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It's my brother's birthday on Sunday say happy birthday to him if you want XD

"I'll be fine!" Phil assured, dragging out the 'i' in fine. Dan bit his lip, scanning his boyfriend with a doubtful look on his face.

"You've been having nightmares every day for the past month."

"I know but one night will be okay. You'll be here in the morning and, if I really do need you, I will call you."

"Okay." Dan huffed, shoving his hands into his pockets and turning to face the front door.

"Have fun." Phil kissed Dan's cheek as he walked out the door. He didn't quite see the frown on his boyfriend's face.


"Okay." Phil said to himself. He had Lion clutched to his chest and one of Dan's soft toys too. He was wearing one of Dan's hoodies and it was just about too big for him. He was tucked up in his bed as he tried his best not to focus on the loud outside world.

He must have been lying there for an hour when he decided that he was getting absolutely nowhere. He wasn't comfortable because Dan's arms weren't wrapped around him and a jumper couldn't quite replace his arms. He climbed out of his blue, green and purple covers and wandered into Dan's room. He smiled very lightly at the sight of Dan's bed, slipping under the covers.

He, once again, closed his eyes, attempting to sleep. This time he actually did drift off and it only took him around half an hour.


Phil woke up, letting out a frightened squeak. Lion and Dan's soft toy were still in his arms but they couldn't exactly protect him.


Phil froze, his eyes glued open as they darted around the dark room.

'There's no one there.' He tried to think but it didn't help at all.


It sounded like someone was walking up the creaky stairs and Phil's heart was suddenly pounding inside his chest. He was on the verge of crying, his whole body shaking violently.

He jerked out his arm, blindly picking up his phone. He held down the home button and Siri's voice made him jump. "Call Dan." He muttered, swallowing thickly.

Siri quickly responded with, "Sorry, I'm not sure what you said." Phil let out a frustrated cry, repeating himself with a louder, shakier voice.

"Calling Dan..."

Phil could not think of any words to express how relieved he was when he heard his boyfriend's soft, calming voice. "Phil, are you okay?" Dan sounded concerned and Phil suddenly felt extremely bad for calling him when Dan was meant to be having fun.

Phil sniffed, furiously wiping at the tears that were about to fall down his cheeks. "Yeah, sorry for bothering you."

"You're not. Your voice is shaking. Do you want me to come home?"

"I just.. had a nightmare, it's fine."

Phil heard something tap against the window and he froze, not daring to carry on talking. He was trying to be rational, thinking that it's only a tree branch or the wind rather than a murderer or zombie.

"It's not fine! I'm coming home."

"No, Dan, please don't... You're meant to be with your friends.. not me."

"You're way more important. Plus, this party is absolutely terrible. Everyone is drunk and it stinks of alcohol."

"You could have drunk something?"

"I didn't want to have a hangover tomorrow because I have stuff to work on. Anyways, I am leaving now. I will be home in five minutes!"

Phil didn't want to argue. "O-Okay!"

He was actually glad that his boyfriend was going to come home and protect him.


"I have to go, Chris! Phil had a nightmare!" Dan yelled over the sound of some stupid pop song that he hadn't heard of before.

"Can't he look after himself?" Chris shouted, equally loud. Dan let out a loud sigh as Chris placed his hand on Dan's shoulder. "You need to have fun and drink something." Chris was slurring all his words and it would have been hilarious if Dan wasn't worrying about his boyfriend.

"See you, Chris!"

"Bye Dan!"


Phil's heart rate picked up as Dan's bedroom door open and the light was flickered on. "There you are!" Dan exclaimed, bending down and taking off his shoes. "I thought you would be in your room."

"Sorry," Phil mumbled. "I thought I would sleep better in here."

"Aw," Dan lifted up the bed covers and slipped in beside Phil. He smiled as he noticed how Phil was cuddling the soft toys. "You're so adorable... Do you want to talk about the nightmare?"

Phil shook his head, leaning it on Dan's shoulder. Dan nodded in understanding, wrapping an arm around his fragile boyfriend's body.

"I always sleep better when you're here." Phil was obviously very tired, it was apparent in his quiet, weak voice. He let out a soft yawn, burying his head further into Dan's shoulder.

"I knew I shouldn't have gone." Dan kissed Phil's head softly, making Phil let out a small sound to represent his contentment. "Just try and sleep, okay?" Dan awaited a response but his boyfriend went completely silent.

Dan grinned once he noticed that Phil was fast asleep.

I wrote a new book called The Glass Room and I don't know whether to post it or not? It hasn't got a decent cover and it's a bit weird? It might be hard to understand?

This is the description:
Dan needs to let go. His parents died and he was left to live with his aunt.
Nothing was really the same and he just didn't want to let go of the people that once made his life happy.
He has a recurring nightmare that haunts him every night. He is stuck in a glass room and he doesn't know how to escape.
He's trapped. Not just metaphorically but literally too.

Would you be interested?

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