Second Chance.

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My eyes barely opened but I could see, barely. Everything was a slight blur. I attempted to part my lips so I could talk but instead of words sounding I began to cough viciously. A long clear tube had been shoved down my throat.

"She's Awake!" A voice screeched joyfully.

Since my vision was blurred all I could see was whiteness coming towards me, then I heard people talking fast. I couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Ms. Thomas if you can hear me nod your head," A male voice spoke.

I stiffly nodded my head up and down.

"Good, now can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?".

I shook my head no.

That's when people started talking quickly again and that's when my eyes closed again.

*** 5 hours later ***

My eyes fluttered open, and unlike before I could see much better now. I saw Ali slouched on a chair beside me, snoring annoyingly.

I wanted to talk but I didn't want to cough like I did before so instead of talking I hummed.


Ali groaned as she turned over in the seat and instantly feel asleep again.


This time she didn't budge. I decided to try to speak since humming wasn't catching Ali's attention.

"Ali," I moaned softly, smiling once I realized I didn't have a tube in my throat, but there was plenty of needles stuck in my arms. "Ali!".

Her body raised up and her eyes opened. She stared at me in awe.

"Eva, you're awake,".

"W-what happened?" I asked seriously as I lifted my body up, trying to sit in a more comfortable position. "W-wait what happened to my baby?!".

I frantically rubbed on my stomach through the hospital gown.

"Eva calm down before you have a panic attack again," She warned.

I calmed down a bit but tears continued cascading down my face.

"Where's Zarina?".

"She's with Donte, I didn't want her to see you like this," Ali explained.

"I lost the baby, didn't I?" I asked lowly, still rubbing my belly.

Ali just stared at me, tears began to stroll down her cheeks. I had never really seen Ali cry before.

"Yes," She said as she wiped her wet cheeks with her hands.

I cried silently, continuing to feel my belly, where my baby was supposed to be.

"What about Jashaun?" I mumbled.

"The cops said he shot himself in the head once they arrived at the scene," Ali said.

"Oh my god!" I cried harder.

Ali stood up from her seat and walked towards me, gently caressing my hair. I held her waist and cried on her stomach.

I cried.

And I cried.

And I cried some more.

I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

"Wait did you tell Donte?"

"Not yet, I don't know how he's gonna take it," Ali sniffled.

"Does his mom and sister know?".

"The police told them first," Ali answered.

"He was going through so much and I didn't listen to him, if I would've listene-,".

"Do not blame yourself," Ali demanded sternly. "Jashaun was going through things that you couldn't fix,".

"I should've talked to him more!" I exclaimed as I felt my heart rate speed up. A machine beside me beeped loudly.

Ali let go of me.

"DOCTORS!!!!!" She yelled.

All of a sudden the same people in white coats I had saw earlier were barging into the room again, speaking fast again, and sticking more needles into my skin.

"SHE'S HAVING ANOTHER PANIC ATTACK!" A female nurse shrieked as she pressed her index finger and her middle finger on the side of my neck, checking my pulse.

I watched them as they intensely maneuvered around the room, clicking buttons and rambling on and on about keeping me up.

Heyyyyy everyone, this was more of a filler chapter, I'm writing another chapter!!!!

One more chapter to go!!!!! Woooooohhhh!!!!!

Vote, comment, share with your bffs or whatever!!!!!

Okay bye beautiful fans!!!!!

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