Lucky Day

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I'm so tired for some reason XD

Can I just say that if you don't understand Pokemon Go, this may be a little hard to understand

Dan looked down at his phone and grumbled something incoherent. He was playing Pokémon Go and it was messing with his head and slightly agitating him. There was apparently a Lapras nearby but no matter how far Dan walked (in any direction) he couldn't find it anywhere.

It's got to be by water, right? Nope. Dan had already searched all around the lake just to be met with too many Krabbys and Magikarps.

Obviously the stupid Lapras was rebellious and didn't like to hang out where it was meant to.

Dan grumbled a little more before walking into a park, filled with little kids in the playground and adults and teenagers on their phones. He didn't pay attention to the other players, he just kept walking, waiting for the Lapras to appear.

Dan was about half way across the large field when he heard someone yell, "There's a Lapras!"

Dan's head perked up (literally like a meerkat) and he began to speed walk down the field. Then it finally appeared in front of him and he had to hold back a (very manly) squeal.

It took him about five minutes to catch the Pokémon but, when he did, he felt nothing but satisfaction.

"Are you playing Pokémon Go?" Someone asked, making Dan look up from his phone.

"Yeah.." Dan mumbled, meeting the stranger's blue eyes.

"Did you catch the Lapras?"

"Of course I did."

"Me too. I'm Phil by the way."


They went silent for a couple of seconds, both looking down at their phones. Most people at the field just left after catching the Lapras so they were pretty much alone.

"Dan! Look! Look!" Phil randomly squealed, thrusting his phone into Dan's face.

"What?" Dan replied, grabbing Phil's arm to steady the phone so it was readable.

"There's a Snorlax nearby! Two rare Pokémon in one day? Wow, this must be my lucky day."

"I'm going to go and try to find-" Dan started but Phil quickly cut him off with a laugh.

"I'm coming with you!"

At the end of that day, they both got home with smiles on their faces (not only because of the rare Pokemon).

I really like this XD

Dan and Phil One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now