good time, family time.

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All of them sits on the couches, now I know why they have this big couches, its a big family.....
Kira, Natasha and Sira on one couch. Xavier, Sam and Jacques in another and me , Luke and Alexis in the middle couch.

"Their wives are gone to their parent's house to meet them so , you can't see them" kira stats in apologetic tone.

"No, its okay" I'll meet them later right?

"What do you do sissy?" Sira asks sweetly. She's just like kira. Sweet and here I am , not beautiful, not cute at all...
I am just... Normal. When I'll marry Luke , their relatives will say things about me like see the bride , she's not even cute.....

"I am studying " I smile at her

"Oh that's cool"

I don't like this thought. They all are beautiful.

Luke gives a slight squeeze to my hand which he's holding.

Did he read my mind again? I look up at him. Then something catches my eyes. Its Alexis, she's sitting so near with Luke, he's sitting in the middle of us.

Its like she's glued to him. Her thigh is touching Luke's and he's not even bothering to move. I look back at my hand. I don't wanna look like a perverted girl, maybe I am misunderstanding her?

I try to shrug it off but for some reasons I can't take it.

"Is it your last year?" Natasha asks

"Yah" I reply.

"You wanna do job after completing your studies?" Jacques smiles

"Yes, I really want to" I smile back

"Hey you know Luke have you childhood's photos in his room?" Sam says in a teasing tone . he do?

I frown up at Luke

He looks down at me then at Sam giving him death glares

"What?" Sam says innocently.

"I didn't mentioned teenage photos did I?" He makes more innocent face and Natasha and Sira laughs loudly. This is really very embarrassing. He have my photos?

"He looks at them and smiles like a creep" Jacques starts laughing too and so kira do.

I smiles slightly.

"Okay enough guys" Luke says in irritated tone.

"Okay don't worry we won't tell her about the pillow thing"

"Shut up Jacques" Luke says in more irritated tone now.

What is the pillow thing? Why am I getting the feeling that its something perverted?

All laughs loudly now. I don't know what is this anymore.

I wanna know about pillow thing.

"Why don't you ask something you wanna know Vanessa?" Sira sighs after laughing.

Now all become silent and looks at me. I become nervous again.

I wanna ask why the heck this Alexis is joint like that with my soon to be husband!?

"Do any of you guys study?" Well.... I know that's not a good question but still...

"No we all work" Natasha replies.

"Hey don't ask sweet sweet question, ask something about pillow thing" Sam teases again. All chuckles lightly again.

"When we all are gonna see you in wedding dress " Natasha asks and I blush slightly.

"Soon" Luke replies for me.

"Aw come on we want to do her make up!" Sira cheers

I smoke slightly. They all are cute and kind.

"Yes, tell us Vanessa?" Natasha says

"Soon" I whisper looking at her , smiling slightly.

"Come on! Don't be shy, once you'll come to live here we will do fun things, watch late night movies , play games and do certain adventures which you are gonna love!" Sira cheers again. Well that sounds fun!

"She's so happy about games" Jacques narrows his eyes at Sira

I frown at them

"Of course she will, she cheats at every step" Sam replies.

"Its not cheating, its playing with mind" Sira narrow her cute eyes at both boys. We again laugh lightly.

"Okay, enough, let's have dinner"

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