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IT'S PROBABLY QUITE BORING (because of all the educational stuff in it) SO IGNORE IT IF YOU WOULD PREFER

Disclaimer: I'm terrible at geography so some of the information in this one shot may not be fully accurate. Also I wouldn't recommend using this for revision.

"Hey." Phil mumbled, holding his phone against his ear.

"Hi.." His friend, Dan responded. Phil could tell that his voice was shaky but he didn't exactly know why.

"Are you alright?"

"In all honesty? No, not really." Phil let out a tiny sigh of relief- Dan had told the truth. Usually, Dan would keep it to himself until he broke down a couple of days later when it became too much.

"What's up?"

"I'm trying to revise."

"Oh?" Phil sounded like he was asking a question. He was generally curious as to why revising would make someone so upset. He usually revised for quite a long while whilst not getting upset- he found it easy.

"I can't do it. I'm going to fail."

"You're not going to fail. How long have you been trying to revise for?"

"A few hours now."

"Okay, well stop."

"But I need to carry on otherwise I'll-"

"You won't fail. You need to stop, rest your brain for a bit."

"The exams are tomorrow, Phil-"

"You'll be fine. I'm coming over."

"But-" Dan blurted out but it was too late, Phil had already hung up.


Phil was sitting cross legged on Dan's bed as he talked to his friend. Dan was sitting in front of his desk, papers scattered out in front of him. "How do you remember better? Seeing or doing?" Phil asked, ready to write down Dan's answer.

"Doing, probably."

"Listening, Speaking or writing?"


"Okay, I think I know how you can revise and I'm going to help you!" Phil practically jumped off of the bed before grabbing another wad of paper off of Dan's desk. "I'm going to make you flash cards. What are you revising?"


"Anything in particular?"

"Coasts and that stuff."

"Okay." Phil smiled to himself as he spent a few moments scribbling down words on the paper. "Some of these are landforms, some are processes. For the landforms, I want you to describe how they're formed. For the processes, I want the definition, okay?"

"Okay.. I'm going to get them all wrong, you know."

"You won't. You just need to have faith." Phil turned around the first card to reveal the word 'stump' written in messy writing.

"So.. It starts as a crack in the cave, doesn't it? And then the air and water gets inside of the crack to make that expand into a cave over time-"

"What's that process called?"

"I'm not sure.."

"Try and think. It's two letters long and starts with a H and then an A."

"Is it hydraulic something?" Phil nodded and gestured for Dan to carry on. "A...A...ACTION!"

"Yeah! Well done! Carry on."

"Okay, so it's now a cave and.. It widens into an arch because of another erosional process."

"Which is..?"

"I have no idea."

"It begins with A.."

"I genuinely don't know."

"That's okay."

"The top of the arch is worn away by weathering and it collapses, leaving two..." Phil gestured for Dan to finish his sentence. "STACKS! That's it."

"Well done."

"Then that shrinks and collapses due to weathering and the other erosional process I couldn't remember. That's a stump."

"Well done, Dan! I knew you could do it! Next card." Phil flipped the second card to reveal the word 'abrasion'.

"That's the one I couldn't remember. It's the one where the waves throw rocks and stuff against the cliff." Phil nodded, flipping the next card. 'Attrition'. Dan pulled a face, trying to remember the word. He couldn't. He even furrowed his eyebrows together in thought but nothing was coming to him. So he shrugged, frowning to himself.

"That's okay. It's the process where rocks and sediment hit against each other. Repeat it."

"Rocks and sediment hit against each other. I think I remember it now." Phil grinned, turning the next card around. 'Hydraulic Action'. "Where water and air enter cracks in the rock and make it expand. I know that one!" Dan was smiling widely because he was proud of himself for remembering it (Phil was proud too).

"Well done!" 'Longshore Drift.'

"It's the one where the waves pick up the sediment and pull it in the direction of the wind.."

"What wind?"

"I don't know?"

"Prevailing wind."

"Oh, okay. Gravity pulls the waves back at a 90° angle to the.."

"The..?" When Phil could see Dan was struggling, he chipped in. "Swash."

"Oh and the waves being pulled back are the backwash!"


"The sediment thing is slowly being dragged along which is Longshore Drift, right?"


20 minutes later and Dan and Phil had gone through all of the cards. Dan had got the majority of them right, resulting in a lot (A LOT) of grinning: he was so proud of himself.

"See! I knew you could do it!" Phil exclaimed, jumping off of the bed so that e could hug his friend.

"Apparently I was just studying wrong." Dan chuckled and it was completely genuine. He wasn't faking his good mood.

"Yeah, people have different ways of learning. Next time you need to revise, I can make you some more flash cards if you want."

"Please?" Phil nodded, smiling at his friend. "Oh and Phil? I have a science exam coming up."

Do you have exams coming up?

Yeah.. During the next two weeks, I have loads XD

Dan and Phil One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now