So Glad Chris Exists

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Whaaaaat I wrooooote somethiiiiiing

Dan took a bite into his sandwich, staring towards the large tree that was in the centre of the field. No, he wasn't staring at the tree but at the group of boys sitting by it, laughing loudly at everything they were saying. Dan couldn't quite make out the words but every so often he'd hear the cute little chuckle of Phil, the reason Dan watched the group so closely. He was just so attractive with his floppy ginger hair, his kind blue eyes and his geeky clothing style. Dan knew that he had so much in common with the popular boy but, to Phil he was almost nothing, just a boy who faded into the background, barely existing.

He brushed the crumbs leftover from his sandwich off of his lap as the bell rang. From his spot at the end of the field it was rather hard to hear but, when he concentrated enough, he could just about hear the ringing. He picked up his black backpack and stood up, following everyone else into school.


Dan was sat in maths and he was fumbling through his bag, trying to find the pencil he knew was in there. Maybe under his PE kit? He let out a loud huff, slumping back into his chair as he gave up. Phil turned to look at him, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. "Are you alright?" He asked in his northern accent. His accent was different to everyone else's, having moved from Manchester at the beginning of the year; to say it infatuated Dan was an understatement.

"Uh," Dan could feel himself going bright red, despite how much he was trying not to. "Yeah... I just can't find my pencil..."

"I have a spare?" Phil reached into his pencil case before pulling out a pencil and handing it to Dan. Dan was aware that his hands were sweating but he took the pencil anyway before stammering out a "thank you" to show his gratitude. He then had a moment where he screamed inside, grinning widely as he had actually talked to Phil!

"Are you sure you're alright? You've gone really red? Do you think you could be getting sick; I could take you to the nurse?"

Dan couldn't help but laugh a little to himself as, for once, he wasn't the one making a fool out of himself by rambling. "Yeah, I feel amazing."


"I know you like him." A voice said as a shadow appeared over Dan. He looked up, wiping away the crumbs that were covering his mouth with his arm. It was lunch the day after he had talked to Phil and he was still ecstatic because of the short conversation.

"Like who?" Dan questioned, pretending to be oblivious.

"Phil." The other boy looked at him with a knowing smirk on his face. It was Chris, one of Phil's best friends. He had never talked to Dan before as they didn't have any classes together and they didn't share any friends so Dan wasn't sure how he had found out about his crush. "It's so obvious.. I mean, every lunch you stare at him with these 'heart eyes'. I don't think you could make it anymore obvious, even if you ran around screaming 'I love Phil Lester' all the time."

Dan found himself blushing again as he shamefully looked down at his lap. "Please don't tell him..."

"Why not?"

"I can't have him hate me. He's the only thing that keeps me going."


"Phil, are you looking for a relationship at all?" Chris asked as they were putting things into their lockers.

"I don't really know.. I do like someone at the moment but I don't think there's any chance we could go out." Phil responded, sounding a tiny bit confused about the question that came so out of the blue.

"Aw really? I think someone likes you." Chris was trying to be discreet as he was aware that Dan was putting things slowly into his locker not too far away, obviously listening to their conversation.


"I can't say but all I know is that they watch you every lunch time and they're into all the same things as you. I think you'd be perfect for him really."

Phil bit his lip, shutting his locker. His mind had already jumped to the conclusion that Chris was talking about himself without trying to make it obvious. They were best friends though.. would it work? Plus, Phil had his eyes on someone else but he had no chance with that person. Maybe if he tried with Chris, he might find a love for him he wasn't aware was there. It wouldn't be so bad, would it?

"Chris, I know who you're talking about."

"You do?" Chris' eyes widened and he swallowed thickly, swear words running through his head: Dan would kill him for telling him.

"Yes and I think it could work. I admit that you're not the person I like but maybe we could try and see where it goes." Phil then scrunched his eyes shut, leaning towards his best friend even though his heart was screaming for him not to. Just as their lips were about to touch, Chris pushed him away. But it was too late... Dan had already ran.

"No, you idiot!" Chris said, raising his voice a little. "I don't like you! I mean, I do as a friend but that isn't the point! Dan loves you, isn't that obvious?! Now he thinks you don't like him and he has just ran off. Go after him."

"What- why would I go after him? I don't even like-"

"You do. You stare at him all the time, Phil. It's obvious. Now, go get your boy."

Phil stood still for a moment, everything that just happened slowly registering in his mind until it kicked in and he ran down the hall after Dan.


After about twenty minutes of searching, Phil was about to give up. With one last spark of hope, he pushed open the door to the boys' toilets, not expecting to find the boy. But, there he was, his back against one of the toilet stalls, his head buried deep into his hands. Phil could just about hear his soft sobs as his whole body trembled. "Dan.." Phil said, his voice just about loud enough for Dan to hear.

"Leave me alone." Dan's shaky, scared voice almost broke Phil's heart.

"No.. you got the wrong idea."

"How did I? You were going to kiss Chris, you like him."

"I don't. I just thought he liked me and I never thought you'd like me back so I thought I might as well make him happy."

"Yeah, right. You just don't want to humiliate me."

"No, Dan..." Phil bent down so that he met Dan's sitting height. "I have liked you for so long, I can't believe you didn't notice? The day I gave you that pencil, oh my gosh- I was scared my heart was burst out of my chest, it was beating that fast. Oh, and every lunch when you'd stare into space-"

Dan's eyes widened and he looked up to Phil, interrupting him by saying, "I wasn't staring into space."

"Oh? What were you staring at then?" Phil asked, completely oblivious.

Dan let out a small laugh. "You. I was staring at you."

"Oh my gosh-" Phil literally face palmed. "I'm such an idiot. All this time-"

"Yes. All this time, I've been in love with you and you haven't noticed."

"I'm so glad Chris exists."

"Me too... If it wasn't for him, I'd never know you liked me too." Dan sniffed, before realising how he had been sobbing and so he must look so unattractive with his puffy eyes and red cheeks. "I must look so ugly right now." He laughed, frantically wiping his eyes with his arm.

"No. You look beautiful, Dan. So, so beautiful..." Phil then sat down in front of Dan and started to lean forward. Dan noticed and also started to move forward, closing his eyes as he awaited the moment when their lips would finally touch for the first time. When they finally met, it was better than how either of them had ever imagined it.

Just seconds after they pulled back, the toilet door flew open to reveal Chris. He grinned widely as soon as he noticed their pink cheeks, obviously realising what had just happened. "Finally." He muttered. "I don't understand how you two are on top set for everything. You both are so oblivious and idiotic."

Hey! Sorry I haven't uploaded in ages and this random post doesn't mean I'll start uploading again, I just randomly felt like writing something :p

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