Chapter One

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I stood in my new driveway, my hands shoved deep in my sweatpants’ pockets, my hair brushing against my shoulder. I stared up at the new house, and I watched the moving guys my mom hired bring our furniture inside from the huge orange and white U-Haul. Oh, there goes my bed frame set. The October air was chilly, but even though I was wearing a tank top, it didn’t bother me. I was still in shock about my dad’s death, and still sad from my goodbye departure with my boyfriend, Jamie. After finding out the news about my dad’s suicide, my mom decided she couldn’t bear to live in that town anymore, so we moved to the next town over, which was an hour away, in case she still wanted to see friends.

“That bed frame’s going to go in the upstairs back corner bedroom- the big one!” I yelled to the guys that had my bed frame; they smiled and gave me a thumbs-up.

Bark, Bark!

“Hey, Rocco,” I half-smiled. My black and white Husky sat at my feet and I scratched his head. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw 2 guys in the driveway of the mansion about 50 yards down the road. One was texting on his phone, and the other one seemed to be watching the movers, too. After a minute or so, they climbed into a dark green Jeep Wrangler and drove off. 

I must have stood outside for hours, because the next thing I knew, it was fairly dark and the mover guys were leaving. Rocco snoozed, shivering, at my feet still. I went to go inside, and heard a car. I turned and watched as the Jeep of the neighboring mansion pulled up into their driveway. The boys got out, and one of them-obviously drunk- had a busty, slutty-looking blonde under his arm. Partiers. Ugh. 

I woke Rocco up and went inside to shower for my first day at my new school the next day.

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