I fell in love with a young thug....now what?

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"Jashaun I'm leaving!" I yelled from the front door as Zarina held my hand lightly.

Moments later Jashaun came rushing down the stairs, in nothing but boxers on.

"Babe why aren't you dressed, you're gonna be late again," I stated.

Jashaun pressed his lips against mine and squeezed my butt.

Once he pulled away he smirked at me. "I'm not gonna be late today, I promise,".

He held out his pinky and I wrapped mine around his.

"Have a good day at work, I love you," He called out right before the door closed.

"Love you too,".

I walked into the garage and looked at the two cars in front of me, a black escalade and a red lambourgini.

"Which one should we drive in baby?" I asked Zarina.

"The lambourgini," She said, a grin plastered on her face.

I took a moment to think about how far along me and Jashaun have gotten. Two years ago I met Jashaun and he changed my life. Now, we live in a beautiful family house in Syracuse. His mom and his sister don't live too far from us. I call Ali every other day, and I visit her when I can. I work at a place where people help families who have been affected by Rape. Jashaun somehow got me the job even though I don't have a college degree. I promised him I would go back to college one day. Jashaun goes to college and he still hasn't told me what he does to get money, he just tells me that it isn't dangerous and it will never mess up our relationship. I have a better relationship with my mom, we talk almost every day. David comes to Syracuse once a year and spends a week with Zarina, he still sends me money every month.

After I dropped Zarina off at her daycare I drove to my job. As usual I walked into my office room and sat on the black chair behind my wooden desk. I turned on my computer and glanced at the screen, checking for appointments. Seconds later Ms. Carey busted into my office unannounced which didn't bother me because I expected it. Ms. Carey was one of my older patients who was raped 6 months ago, she liked to use humor to distract her from the emotional pain she was dealing with.

"Hello Ms. Carey," I greeted her with a smile.

She plopped down on the seat on the other side of my desk. "What I told you about calling me Ms. Carey? Call me June, that's the name my Momma gave me,".

I sighed as I scrolled through my messages on my computer. "Sorry June, how are you feeling today?".

Ms. Carey sucked her teeth. "You know I don't wanna be here, my doctor make me come here,".

I smirked. "You wanna leave me?".

"Girl stop being so dramatic you know that's not what I meant! Anyway how's you and that sexy young thing you got?" She questioned as she played with the straps on her purse.

"If you're referring to Jashaun, we're doing good," I retorted. "But how are you doing?".

She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Well my niece always leaving her bad kids at my house. I think she doing drugs with her little boyfriend again. I swear if she doing drugs again Ima take them kids from her,".

I listened to her talk about her kids and her niece until her time was up. I had a new client today so I was a little nervous. I was always nervous when I had a new client. Probably because I didn't know what to expect. Some we're rowdy and aggressive and some were sweet and humble. I crossed my legs and awaited the arrival of my new client. Seconds later I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in," I said softly, trying to sound extra nice.

The door opened slowly and I glanced into a pair of soft shy hazel eyes.

"Hi, my name is Jasmine," The girl said as she looked around the room nervously then sat down.

"Hello its nice to meet you Jasmine I'm Eva," I held my hand out and she politely shook it.

"How old are you sweetheart?".

"18. Am I going to get in trouble?" She asked quickly.

"No not at all sweetheart I just wanna help you," I responded as the door opened again and a man peeked his head inside.

The girl looked back at me. "That's my brother Cameron, he's 29, he's my legal guardian. Can he come in?".

"If you're going to be comfortable then he can stay," I replied as I greeted the man with a warm smile.

He glared at me angrily then sat down in the other seat next to Jasmine.

She smiled at me apologetically. I asked her simple questions about what she liked until her time was up.

After two more hours of counseling people my shift was over and I was happy to finally be able to go home. I picked up Zarina and drove home. Once I got home Jashaun was lounging on the couch, as usual. He usually did that as soon as he came home from school until I got home. I smiled when Zarina let go of my hand and jumped into Jashaun's lap. She talked to him about her day then eventually ran off to her room. I collapsed on the couch beside him.

"Whatcha watching?".

"Some weird show about people with strange addictions," He responded as he pulled me onto his lap until I was straddling him. I pecked his lips then rested my head on his chest.

"How was work?".

"It was good. I got a new client today," I retorted. "How was school?".

"Good I guess,".

"Do you know what you wanna do when you finish?" I asked.

"I don't know Eva," He responded as he tensed up.

"Well you gotta start thinking about it babe you're almost done with college,".

"I don't fucking know Eva!" He snapped as he slightly pushed me off of his lap and walked into the kitchen.

I stood up and followed him into the kitchen. "What's with the attitude?".

"Listen I had a long day alright, let me cool off. I'll be right back I'm gon smoke," He said as he walked past me and out the door.

I fell in love with a young thug....now what?Where stories live. Discover now