Chapter Seven

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 “So guess who’s coming to visit me,” I said in between bites of a crispy chicken ranch snack wrap. I sipped my Dr. Pepper.

“Santa Claus?” Cory gasped with mock hope. I laughed at him. 

“No, you idiot. Jamie,” I laughed.

“Oh. Your boyfriend.”

“Yeah. He texted me last night. He’s coming this weekend,” I told him.

“Well, that’s good. Y’all will get to spend time with each other.”

“Yeah. I also want to introduce you to him.” Cory almost choked on his fries.

“What?” he managed to get out.

“Well, I mean, you ARE my best friend. I just want y’all to meet,” I said simply. Isn’t that the logical thing to do? “I mean, I don’t want him to somehow find out about you later on, and then think I’m hiding something from him. I’d never cheat on Jamie, and I don’t want him to think I am. You know?”

“Yeah, that makes sense,” he answered, nodding.

“Two years together- I don’t like hiding anything from him. In my mind, if two people have been together for two years, there should be no secrets. I mean, I trust him; and I want him to keep his trust in me.”

“Now that’s totally understandable,” Cory agreed, wiggling a limp French fry in my face. I laughed and smacked it away.

“So I’m guessing he wanted to be here for Halloween with you?”


“Kyleigh, Halloween is in three days… it’s on Sunday this year.” Let’s see… today was Thursday… he was going to be here Friday, and leave Sunday night. 

“I guess so. He said he’ s leaving Sunday night.”

“Too bad- he’ll miss me and Conner’s annual Halloween party.”

“It’s ok. I won’t,” I smiled. 

“Well, as long as you don’t, then I don’t care who else doesn’t come.” I laughed at his sweetness. 

“Ready to go?” I asked. He took a deep breath and pretended to think really hard. I raised an eyebrow.

“I think so.”

“You’re so strange,” I chuckled. I dumped our tray and we left the McDonald’s. “I want to go to Wal-Mart… is that ok, or do you want to go home?”   

“I’m fine with whatever.”

“Ok, great! Because I’ve gone through my third sketchbook and I need another. And I need to stock up my mini fridge. Lisa and Adam seem to think that just because it came out of a mini-fridge, something automatically tastes better,” I laughed.

“Are they coming to my Halloween party on Sunday?”

“I’m very sure they are, but I’ll check again tomorrow.”

“Sounds good… is Adam still with that one girl?” he asked as we drove down the busy road. He was referring to the girl that Adam had gone home with from Cory’s party a few weeks ago. We’d been with Cory to other people’s parties, too. 

“Sarah? I think so. I saw them walking together down the hall today. I think Lisa’s jealous,” I confided as I pulled into an empty space somewhat close to the front. We got out and went inside, and Cory grabbed a cart. 

“Why do you think that?” he asked, pushing the cart towards the arts and crafts section. 

“Well, out of nowhere, now she doesn’t like to hang around with us if Sarah’s there, too. Also, whenever she does, she looks sad when they kiss or cuddle or whatever.”

I picked up two 120-page, spiral bound sketchbooks- exactly like all my others- and put them in the cart. Poor Lisa… I really did think she had feelings for Adam. 

“Well, that sucks. If he and Sarah broke up, would Lisa have a chance?”

“To be honest, I really don’t know,” I replied truthfully. I grabbed a few packs of varieties of colors of extra-fine Sharpies and put them in the cart, too, along with a pack of mechanical pencils and two big, pink erasers. 

“Well, I don’t think Lisa should give up,” Cory said as we made our way to the food area. 

“I don’t think so, either. I think they’d make a cute couple,” I commented while putting about 8 containers of 4 medium sized glass bottles of Starbucks Mocha Frappe drinks and a shitload of the single, large glass bottles of it in the cart. 

“Yeah, they would,” Cory would 

“You never know what’ll happen,” I said, throwing several different snacks in the cart and going to check out. “You never know what could happen.”

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