My Heart

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"You will find Clarke and bring her back to me unharmed and I will let you and your people free."

"Commander, you killed my mother. Do you expect me to do anything you say?"

"yes because I'm the commander and I will kill you if you don't."

"Sha, Heda." yes, commander

"Em Ste Yuj En Pis" She is strong and angry.

He turns to leave and Titus goes with him. I decide to return to my room. Anya and I walked out together.

"Since when did you let your feelings overcome you so easily Lexa? If she loves you as much as you love her it will work itself out."

"I know Anya, it's just... Clarke is special."

We arrive at my door. Anya pulls me in for a hug. I could smell a mixture of mint and pine, the signature scent of being in the forest too long. I remember what Clarke smells like. I even remember when we first met. She was wearing the sky people's clothes but she was so fresh-faced than. Not a speck of dirt touched her skin, and she had the clearest blue eyes just like the sky of that very day. Now she wears the clothes of my people and it seems like she always has a bit of dirt somewhere. I never once thought she wasn't beautiful. Anya released me from the hug and walked away. I turned to lean against the door and I looked up to keep the tears from rolling down my face. I bit down hard on my lip to avoid shaking and I held my hands together and tried breathing slowly. I swiveled around and opened my door.

I walk over to a table and shuffled some papers around. I heard a scuffing of feet on the floor behind me reached for my sword as I turned.




Her eyes searched mine in sorrow.

"I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye Lexa. That's not fair to either of us."

Even though she saw me and we were alone she didn't dare get close to me. I wanted so badly to close this gap between us.

"Why did you leave?"

Her expression stoic but her voice told me everything. I hurt her.

"Lexa I wanted to give you privacy to deal with your duties as commander and I needed to pack so I can leave for Arcadia."

She looked down and I could tell she was trying to find something to keep me here. When she finally looked up at me her face was soft.

"when do you leave?"


She nodded her head at me sad and disappointedly. I couldn't fight the urge to stay away from her I had to walk in closer. I thought she would step away but she remained still.

"I'm sorry."

"don't be... you have to go back, they're your people."

She searched me eyes for something. A hint of anything.

"That's why I..."

I looked at her hopeful expecting the next words that I felt so strongly for her to come.

"That's why you're you."

I pinched my lips together and nodded slightly. She looked at the floor but I could not resist touching her. My hand went up halfway and back down. She saw and moved in a little. I had to. My arm went back up and my fingers tilted her head up from her chin so her eyes met mine. She looked at me like a tiny lost puppy. Little did she know I was the one lost in her.

"I love you too, Lexa"

Her chin was quivering and a tear rolled down her left cheek. My other hand went up to wipe it away but she had reached up and our hands met. I curled my fingers through hers and pulled her in. She looked at me completely lost. I let go of her hand to cup her face and my thumb rested on her upper check bone where I started to trace circles. Her hands were slipping through my hair once I pulled her in to kiss me. It was so soft and delicate it felt like touching a cloud. Never had I just been so adamant on kissing her lips before. I just wanted to kiss them forever. We kept stopping to catch our breathes, I felt so nervous but I was so sure this is what I wanted. She leaned in and I sucked on her bottom lip softly. Lexa's hands were at my waist when she tugged at the belt loops on my jeans. My hand lowered from her cheek to her neck and I could feel her pulse. Her heart was racing. I wanted to give her everything I had to offer but I couldn't keep my lips from hers.

"Clarke, I want you." She breathed against my lips and her words vibrated in my ears as her lips moved from mine to my cheek.

I slid the straps from her top off of her shoulders one at a time letting my fingers drag across her skin. My head sinks down to let my lips touch from her neck all the way to her collar bone to her shoulder. I could feel her shiver. She sat back on the bed and looked up at me. I stared down at her perfectly green eyes in disbelief that they were mine. I dip down and I lay on top of her. I went to kiss her and I pushed her mouth open to taste her tongue.

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