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"Hmmm," I groaned right before my eyes flickered open.

I heard slight shuffling beside me so I tilted my head to the right. Cameron was sitting in the chair where Ali was supposed to be. A little boy was sitting in his lap, laying on his chest.

The little boy must've heard me clear my throat so he looked over at me. He looked exactly like Cameron, so I assumed the little boy was his son. So many questions swarmed in my throbbing head.

How did Cameron get here?

How did he get his son?

As I tried to answer my own questions a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Ya awake,".

I stared at Cameron, he had a forced smile on his face. He tapped the boy on his back, causing the boy to hesitantly slide off of Cameron's lap.

"How ya feeling?" Cameron asked sincerely with a look of pure sympathy on his face. Once he stood up I looked up so I could still see his face, his eyes were shimmering in the light as if he was going to cry. The last thing I wanted him to do was cry, especially for me.

"Better than ever," I retorted as my voice began to crack a little while I talked.

Cameron chuckled, but just like his smile, it was forced.

"Dis' my son," He said as he pointed to the little boy beside him. "Say hi,".

The little boy waved at me briefly then clutched onto Cameron's leg.

"He looks just like you," I smiled. "How did you get him?".

"I went to court without a lawyer begging da judge for rights and Daysha jus' gave me visitation rights," He responded.

"That's good, I'm so happy for you Cameron," I retorted.

Cameron nodded before he turned to the little boy. "Wait outside fo' me aight?".

The little boy nodded then scurried out of the hospital room, sitting in a seat on the outside.

"Ya friend told me everything dat happened," Cameron said. "I shouda never kicked ya out,".

"Cameron stop, none of this was your fault,".

"I'm sorry," He cried.

"Cameron stop," I pleaded as I held back tears that threatened to spill over.

"I love ya Eva, when dey told me ya got shot my heart stopped beatin'. Ya da only person who can do dat," He said.

I reached up letting my fingers glide over his smooth skin, he gripped my hand and kissed it.

If he would've did that a few months ago I would've snatched my hand away, but this time was different. I loved Jashaun but I loved Cameron too. He continued planting soft kisses on my hand while still looking into my eyes.

"Can I kiss ya?" He asked.

I quickly wiped away a stray tear that fell from my eye. I brought his face down closer to mine and kissed his cheek.

Neither one of said anything for a few minutes.

"Um ya friend should be back soon, Ima head out,".

"Okay," I said lowly.

I watched him turn away from me and head towards the door, before he got all the way out the door I called his name.


"When I get out of here maybe me and Zarina can go out with you and your son?" I smirked.

He laughed lightly because he had asked me that same question a long time ago.


He walked out of the hospital room, grabbed his son's hand and they strolled out of the exit door of the hospital.

I rested my head on the pillow behind my head and looked up to the pale white ceiling.

"Rest in peace Eshaun Thomas,".

That would've been the name of my baby boy.

The sound of footsteps against tile floors coming closer caused me to look to my left, Ali, Donte, and Zarina were approaching me with big balloons and teddy bears in their hands.

"Mommy!" Zarina exclaimed as she attempted to jump on me but Ali held her back.

"You can't jump on Mommy now," Ali said.

"Hey baby," I grinned at Zarina.

"Hi Mommy I brought you a card," She responded while handing me a white piece of paper that she drew on.

I smiled as I accepted the hand made card. I looked over at Donte.

"I'm sorry Donte, I know how much Jashaun was your fri-,".

"He shot you Eva, the only thing I was worried about was if you were okay," Donte said.

"I'm okay,".

Ali wrapped her arm around Donte's shoulder then kissed his cheek.

I smiled lightly at them.

Maybe things would go back to normal.

I fell in love with a young what?Where stories live. Discover now