Chapter 3

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Well it's the next day and as much as I would like to stay asleep I couldn't, either way. I got woken up by Angela's kids they were sweet but noisy. I ordered room service for them but I had to leave to get ready for my things to arrive at my new house.
At 12:45 I decided while I'm waiting for my things to arrive I would go have a talk with Jay and why he is putting his hands on my cousin. And one thing I don't play about is my family. When I arrived at the house it was junky asf outside that I could only imagine what the inside looked like. When I was getting out I grabbed my girl Crystal (Pistol) and put her in my bag. I went to knock on the door and after 3 knocks all I hear is this nigga yelling talking bout "WHO THE FUCK IS AT MY DOOR". He opened it and looked at me and smiled like the dumbass he was.

Our convo:

Jay: What df you want?

Me: I want to know why df you keep putting yo fucking hands on my cousin like she a bag of shit, that's what I want.

Jay: Man your cousin lying I ain't put my fucking hands on her.

Me: Oh is she well why and how she got a black eye for?

Jay: Idk ask her, that bitch love to lie on some real shit.

As I thought to myself all I could think is he sitting here telling some bullshit ass lies to cover his ass. And I know for a fact that he hit her because this always happens because he wants to be a drunk ass.

Me: So it just appeared out of the blue like ain't nothing or nobody hit her.

Jay: I guess so man.

Before I knew it I grabbed my gun and hit his ass with it. He fell to the floor only to try to jump up and try to hit me back.


Me: If you ever lay a finger on my cousin again it will be that last finger you will ever lay on a female you fuck boy!!!

I walked out the house and got in my car and drove back to my house to only find the moving trucks waiting for me.

Our convo:

Me: I'm so sorry I had y'all waiting.

Driver: Yea right, we have other things to do than to be waiting on you.

Me: Look I said I'm sorry so don't give me your pissy ass attitude.

Driver: I'm sorry miss

As much as I don't like to blow up on people they made it hard not to. After hours and hours of moving and getting everything in its place I went to the hotel to get my cousin and her kids to take them to get something else to eat and go home. After eating and going home I couldn't wait to get in my own bed. The kids had to share a bed until I went and bout them one for their room.
After a long day yesterday I got awoken by hollering kids in my living room. I woke to brush my teeth, wash my face and take a hot shower. After that me and my cousin and the children left to go get some groceries for the house. After that we went to look for some beds for the kids room. I couldn't be more happier to know that my family is safe and with me. When we got back home I made everyone some breakfast and with me not getting any sleep I began to go into my room. Angela said that she would cook for everyone. All I could do was thank her because lord knows I'm stressed.
I woke up around 5:25 p.m. I got up washed my face and brushed my teeth. I told Angela I would be right back. I had to go see about my schooling because I know I had to finish my tests so I could graduate. When I got there I waited an hour before being called into the counsellors office. I ended up signing up and getting ready to only find out I had to spend another $140 for a cap and gown. What kind of shit is that, they better be glad I need this cap and gown or it wouldn't be paid for. She told me that the others in the school haven't started their tests yet but for me I could go ahead and finish and ask me did I want to graduate with my class or just receive my diploma. And much as I wanted to get it over with I decided it was only right to graduate with my class.
I got back home around 9:15p.m. I was hungry and couldn't wait to get in the house to eat. When I got in the house there was steak, potatoes, and a salad ready to be taken in by me. After I ate I took a shower and went to sleep as soon as I could.

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