McGonagall said.
"And now he wants to finish what he started" Fudge added. I let out a small gasp. Thankfully no one noticed.
"I don't believe it" Rosmerta said.
"That's not the worst of it" Fudge said.
"What could be worse" Rosmerta said as if reading my mind.
"Sirius Black was, and to this day still remains...Harry Potter's Godfather" McGonagall said. Oh merlin I wish I knew where Harry was. Just as I thought that the door opened and closed on its own. He must have left. I was about to do the same when I heard my surname.
"I don't suppose you've ever heard the name Blackbourn have you?" Fudge asked.
"As in Nicole Blackbourn? She's was a darling. Kindest girl I had ever met" Rosmerta said. "But what does she have to do with any of this?" She asked. My thoughts exactly.
"You do remember how close she was to Black. They were like siblings. Inseparable they were. But you-know-who murdered her" Fudge said. Rosmerta gave a look as if to say 'and...?' He murdered plenty of people.
"Perhaps what you didn't know is that her still alive" McGonagall said. Rosmerta gasped.
"But how did she escape?" Rosmerta asked.
"That is the very question. No one knows. Not even the girl herself" Fudge said. Whoa wait, what are they talking about?! I...why can't I remember any of this??
"Anyway Black had been assigned a task, to find that girl. And of course because they were so close he knew where she'd be hiding. He did he told you-know-who and he came to collect her" McGonagall said.
"Collect her?" Rosmerta asked.
"Yes. It is said that she may possess powers very rare for a young witch and he wanted those powers on his side. These are just rumours of course but.. Well I suppose he didn't want to risk them being on the opposing side. And if it turned out to be false he would simply kill her. One could assume He has also come back to complete that task. I have yet to see proof of these powers. I mean she is a bright young witch and a very quick learner but nothing special" McGonagall explained then someone barged through the door looking for Madam Rosmerta.
"We'll continue this another time" Fudge said. No! I want to know more! Then I remembered about Harry. I ran through the open door and out of the Three Broomstix's. I ran until I found Harry, Hermione and Ron sitting on a rock. I walked over to them.
"Harry...I'm so sorry" I said hugging him. I forgot I was still invisible.
"Ang! You scared me" Harry said, slightly laughing.
"Oh, right" I said, drinking some counter potion. I turned visible and hugged Harry once more completely forgetting about what I just heard.

(A/N: I noticed this has been getting a few reads lately. And I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read this story. It really means a lot to me! 😊)

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