Chapter Three

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Pic Of Conner To The Side


 I parked in the high school parking lot and looked up at the massive building. 

“Damn,” I muttered. I straightened my backpack and headed for the double doors. On the way, I passed the Jeep Wrangler from down the road. The guy driving it was looking at something behind me with big eyes and an open mouth. Next to him, the other boy from last night- brothers, I guess- was leaning against his car, I presumed- a red Porsche 911 turbo. He seemed to be looking at the same thing as his brother, only he looked kind of angry… and a little frustrated.  Jeep boy looked at his brother and smirked and laughed at him. Porsche boy punched his arm. A bunch of people were crowded around them, so I assumed they were popular… better get that down soon- who was popular, who wasn’t… so I knew who not to cross, if I wanted my ass to survive this school.

At a closer look, the green Wrangler was pretty nice. It was raised, with black and silver rims. I continued on into the school and found the front office.

“Hello, may I help you?” the cheerful old woman behind the mahogany desk greeted as I approached her. I smiled. 

“Hi. Um… I’m Kyleigh Hawthorne. I’m new here, and I need my schedule,” I told her.

“Yes, ma’am! Just one moment.” She turned and opened a desk drawer full of files and started flipping through all of them. She made a small triumphant noise, and straightened up with two sheets of paper in her hand.

“Here is your schedule… and here is a school map. I’ve marked your classes on the map to help a little,” she smiled. I took the papers and gave her the best I could- half of a smile. 

“Don’t be nervous, dear. You’ll do just fine, I’m sure.”

“You’re very nice, ma’am. I appreciate your kindness,” I told her. Little did she know that my down mood had nothing to do with nervousness, and most to do with missing Daddy.

“My name is Mrs. Jones,” she said as I was walking away. I turned and waved. I looked down the hall, and realized just how large the school was. Like, damn. It was also decorated. It was only the beginning of October, but orange and black streamers already hung around the walls; a festive school, I guessed.

Students filled the hallways as it neared the time for the first bell. God, there were so many people. Probably all of them meaningless in the layout of my life. 

Then the bell rang, signaling the start of the 7 minutes allotted to get to first period class, according to my map that Mrs. Jones kindly thought to equip me with. My first class was math… pre-calculus. Yuck. 

When I found the classroom, I showed the teacher my schedule, and he gestured to an empty seat in the back, so I took it. I took out a blank notebook and a pen to take notes. The boy from next door walked in- the Jeep one. He sat in a desk 2 behind me and 1 to the right. When the teacher turned out the lights to put notes up on the projector, Jeep boy started whispering with the guys around him. I rolled my eyes. He was obviously one of those popular guys who think they can do whatever they want to just because everyone likes them. Like, say, talk while other people are trying to listen and take notes. 

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