Going to farm house

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I wake up as my beauty sleep is disturbed by alarm . I groan a little. My head is aching. I look around my surroundings. Its Luke's room. Events from last night starts to build in my mind again. I sigh.

I stands up and go to the bathroom to finish my morning business. Like is nowhere in the room. As I go down to the main hall I see whole family sitting on the couches of the main hall and talking to each other. Sira is laughing at Xavier, Natasha and Sam is arguing with Luke and kira is looking at them with narrowed eyes. I like this family they are so good with each other. The thought that maybe they are betraying me makes me cry. I wanted to be a part of them.

"Hey dear, good morning" kira says as soon as she looks that I am coming towards them. After she says this, all looks up at me. Okay, this is embarrassing.

"Good morning all" I mutter. Faking a nice morning smile.

"Sit" Sira says while making some space on the couch.

"I apologize for the night incident dear, we never wanted that to happen at all" kira says.

"Oh no, please don't apologise" I shake my head. Its so embarrassing , kira apologising?

"You know , I'll never, ever, let him to come near you again, I promise" Luke looks directly into my eyes, his perfect cute eyes locked with me. Aw....

"Okay, enough for romance, let's have some break fast" kira interrupts us. This was really embarrassing.

"Come" Luke whispers while taking my hand in his.  He is wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans, he always looks sexy in all kind of shirts and pants he wears.

"Why, thanks" he smirks down at me. I look down at the floor while blushing.

As we start eating the delicious break fast served by maids, kira suddenly drops the spoon on her plate and looks at me. I frown.

"So Vanessa, I am sure that Luke already told you about we all going to farm house?" She smiles at me
I stop chewing my food and looks up at Luke who have a poker face and not even a slight apologizing look for not even mentioning about any farm house.

"Oh goodness he didn't." She shakes her head in 'yeah-I-knew-it' look.

"What?" I ask while dropping my spoon on the plate.

"Luke?" I whisper up at him.

"We are not going to any farm house" he lifts a brow with demanding voice.

"Luke, you know its family's night, all members have to go" kira states in a strict voice.

Family's night? As Nicolas said earlier. Alexis will also come their.

"Let me tell you this dear" she smiles again at me, "we all have to go to our big farm house to meet our relatives and sleep in one huge room with them , its really fun" she cheers. Yes, it sounds really good. Sleeping with family members one night....

"Sounds cool" I smile at her.

"Cool? Its awesome, our cousin sisters and brother and their husbands and wives are too awesome, they are so fun!" I sigh, I'll only bring shame to this family I am nowhere even near a fun person trait, nor talented, nor beautiful enough. Nicolas was right.

"What are you thinking? Please tell me" Luke says as he looks directly unto my eyes. his deliciously hot glare burning all insides of me.

"Nothing" I look down to my plate and start eating

"So as I said , we are not going" Luke announces.

"Come on Luke , don't be an old boring guy now" Xavier rolls his eyes at Luke.

"I am not, we are not going that's it." He narrows his eyes at Xavier.

"Wait a sec their young man, who are you to decide whose coming or not? We all are going that's it plus, Vanessa must to meet our relatives" kira narrows her eyes st Luke.

Why he don't want me to go there? What's wrong with him? I think he also thinks that I am not good enough to show up there. I knew it. I sigh sadly. Its clear because I am just a human. Nothing else. If they want they can kill me right here, they are too powerful, rich , beautiful. They have everything.

"But mother you know~"

"No buts, we are clear , eat and finish and get lost" she smiles evilly and starts eating her food. Wow, that was cold.

As we finish the food, Luke takes me up to the room with him. He locks the door behind me and pin me to the wall.

"Luke?" I whisper looking down at the ground

"What ?" He breaths on my cheek.

"I don't get it,why you don't want me to go to the farm house?" I shake head.

"You are not safe there baby girl" he blows a feather like kiss on my cheek.

"You are with me right? " I look up at him directly into his beautiful black orbs.

"Yes, always but I am afraid my relatives will try to hurt you, I can't let that happen" he looks down on the floor. He's lying! Its something else
He suddenly looks up at him, he read my mind again.

"I am not lying" he grabs my waist, pick up and put me on the bed.

"You are''

As he hear this words coming out from my mouth, he pins me down on the bed and look straight into Ku eyes , narrowing his eyes...

"Why you don't understand!? I can block any physical attack that could hurt you but I can't let you break inside
I can't let your heart shatter into millions of peaces and you never want to see my face again'' he says in a dangerous whisper.

What he meant by that? Is he cheating on me ?

"Okay, let's get this straight, if you wanna go there, don't ever, ever leave my side. Just stay with me all the way to there and do not go outside with anyone else " he warns. I just nod a yes. What else I can do? I can only wait to go their, I'll  surely know what is he hiding from me there!

"Good girl" he says as he runs his finger to my jawline giving me shiver down my spine. He lifts my chin up with the same finger and starts coming close to my lips.

I have been waiting for this. I forgets all the anger and confusion inside me and start kissing him madly. he presses his lips on line roughly I don't know why but I am begging for modem he is so delicious, I want more of him.

"More from me?" He smirks. I just blush so hard

He knows what I mean.

"We can't until we get married baby" he frowns apologetically.

I bite my lower lip, wondering what can he do more with me?

"Oh you have no idea" he smirks playfully. I bite my lip harder on the thought. He groans and starts kissing me again.

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