The Fight

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"CLARKE.... Clarke please don't ignore my advice! Stop walking away you must listen to me."

"Save it Lexa, I don't want to her it."

Clarke continues to walk back to camp and Lexa follows in silence. She knows once they get back she'll hear more of this.


Why did Lexa do that to me I can't believe she let that happen. Okay chill out Clarke we're almost to camp.

She's being really quiet I hope she's thinking about this as much as I am.

We're about to enter camp when I swear I heard Lexa choke down a giggle. I fought so hard not to turn around and stop her dead in her tracks. Instead I glanced sideways at her giving her the angriest looking glare I could muster.

I saw her straighten up and her face immediately went serious. I tried not to feel victorious in that moment that I had made her submissive.

We're in camp now, and Lexa is pleading with her eyes to get someone to stop her and "talk" about something so she can get out of the mouthful I have planned for her. I walk over to the tent and aggressively whip open the flap to enter. I walk in and start pacing.

I could tell Lexa stopped outside the tent just before entering, but only just a milisecond because I could hear the rest of her deep breathe on her way in.

I'm faced away from her but I turn around and she's looking dead at me, and I can tell she's about to say something from the breathe she took but I held up my hand.

She stops and looks at the floor with her calm and collected face and her green eyes were now looking at my feet.

"Lexa, I cannot believe you let that happen!? I mean I trusted you, I trust your people."

"Clarke-" she was trying her hardest not to burst into laughter, her lips squished shut by her teeth. "Clarke it was an accident, I didn't think that you were going to fall on your ass and-"

"Shut up Lexa! I thought that when you said you were going to help me train YOU were going to help me train, not one of your people. You gave me the biggest fucker you have. Yeah I understand, sure, you wanted to show your people the "powers" of Wanheda but you let this guy knock me on my ass and almost kill me."

"Clarke, you broke his nose and called him princess. It's pretty fair that he knocked you down."

"Yeah sure Lex, you let him kick me down and look what happened. I got a stick up my ass."

I noticed she got a little flustered when I called her Lex, she doesn't care much for nicknames but for some reason this had her turned on. I ignored it.

She looked at me and smiled and calmly said, "Clarke you did not get a stick up your ass you simply fell into a position that it ALMOST did."

"But- "

With a little more urgency in her voice she began, "no Clarke, you fell and it went between your crotch and it looked suggestive so my soldiers laughed. It's not my fault that you were embarrassed, I couldn't do anything."

I could feel my body tensing and my anger swelling. I was going to burst at what she'd just said.



I realized after I'd said it she was really angry. My legs clenched together to keep myself standing up straight and not wobbly.


I felt uneasy. I never liked making Clarke mad but when I did I tried to enjoy the way her face scrunched up. Her eyebrows furrow in together to make this adorable wrinkle. And she had a new cut on the bridge of her nose from getting punched but it truly enhanced how serious her face gets. I tried not to look like I was admiring her and to look more like I was listening but her sweet baby blues had me mesmerized. I had temporarily forgotten about the situation at hand and she could tell.


Gazing into her eyes I postured my body to look as if I was being attentive. Which I was.

"Of course I am Clarke."

She looked to the side then back at me.

"You could've stopped them from laughing at me but no, you join in with them. While you were laughing your ass off, mine was almost destroyed."

I couldn't help but to laugh at the filthy thoughts entering my head once she said that. I looked at her longingly.

"Lexa, get your head out of the gutter I'm really mad at you."

I brought my face up trying to recover from the second round of dirty thoughts to overcome my mind. With a serious face I looked her in her soft yet dark blue eyes piercing through me and I noticed she had gotten a few steps closer.

"Forgive me Clarke, I didn't think it was going to be a problem for you since you never let anything get to you."

She was inching towards me and I was trying not to smirk as I looked at her.

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