Chapter Fifteen

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Saturday evening, I was sitting at Cory’s dining room table- a very nice mahogany finish- while Cory was cooking me dinner. 

 “Shit!” he yelled out, as I heard something hit the floor. 

 “Are you alright?” I asked, trying not to laugh as he clutched his hand to his chest and bouncing up and down. 

 “Accidentally… grabbed a fork… that was too close… to the stove fire… for too long,” he grunted. He ran his hand under some cold water, and sighed in relief. 

 “Better?” I laughed. 

 “Much better, thank you,” he said, returning to stirring the pot on the stove. 

 “So, what are you making?” I asked, flinching as my still-healing busted lip stretched. 

 “I told you, I’m not telling you!” he answered . 

 “Fine.” I sat back and crossed my arms. He turned and looked at me, and laughed- I mocked him. 

 “Dinner… is served,” he finally announced, setting a bowl of macaroni and cheese on the table in front of me. I stifled a laugh.

 “Really? This is your gourmet dinner? It’s Kraft,” I joked, taking a bite. It was still delicious. He sat across from me with his own bowl. 

 “You can never go wrong with mac and cheese,” he said. 

 “Actually… I have before,” I admitted. He looked at me quizzically. “Well, one time, I was making mac and cheese on the stove, but I forgot the water for the noodles. So, the noodles were sitting in the pot on the stove fire for like ten minutes before I realized what I had done. By then, the whole bottom of the pot was covered with a layer of burnt macaroni noodles, so the whole thing went to waste,” I explained. He smiled, and tried not to laugh. “You can laugh,” I told him. And he did… hard. “Ok! Ok, shut up!” I laughed. 

 “I’m sorry… it’s just too damn funny! I’m… I’m sorry,” he straightened up. I heard a buzzing noise, and he pulled out his phone. “Hmm.”

 “What is it?” I asked. 

 “John’s having a Halloween party tomorrow night, at his house.”

 “Oh. That’s cool,” I said around a bite of noodles. 

 “You’re invited, by the way he wanted me to ask if you wanted to go, too.” 

 “Really? Uh… yeah, sure! I’ve got nothing else going on… nothing better to do. What about Lisa and Adam? Can they come?” he texted John, and got a reply.

 “He said sure, they’re welcome. But, Kyleigh, we won’t all fit in my jeep.”“Ok, so we’ll take my truck,” I said. My black Chevy Avalanche- I drove that to parties and such, and not my Audi, because I don’t want any drunk people pissing or puking on my nice ass car. I’d have to kill somebody. 

 “Oh, okay well that works,” he agreed.

 “What time’s it at?” I asked. 

 “It starts at 7:00.”

 “Alright.” I took out my phone and texted Adam and Lisa about the party and that Cory and I would pick them up the next day at around 7. 

 “Oh, and one more teeny detail…” Cory said. I paused, mid-text.


 “Since it’s a Halloween party… it’s also a costume party,” he told me. Yes!

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