Chapter Five: The sorting

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I took one look at the castle and it took my breath away. "It's beautiful" I breathed.
"Firs' years ov'r 'ere!! Firs' years ov'r 'ere!" I heard a familiar voice yell.
"I think you have to go with them" Harry said.
"Well I'll see you guys in the Great Hall then" I said. "I hope I get sorted into Gryffindor too"
"if you were sorted into Slytherin we might still be your friend" Ron said.
"Ronald!" Hermione yelled. Ron laughed.
"I was kidding, of course we would" Ron said laughing. Hermione rolled her eyes, not amused at all. I waved them goodbye as I walked over towards Hagrid.
"Hiya Hagrid!" I said.
"Evangeline! Good ter see ya again! Hop on a boat an' we'll get goin'" He said. The lake we crossed was full of beautiful creatures. Once we got inside my jaw was practically dragging along the ground while I walked. It was even more beautiful inside. I felt really out of place and stayed towards the back because I was so much taller than all the first years. We came to a pair of large double doors. I assumed the Great Hall was behind them. Suddenly my heart was pounding in my chest. The doors opened and revealed a sea of people sitting along 4 long tables and up the front was a long staff table filled with the teachers. The roof looked like the night sky, twinkling with thousands of stars and there were candles floating high above everyone. The first years and I walked down the middle of the room and stopped in front of a stool with a mangy old hat on it.
"Please don't tell me I have to put that on my head" I whispered to Jonny who was on my shoulder. He laughed. Then Dumbledore walked up to the golden stand. He looked over towards me and smiled before he spoke.
"Before we start the sorting I would like to announce that we have a new student joining the third years. Evangeline Blackbourn. Would you like to be sorted first" He said motioning for me to sit on the stool. An old lady held the hat while I sat then placed it gently on my head. It was quiet for a moment.
"Well, you are very difficult to place" Said the hat?
Holy crap! It can talk! I thought. The hat laughed.
"Why yes I can. Let's see here. Extraordinarily Brave yes, quite the Gryffindor you could be. Very daring you are, I see. Quite smart too, could excel in Ravenclaw, however you are loyal much like a Hufflepuff. Where to put you???" The hat said. I just realised he didn't mention anything about Slytherin.
"Yes Slytherin would be good also. You are quite the witch. Very talented indeed. You have ambition, a Slytherin trait and also very cunning. Slytherin would be good for you, help you on your way to greatness" I looked over towards the Slytherin table saw that Blonde haired git. Oh god! Please not Slytherin! I thought.
"Want to be like your mother in Gryffindor do you? But your father was in Slytherin" The hat said. My parents went here? I thought.
"Oh yes, they were great students too, your mother especially. You look like her."
Ok just choose already please. People are starting to whisper I thought.
"Very well. Gryffindor or Slytherin???Which shall it be???" The hat said. Please not Slytherin I thought.
"Not Slytherin eh? But you could be great. Oh well if you insist...better be...GRYFFINDOR!!!!!" The hat screamed to everyone and the table of scarlet and gold roared with applause. I hopped off the stool and made my way over to where Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting.
"Merlin, that was the longest sorting I have ever seen" Hermione said. I sunk a little.
"Hello gorgeous, I'm Fred" Said a red head boy.
"-And I'm George" another boy said who looked the exact same.
"Pleasure to meet you" They both said in unison. I snuck Jonny in my hand and held my hand out to shake theirs.
"The pleasure's all mine" I said as I gave Jonny a chance to run up one of the twins' sleeves of their robes without them looking.
"Over here Evangeline" Hermione yelled motioning for me to sit next to her. Once I sat down, Fred started squirming and everyone looked at him wondering what on earth he was doing. He jumped up on the seat wriggling catching everyone's attention. Everyone was laughing at him then Jonny climbed out from his collar. I held my hands up motioning for him to jump. Once he landed, we hi-fived and I sat him on my shoulder. George saw and smiled like mad.
"Nice one" George said as he lifted his hand up. I flinched thinking he was going to hit me. He looked strangely at me. "Come on, don't leave me hanging" I realised he wasn't going to hit me but hi-five me. My face went pink with embarrassment.
"Oh, sorry" I mumbled as I hi-fived him. Dumbledore walked back up to the golden stand.
"Welcome, welcome, to another year at Hogwarts. Now I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First I'm pleased to welcome professor R.J.Lupin whose kindly consented to fill the post of Defence against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck Professor." Dumbledore said and everyone clapped as Professor Lupin stood and bowed. Then I heard a familiar annoying voice.
"Psst Potter...Potter!" it spat. I saw it was that blonde-haired jerk-face "Is it true you fainted?" He asked. Someone sitting next to him pretended to faint dramatically. "I mean you actually fainted???"
"Shove off you git!" I said. He looked over at me.
"Oh it's you again! And what are you going to do about it you skinny little brat?!" He said spat coldly. I glared at him.
"Get him" I commanded Jonny and he shot down my arm onto the table and jumped across and landed on Malfoy's face one again. Malfoy screamed like a little girl and everyone was laughing at him, except the Slytherins who were trying to hit Jonny off but failing and just hitting Malfoy. I saw a Slytherin boy pick up a large metal plate ready to hit the spider. "Jonny that's enough" I said as the Slytherin boy started to swing. Jonny jumped off Malfoy's face just in time and the plate hit him square in the face. Jonny climbed back up my arm and perched himself on my shoulder again laughing. I grabbed out a little container of flies I keep in my pocket for Jonny, handed it to him, then unfroze it when he had it wrapped firmly in a web. "Good boy" I praised.
"Ew, that's disgusting" Some Gryffindor boy said with an Irish accent.
"Hey, spiders gotta eat too" I said repeating what Jonny said to me back at The Leaky Cauldron. While all that was going on Dumbledore continued his speech which I missed most of. Something about the old care of magical creatures teacher retiring. I zoned back in when I heard Hagrid's name and a loud roar of applause.
"What happened? I missed it" I asked.
"Hagrid's the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher" Hermione said and I clapped super loud.
"And finally" Dumbledore started as the applause quietened. "At the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban. Until such a time as Sirius Black is captured. The Dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I have been assured that their presence will not disrupt our Day to day activities, a word of caution" Dumbledore said turning very serious.
"Dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in there way therefore I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving but you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times" He said waving his hand over a candle so the flame disappeared.
"If one only remembers to turn on the light" He said as then waved his hand over a candle and it flickered on. "Well I think that's everything of importance. Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore said. All sorts of food appeared on the tables along with plates and golden goblets.
"Wow. I have never seen so much food in my entire life" I breathed. I looked up to see Ron stuffing his mouth. I just stared at all this perfectly cooked food. It smelt wonderful.
"Well what are you waiting for? Dig in" Ron said smiling. I grabbed a small piece of bread and picked at it.
"Evangeline, don't make me shove some food down your throat" Harry said. He knew that I was hardly fed at the orphanage.
"Harry! She might not be hungry" Hermione said.
"Are you kidding?!? She hasn't eaten a proper meal since she got to that orphanage" Harry said. He grabbed my plate and filled it with carrots, roast potatoes, corn and many other vegetables. I'm a vegetarian and Harry knew this. He knew everything about me. Well almost everything "I want everything on that plate eaten!" He said.
"What! I can't eat all that!" I exclaimed he gave me a stern, fatherly look. I sighed. "Fine I'll try"
"Good" Harry said. I ate all the food that was on my plate easily. I can't help but feel kind of guilty. I don't know why I just do. And thinking of Violet just makes it even worse. I hope all the kids back at the orphanage are ok.
"Evangeline!!" Hermione said.
"Hmm?" I said snapping back into reality.
"The feast is over" She stated.
"Oh, right" I said walking out of the beautifully decorated Hall. The walk to the common room was rather exciting. All the portraits move and talk and the's all so incredible. Once we got to the Fat Lady there was a crowd of people around her. "What's going on?" I asked everyone.
"Shhhh!" The portrait hissed. "Watch this" She said. She started singing, well screaming, trying to break the glass with her voice. She couldn't do it but she didn't stop trying. Everyone covered their ears. I couldn't take it anymore. With a wave of my hand I broke the glass.
"Amazing. Just with my voice" She said.
"Fortuna Major" Harry repeated.
"Yes alright, go in" The Fat Lady said. The door opened and revealed a marvellous common room decorated with scarlet and gold.
"Oh my gosh this just keeps getting better and better" I said.
"Just wait til classes start" Hermione said in an excited tone. Harry and Ron grunted making me laugh.
"I'm sure it can't be that bad" I said.
"Potions is" They both said in unison. I felt a little awkward. I found potions kind of interesting. I made an invisibility potion back at The Leaky Cauldron so I could scare people easier.
"What's wrong with potions?" I asked.
"What's wrong with potions she asks" I heard two familiar voices say together. It could only be Fred and George. They stood one on either side of me.
"One, the teacher" Fred said.
"Head of the Slytherin house, Hates everyone but them. Gives out detentions like an old lady gives out sweets" George said.
"Two, the work" Fred said counting on his fingers.
"So much work, in class and out. Essays 50 pages long" George exaggerated. I laughed
"and three" They both said, pausing dramatically for effect.
"Class is in the dungeons" Fred said.
"Cold, dark, like a graveyard, spiders everywhere" George said in an eerie voice, looking directly at Ron when he said spiders. Ron shivered.
"When do we have potions then?" I asked. Harry checked his timetable.
"Wednesday, with Slytherin" Harry said emotionlessly.
"Even better!" Both the twins said sarcastically excited. I laughed.
"Come on Evangeline it's late. We should probably get to bed" Hermione said yawning. We went up to the girls' dormitory. I was fortunately sharing with Hermione. I had a shower, changed into my pj's and climbed into bed. I had a whole new wardrobe now. I went shopping and bought brand new clothes when I was staying at the Leaky Cauldron. Today was absolutely amazing. Tomorrow we start classes

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