Chapter 19~ Defeat of a Dictator

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Hello All!!

SURPRISE!! Here's another chapter cuz I kept you waiting so long for the last one.

I hope you enjoy Ferrior's new purple hair and I'm gonna upload a picture that I drew of the both of them soon.

Your fellow reader and writer,

Laura :D

Willy's POV

"Brandon Masters, you are hereby expelled from the Camp Bluejeans program."

Mr. Masters came to fetch his son after an outraged Keith nagged him out about how serious it was and how Ferrior and I could have been seriously hurt. Then we watched as Brandon Masters, with one last evil glare, walked out the door to the cabin, leaving the camp with one less moron. Ferrior and I jumped and danced around for joy.

"Hurrah!" I shouted gleefully, "We must celebrate! The tyrant hath been vanquished!"

"My fair lady! This is a day that shall be remembered by all," Ferrior said in his narrator voice with one hand to his chest and the other in an extravagant flourish, "As the day that good triumphs over evil and peace is once more restored to this fine land of Bluejeans. We must celebrate and be merry!"

He looked kinda funny with his purple hair and I couldn't take him seriously for a little while after the incident.

Keith was livid and absolutely astounded at what happened this morning. Brandon Masters had filled the water guns with purple hair dye and sprayed Ferrior with it. When I came and yelled at them to stop, the one guy sprayed me too. Other than a small part of the front of my hair being dyed purple, I came out unscathed, but Ferrior was blasted with a ton of it. All of his hair was stained purple, as well as some of the skin on his face and his chest.

I was still trying to process what had happened this morning. At first, Ferrior just took it, (not in a helpless way but it a refusal to react to their stupidity. There's a big difference.) but after I got sprayed, something clicked and he beat the crap out of all of them. When he stared down Brandon and told him to get off of me, I was terrified. With all of the purple dye on him and without a shirt, he looked like some mutant super hero out of the Incredible Hulk.

Bethany and I took Ferrior into the shower in their cabin and got all of the dye out of his hair. It was pretty bad. His blond hair had turned a bright, bluish-purple and no matter how hard we tried, his neck and scalp were the same color.

"I kinda like it," he said, spiking his hair up, "It looks pretty bamph."

"Mine doesn't though," I commented, examining the random clump of hair that had gotten dyed, "It looks ridiculous."

"Well I don't have any hair dye with me," said Bethany, "So you're going to have to wait a couple of days until we can get some."

My shirt was completely ruined and so were my pants from the hair dye. I was glad that I was wearing a pair of cheap sweats and a ratty old t-shirt instead of my silk pajamas.

The only thing that I was really upset about was my white converse. They were splattered too and permanently stained.

When we went to breakfast, a bunch of people stared at us. When we sat down at our table, all of our friends started talking at once.

This is all that I caught: "What the-", "Dude! Why are you purple!?", "Willy! What did you-?", "Hey! Love the new hair-", and "Holy hair-color Bat Man!"

After they all settled down we told them everything that happened.

"So Masters is really gone?" Chris asked, "We're actually free of him?"

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