Chapter Twenty Three

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“Uh, where did you get the turkeys?” I asked Cory. He grinned, and looked at Conner. 

“Um, we have… connections,” he said. I smirked and slapped his arm lightly. His Thanksgiving party was definitely complete, what with those fat, feathered gobbling things running around the backyard. 

“Thank God I didn’t bring Rocco like I wanted to,” I murmured. Cory draped his arm around my shoulder.

“That… is a very good thing. Because we have to return these turkeys in perfect condition,” he told me. I rolled my eyes. 

“Are you guys having fun?” I asked Adam and Lisa. 

“Definitely!” Lisa answered. “Um, can I talk to you for a minute? In private?” she whispered. 

“I’ll be right back,” I told Cory, and led Lisa up to his room. “What’s up?” I asked her. She was shaking with giddiness.

“You will never guess what happened!” she squealed. She was definitely excited, because she only squealed when she was excited.

“What happened?” I asked her. 

“Adam asked me to the Winter Formal!” she told me, jumping up and down. I gaped. I didn’t think he would actually do it- I had suggested it to him a couple weeks ago, and he seemed way too nervous to do it. I was so happy for her… I knew she was crazy about him. 

“And you know what else?” she added.

“What?” I asked, smiling.

“He told me that he had always liked me, but he didn’t want to ruin our friendship, and that that’s why he dated Sarah- she sort of acted like me, and her hair reminded him of mine, even though it was a little longer and just a tad darker, it had the same kind of curls, and that she gave him a sense of being with me, but not being with me, so that we could keep our friendship!” she said. Wow. I never expected that at all. 

“I’m so happy for you!” I told her. I really was- I got my guy, and now she has hers. We went back to the party, discussing possible dress choices. When we got back down, I saw Cassie talking to Cory, her chest pushed out towards him and touching his arm. I almost growled.  I went up to them, and listened from behind. 

“Cory, how about we find a nice little private closet, or bathroom… or bedroom… and I remind of you the old days?” she purred. Slut. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll make you feel real good, honey…” she laid a hand on his chest. 

“No, Cassie. I told you a million times, NO. I don’t want you.”

“You don’t want anybody,” she pouted.

“Not true,” he countered. 

I made myself known by walking between them, and acting like I had just found him.

“There you are, baby! I’ve been looking for you, sweetheart…” I said. He smiled, catching on quickly.

“I’ve been right here, love. Waiting for you,” he grinned with adoration. I leaned up against his hard body and kissed his lips fully, letting our tongues intertwine in obvious view for Cassie. She grimaced and walked away. “We have to do something about her,” he said.

“Definitely. I don’t know how much longer I can go without tearing her ass up,” I agreed. 

“Speaking of tearing asses up…” he whispered. We ran to his room, locked the door, and popped a quickie. And another… and another. 

Until it became an hour session of fucking. We had to stop and get back to the party though… Cory had to be a good host, and his brother was probably with some girl already, and not being a good host himself. At least, not to the party. 

“Seriously, though, where the hell did you get the turkeys?” I asked again as we watched them run around and harass people for their food. I couldn’t help but laugh at the randomness of having fucking turkeys running around the backyard.

“Well, one of our friends had dropped out of high school and became an animal trainer. He had a few turkeys, and Conner and I asked him if we could, well, borrow some for the Thanksgiving party,” he explained. 

“Gee, it sounds so simple,” I laughed. 

“Well, not really. We had to find a trailer of some sort to hold them in to get them home,” he said, chuckling.

“I see. Well, you did a good enough job,” I told him. 

“I think so. Don’t you think the people are enjoying them?” he asked nonchalantly. 

“Hmm, definitely. Look- that guy looks particularly excited that the turkey right there just stole his sandwich,” I laughed. 

“Kyleigh…I got to go home,” Lisa said behind me. I turned- oh, God.

“Lisa, are you alright?” she was green… like, sick green.

“I been pukin’…” she said drunkenly. I rolled my eyes. 

“If you puke in my truck, I will kill you,” I warned her. “I’ll be back in a bit, Cory.”

“Have fun,” he teased.

I rounded up Adam, too, and took both of them home. Drunken asses… they were going to have a hell of a hangover tomorrow at school. Monday was going to extra-suck for those two. 

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