Chapter Eighteen

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Kyleigh was going to be late as shit. I pulled into the school parking lot, and her car still wasn’t there. I dashed into the school and made it to math just in time, and sat by John.


“What’s up, man?” he asked.


“Nothing much. I had a great time at the costume party. That is, until Cassie had to go and run her mouth and ruin the party for me, like she does everything else.”


“Yeah, well, that’s Cassie for you,” John agreed, oblivious of Cassie’s glare. 


“Well, well. Nice of you to show up today, Miss Hawthorne,” the teacher said. I looked up to see a flustered Kyleigh.


“Yeah, it was a last minute decision,” she smiled. I caught her eye as she sat down and smiled at her.






“Hey, bro!” Conner bumped into me in the lunch line, making me almost lose my tray. I grabbed a ham and cheese, lettuce, and vinaigrette sub sandwich on white bread.


“What’s up, Conner,” I replied, throwing a handful of lettuce in his face. 


“Aw, real cool, Einstein. You sitting with us today?”


“Yeah. I haven’t seen Kyleigh since third hour.”


“Alright, cool. Now I get to nail you with mashed potatoes, you little shit!” he laughed.


“Language, boys!” the lunch cashier told us.


“Sorry, Ms. Sharon,” we apologized simultaneously, smiling.


When Conner and I sat down, a few other people joined us- Hailey Wilson, John, and some other random people.


“So, man, you hear about Lauren’s party Friday?” John asked.


“Yeah,” me and Conner answered in unison.


“You going?” he asked. I shrugged as Conner said ‘yeah’. I wasn’t going to go unless Kyleigh did. 


“I’m going. I might be able to get some tail,” John replied with an evil grin. I laughed at him. There was no ‘might’ about it. Not to sound like a dick, but Conner, John and I were the only 3 guys in school who, if we want a certain girl, we could get her with no problem. Kyleigh, however, was the exception to that. She turned Conner down flat, and she doesn’t throw herself at John or me. I liked that- it meant she had a sense of self-worth and self-respect, and dignity. Unlike most other girls who DO throw themselves at us. 


“I’m going!” Hailey said to John, looking at him suggestively. I rolled my eyes- Hailey Wilson was probably the BIGGEST slut in school. Regrettably, I slept with her, too. In one night, she had slept with me, Conner, John, and two other random guys.


“Cool,” John replied, smiling at her. Gross. Did I really used to act like that? Excited to have sex with some girl at a party, no matter who she was, as long as she was hot? God, I was a dumbass. Spending time with Kyleigh was really making me grow up. 


Speaking of which, I wondered where she was?






“Finally!” I muttered as the last bell rang. I packed my stuff and left, not even excited that I got to home- I was glad to leave because now I could go search for Kyleigh and see if she was alright. Just as I walked out the double doors and got close to my Jeep, the wonderful girl in question approached me. Thank God she was ok…


“Hey, mate,” she greeted- I smiled at her Australian lingo. 


“Hey, Kyleigh. What’s up?”


“Oh, nothing much. Just that Cassie confronted me today about how I blame myself for my dad’s suicide,” she said, anger leaking through her features. I was going to kill Cassie. 




“I can’t believe I trusted you with my deepest secret… but no worries, mate! I won’t be telling you anything- ever again.” She turned to leave, and I reached out and touched her elbow. Please let her stop and listen to me…




“Rack off!” she said, yanking her arm out of my grip. She had a way of making that sound like ‘Fuck off’ without having to actually curse. I stood and watched as she got in her Audi and sped away. I looked over at Cassie, standing at her Benz, a huge smirk across her ugly face. I stormed over to her.


“What the FUCK, Cassie?” I demanded. “I told you not to say anything!” all she did was shrug, so I really got all up in her grill. “You’ve really fucked up,” I breathed. “I am going to end you, Cassie. You made me lose Kyleigh, one of the only good things I had in my fucked up little life here. You will pay, Cassie. And you won’t even see it coming, and you will NOT know what hit you.”


Her smirk dropped quickly, and fear entered her eyes. I turned my back on her and left. 


If it was the last thing I did, even if it killed me…


I would utterly ruin Cassie Sanders.

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