Talk Me Down.

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I wake up to whispers outside the tent Clarke and I slept in. So I poked my fingers through the flaps to see Indra and Anya speaking to some soldiers outside. I'm trying to listen in but I feel Clarke's arms wrap around my torso and lift up my shirt. She pulled me down slowly so she could trail kisses from my naval right above my breasts and then to my neck.

"Up so early commander?" She smiled into the kiss she planted on my lips and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Yeah we have to go Clarke."

I said but she pulled me in for another kiss then rolled me over and sat on my waist.

"Oh we have to?"
She looked down at me with a smirk and put her thumb on my lower lip. I was so tempted to open up and bite it but instead my hands slid onto her thighs to grab her hips. I leaned up and her fingers tangled through my hair. I felt her legs curl around me.

"Yes Clarke we have to."

I felt the heat between my legs rising and a want, no, a need for Clarke.

She was about kiss me again when I held onto her tight and shot up. She laughed an unfamiliar laugh that was filled with happiness and innocence. It made my heart stop when she looked at me with the biggest smile. The tip of her tongue was between her teeth and her cheeks a light shade of pink which made me crazy. Her laugh fading when I looked into her eyes.

"I love you Clarke."

She was looking at me with a hint of sympathy and a soft smile.

"I know"

She dropped her legs and picked up her shirt off the ground and began dressing. I did the same and waited for Clarke to finish. She took my hand and we walked out together and I looked around to see everyone slowly emerging from their tents. Abby was watching me and my smile disappeared, she made me feel uncomfortable so I dropped Clarke's hand but she picked it right back up. I spun to look at her and she was looking at her mother angrily.

I walked over to Anya putting out a small fire with her feet and I glanced to see Indra walking with more soldiers, there were about 8 men with 9 horses. I stopped and let Clarke go talk to Anya so I could speak with Indra.

"Heda" she bowed

"Are you bringing these men out here for the Natblidas?"

"Yes, but also to bring you horses so you don't have to walk back."

"Mochof Indra" Thank you Indra

"Pro Heda." You're welcome commander.

I turn and walk towards Clarke who was glowing as she spoke to Anya. Even being so far away from her I could see her beautiful blue eyes and I always felt immediately better looking at her. Out of the corner of my eye I see Raven coming at me.

"Goodmorning commander heart eyes"
She said with a smirk. I shot her an embarrassed look and hung my head down with a small smile.

"Oh yeah I saw that right now the way you looked at Clarke. And I saw it all last night too, you kept staring and staring and staring. Anyone could tell that you have a thing for Clarke by the way you watch her."

I didn't deny it because I knew I always looked at her whenever she was anywhere near me. I tried my best to drink in every moment Clarke was in my presence.

"Lexa, do you mind?"

I shifted to see Abby waving me over. I was only steps away from Anya and Clarke but I walked over to her instead. She wasn't too far away but just enough so our conversation would be private.

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